Chapter 120:

"Hello, Captain Yejian!" Chiat walked into the door, looked at Yejian who was sitting on the sofa, and hurriedly greeted him.

"Well, Finlar, there is still a room available over there, just take him to live there." Ye Jian arranged.

"Yes, Captain!" Fenlar hurriedly led the way.

"Sister, I'm going to find a room first!" Chiat said hastily.

"Okay!" Kahono nodded quickly.

"Asta, I also brought Kahono back to my room!" Noelle said hastily.

"En!" Asta nodded, and after Noelle and Kahono left, he walked towards the place where Fanjieer and his wife lived. They live in a new house.

At the same time, Kahono also followed Noelle to Noelle's room. As soon as he entered the door, Kahono was amazed by the magnificence of the room.

"Noelle, is this the palace?" Kahono excitedly jumped onto the big sofa full of fragrance, and she will live in such a beautiful big house in the future.

"It's okay." Noelle felt ordinary, after all, her home was even more luxurious than this one, and compared to it, it was considered crude.

Chapter 286 Domina's happy life!

"The sofas and chairs are all made of gold, and this crystal lamp, super soft mattress..." Kahono rolled on the bed several times excitedly, and then said, "It feels so good to be rich!"

"With Kahono's voice, you should be popular in the capital soon." Noelle said affirmatively. Fan Jieer is being forced by Dominay to renovate the house, there is no way, now Fana has to move in, he needs to vacate a separate room as much as possible.

"Asta, you came at the right time, are you here to help us build a house?" Fan Jieer rushed over as if seeing a savior when he saw Asta, "I really can't handle these logs! "

"It's okay, leave it to me, I promise to build a super luxurious residence for you before sunset!" Asta said with a smile on his lips.

"Really?" Dominai stomped excitedly.

"It is necessary, you guys rest and rest!" Asta finished speaking and opened the eight gates of Dunjia Jingmen, and immediately started this large-scale project. I saw that Asta first selected several 15-meter stones in this primitive forest. The tall wood is then cut into neat boards with chakra by hand. These boards are thin and thick, and the thick ones are used for walls, while the thin ones are used for ceilings.

In less than half an hour, Asta shuttled back and forth like a flying man to cut all the wood.

"This speed is too exaggerated!" The Dominae were immediately dumbfounded.

"It's an exaggeration, as expected of Asta." Mariela was also shocked.

"Although I feel that I'm not of much use, but if I can help, just tell me." Fan Jieer was somewhat embarrassed and said hastily.

"Then polish the floor, after all, it's a place to walk, it's better to be smoother!" Asta laughed.

"Okay!" Fan Jieer laughed immediately, finally feeling a sense of participation.

"Asta, what can I do?" Dominay also asked expectantly.

"Let's make some hot tea!" Asta thought for a while.

"I'm the best at making milk tea!" Dominay started to get busy after speaking, while Mariela started to polish the wood with a dagger in silence.

"Well... what can I do?" Fana looked at himself with nothing to do, and immediately asked a little ashamed.

"Fana should be able to understand drawings and the like. I have processed these wooden boards according to the structure of mortise and tenon. When the time comes, you only need to follow the drawings like stacking wood to put the house together firmly. Now I give You draw it, and you assist Fan Jieer to build the other side, and as for polishing the floor, leave it to Mariela to do it!" Asta arranged.

"Good!" Fana immediately smiled sweetly.

"This structure is really amazing. Such a tall house can be built without a single nail!" Fan Jieer stopped polishing and looked at the blueprint drawn by Asta in shock.

"This is the crystallization of wisdom!" Asta smiled slightly, and began to assemble the room after drawing, and soon the prototype of a big house was built.

"Fana, let's start too, at least build a few boards before Asta completes the whole room!" Fan Jieer showed his fighting spirit.

"Okay!" Fana nodded, and soon, with the concerted efforts of everyone, a solid mortise and tenon house was built.

"It's so big, now everyone can finally have their own room, and the key is that there is also a separate bathroom and bathtub, which is a luxury!" Now Dominay finally didn't have to beat Fan Jieer because of the room.

"Looking at the new house is inexplicably happy, maybe this is ordinary happiness!" Mariela has been wandering, and at this time she looked at the brand new house with the smell of wood and suddenly laughed from the bottom of her heart.

"Finally, I don't have to be beaten now!" Fan Jieer wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Bastard, I just remembered, there is no meat in the house, how can I treat Asta later!" Dominai couldn't help but beat Fan Jieer as he spoke.

"Sorry, I'm going to go hunting now!" Fan Jie suddenly burst into tears.

"Really, when will I be able to eat meat every meal like ordinary people?" Dominay became angry again after speaking.

····Ask for flowers·····0

"For hunting, let's go together!" Asta saw a lot of wild game in the forest when he was logging just now. Anyway, these small animals are not difficult for him to catch, so he didn't make things difficult for Fan Jieer. He rushed directly into the woods, and soon caught a prey as huge as a hill.

"Did you catch all the prey in the whole forest!" Dominai was shocked.

"Too, too outrageous..." Fana also opened his mouth in surprise.

