Chapter 208: Homecoming. (One)

Name:Black Corporation: Joseon Author:
Chapter 208: Homecoming. (One)

July of the year of Gyeongsul (1430).

A large fleet arrived in Jemulpo.

It was a fleet of two very large dhows and three regular large dhows.

Foreign ships that entered Jemulpo under the escort of the Joseon Navy Panokseon carefully docked at the dock.The most uptodate novels are published on n0velbj)n((.))co/m

As the ships docked at the dock, people began to disembark, with Koreans at the forefront.

Those who had left for Aden in the year of Musin (1428) had returned.

* * *

Like last time, the fleet approaching Joseon encountered the Joseon Panokseon in the middle.

“Do you think the patrol area has increased compared to when we left?”

“That’s right.”

To the question of Oh Ha-seok, a subordinate officer who saw the Panokseon approaching from afar, Seon Dong-jin, a junior officer next to him, nodded and answered.

Oh Ha-seok, who saw the Panokseon opening its bow to simultaneously maintain the effective range of the artillery and project maximum firepower, gave an order to Seon Dong-jin.

“You’re very nervous. Tell the captain not to act rashly.”


“If possible, I tell you to pray a white prayer.”


The fleet that encountered the Panokseon headed to Jeollasuyeong.

Just like last time, Woo Soo-young immediately sent a dispatch to Hanseong. A few days later, Pabal returned from Hanseong. As expected, the returned dispatch came with an order to send it to Jemulpo.

That’s how Mansur’s fleet came up to Chemulpo. The fleet, which sailed north through the Yellow Sea under the escort of the Joseon Navy, arrived safely in Jemulpo.

* * *

At the dock where the fleet docked, soldiers who had been waiting in advance stood guard.

The official who saw Oh Ha-seok and his group getting off the boat with Oh Ha-seok at the head approached them first.

“This is Byun Kang-seok from Hojo. “Welcome back safely.”

“This is Oh Ha-seok, a naval officer. Nice to meet you.”

“But the personnel... .”

After quietly checking the number of people in the group, Byeon Kang-seok cautiously opened his mouth, and Oh Ha-seok answered in a bitter voice.

“I lost five. “Two of them met pirates on the way, and three of them encountered endemic diseases.”

“ah... . Rest in peace.”

“Thank you on behalf of the bereaved family.”

After a short conversation, Hojo’s officials, including Byeon Kang-seok, quickly got back to their work.

The number of crew members in the fleet was confirmed, and the people were asked not to leave their residences carelessly. The types and quantities of goods brought were recorded and an inventory was created.

“Does work get done faster?”

Byeon Kang-seok smiled bitterly at Oh Ha-seok’s answer.

“