"The key is still alive?" Mariela couldn't help but ask.

"Sure enough, when a person is tough, he will look tough everywhere." Fan Jieer said.


"I don't have any meat to eat every day. It's really annoying. I'll just give you a livestock farm. As long as these animals are taken care of, they basically don't need to hunt anymore." Asta said, he cut down the surrounding trees and built it. a livestock farm.

"Asta, you really keep your promise, this is like a family, don't worry, I will be a good housewife, as for Fan Jieer, I will give you the daily fodder, Did you hear that?" Domina asked.

"Don't worry, it's all on me!" Fan Jie'er didn't dare to be lazy at this time, after all, Asta was about to taste the good life in his mouth now, if he didn't cherish it, he couldn't justify it.

"Asta, can you make some more chairs for the family!" Dominay said frustratingly.

"Of course it's okay, it's also my negligence. Now that we have a new home, how can we still use the old furniture!" Asta said, he rushed into the forest again, this time creating a solid table for each bedroom. The wooden bed and the matching furniture make this home completely luxurious.

"Tomorrow, I will go to the town to buy a clean bedding, and I will settle here from now on, and I won't go anywhere!" Dominay spread her arms happily.

"It's really rare to see Domina smiling so happily, I have to work hard!" Fan Jieer secretly cheered himself up.

Chapter 287 The Star Fruit Festival has begun!

"Next, I'll let you have a taste of my cooking!" Asta smiled slightly. It can be said that his barbecue skills have reached the point of proficiency over the years.

"Okay!" Dominay applauded immediately.

"Teacher, although you are older than Asta, your survival skills are just like a newborn child compared to Asta. You need to learn more for your wife and us in the future!" Marie Pull Tucao.

"Got it, got it!" Fan Jieer scratched her head in embarrassment.

"Asta is awesome!" Fana tilted her head and looked at Asta, who was proficient in making barbecue, and sucked in the scent gradually wafting. She couldn't help but sigh that this is the outside world she longed for!

Everyone was very satisfied with a barbecue meal. Before leaving, Asta said, "Tomorrow is the Star Fruit Festival. Are you "240" planning to visit the capital?"

"Of course, I heard that the Star Fruit Festival is the biggest festival in the Clover Kingdom. The key point is that the annual ranking of the Magic Knights will be announced at the ceremony. This time, you black bulls, please do your best!" Dominai said loudly. Excitedly said after licking a bunch of beef.

"Master, I like to join in the fun. I neglected that the more people there are, the more dangerous it is. At this time, the capital should be full of spies from the Diamond Kingdom." Mariela said.

"What Mary said is true." Fana also heard faint worries.

"Usually there may be troubles, but this time, feel free to participate. Let's not say that the defense of the capital has been greatly strengthened after the attack by the White Night Demon Eye. Just say that the Diamond Kingdom suffered two consecutive setbacks a while ago. Si and Ladoros caused troubles for Morris, and now even if the Diamond Kingdom arranges spies in the capital, the number of spies will not be too many." Asta laughed.

"That's true. After all, my two students are not easy-going lamps. Now that they add the king, Morris can no longer cover the sky with one hand like before!" Fan Jieer also agreed.

"Well, follow us to the capital tomorrow, as it happens that Fenlar's space magic can save you the journey." Asta said.

"Then what a shame, we will arrive early tomorrow!" Dominay said shyly.

"Well, it's getting late, let's say goodbye!" Asta stood up and patted the meat on his hands.

"See you tomorrow!" Dominay and the others bid farewell to Asta immediately, and soon Asta flew back to see Noelle and the others sitting on the sofa and staring at the gate without blinking.

"Where did you go!" Noelle pouted dissatisfiedly when she saw Asta walking in.

"I had nothing to do in the afternoon, and I remembered that I had promised the Fanjieer couple to build a new house, so I went to help them build a house!" Asta smiled awkwardly, and suddenly had a sense of déjà vu being asked by his wife.

"So that's the case, let me tell you earlier, I can also help, why did you go there in a sneaky way?" Noelle pouted.

"At that time, you were taking Kahuno to visit the room. I thought it would be finished soon, but I accidentally built a big house!" Asta laughed.

"Noelle found you were not there when he was having dinner, but he has been waiting here for a long time!" Kahono raised his eyebrows at Asta.

"Haha, thank you for being here with her!" Asta said.

"Of course, Noelle has opened a paid company. I will finally have money to buy things when I go shopping with my brother tomorrow!" Kahono said with a proud smile. No time to get the saved money.

"Then you go ahead, I'll go back to rest first!" Asta stretched his waist, and sure enough, taking a nap after eating and drinking is the best thing.

"Really, I fell asleep right after I came back, and I couldn't even say a few words!" Noelle angrily dragged Kahono back into the room, and then the two lay on the same bed and looked at each other quietly, It was very exciting for Noelle, because she has slept alone since she was a child, and she has never slept with her best friend!

The same is true for Kahono, although she is enthusiastic and lively, and the residents of the seabed like her very much, but she has never slept with her friends before, and she feels so super safe!

"Kahono, tell me about your underwater affairs!" Noelle broke his immersion and said.

"Okay, but I'm talking about a thing about the seabed, and you have to say something about the land!" Kahono said...

"You really know how to do business, alright!" Noelle complained, and then the two women whispered in the bed, with hearty laughter from time to time.

The next day, early in the morning, the four of Fan Jieer walked over full of expectations.

"Very good, everyone is here, have fun today, but don't forget to participate in the ranking of the knights in the square at night!" Ye Jian reminded.

"It's the bottom one every time, so it doesn't matter if you don't go!" Magna complained slightly.

"Asshole, how could we still be the last one after so much credit this time? At least it must be more active than this year's emerald mantis!" Ye Jian growled at Magna.

"That's right, I haven't heard of any missions that the Emerald Mantis has participated in this year. It must be another year of soy sauce!" Banasa also nodded.

"Right!" Ye Jian laughed, that hanging hair still wanted to compare with him? I don't even look at how awesome Asta he recruited this year. Counting Fana, he is two super-leader-level cadres who cut White Night Demon Eye. How can this credit be small?

"Okay, let's go!" Ye Jian waved his hand, and Fenlar immediately opened the magic passage leading to the capital. After everyone filed in, they found that someone had already started warming up for tonight's celebration early in the morning , I saw that the number of people on the street was three times more than usual!

"5.0 God, this is simply heaven!" Fenlar jumped up excitedly, then aimed at the two slender girls and rushed up.

Yejian also rubbed hands with Magna and walked towards the casino. Today's casino has a special offer!

"Mary! My Mary!" Gosho started to make crazy purchases, and then sent them to Mary. Although he really wanted Mary to participate in such a ceremony, there were too many people. He was afraid that Mary would have an accident, so he still let Mary Better stay in church.

"Food! Food!" Chami rushed out excitedly.

"Wh-!" Gray changed from Gordon to a big fat man, and then left with Chami, and Lark wandered off on his own, leaving Banasa, Asta, and Noah in the main force. Al, Kahono, and Chiat are five.

Chapter 288 All members arrive in the capital!

"Everyone went to their own business, Asta, do you have somewhere to go?" Banasa asked.

"Not yet." Asta said that he was not familiar with the king, and he didn't know where to go. Noelle looked at Asta. Anyway, wherever Asta was going, she just dropped by. Kahe This is even more true for Nuoheqiat, anyway, wherever Asta goes, they will go there.

"Then do you want to go to the bar with me?" Banasa raised her eyebrows and asked.

"It's better not to go, I will definitely get drunk later!" Noelle frowned.

"Okay, see you tonight! By the way, it seems that the head of the group didn't agree on where to meet? It's really careless. Let's meet at the square where the rankings are issued later in the evening!" Banasa said and left.

"Asta, where are we going?" Noelle asked.

"Just walk around!" Asta scratched his head and said, suddenly relaxed, but he was a little uncomfortable.

"Wow, it really is worthy of the royal capital, there are so many interesting things!" Kahuno was already shocked by the prosperity of the royal capital.

"I'm so excited, this is just a warm-up!" Chiat trembled with excitement.

"Asta, it seems that Fan Jie's 13-year-old couple bought a lot of daily necessities!" Noelle suddenly pointed to a clothing store that sold household products, and saw Fan Jie'er and others who had left the team early were making big purchases.

"Dominay, we won't have enough money to buy any more!" Fan Jieer couldn't help but said while holding a thick stack of brand new quilts.

"What do you know? Prodigal men, the shopping malls in the entire capital are now on a big sale. Things that are usually expensive can be bought very cheaply now. Like the pile of quilts you are holding, if you buy them normally, why not buy them?" Double the price?" Dominai rolled his eyes and said.

"Master, you don't know anything about our family's situation. If this continues, our family will have to drink the northwest wind!" Mariela complained slightly.

"Master, it seems that you have bought a lot!" Fana said, also holding a bunch of things.

"What are you afraid of? Asta gave us so many animals. In the future, these animals will give birth to cubs, and they can be exchanged for a lot of money! And I don't just buy, I also sell them. Think about it on the street today. The Master comes and goes, there must be some people who don't know the value of these things, if someone buys them, wouldn't we still make a lot of money?" Dominai said excitedly.

"This is too good at doing business!" Kahono brightened up the year before, looking at Dominay as if he saw a confidant.

"Dominai, she is really a good daughter-in-law who is diligent and thrifty." Asta couldn't help sighing.

"I'm not bad too!" Noelle pouted.

"Sister Dominay, when you set up a stall, I can sing beside you, and my brother can dance beside you, so let's cooperate!" The Kahuno people had already run to Dominay.

"Good idea, your singing voice and your brother's dance are just enough to attract people to come and watch!" Dominay and Kahono immediately hit it off, and they started to set up spies, and Kahono was ethereal As soon as the singing sounded, the passers-by around stopped.

"Kahono's singing voice is really nice." Asta couldn't help sighing after hearing it.

"Yes, is that so?" Noelle suddenly became nervous. Could it be that Asta is also interested in Kahono?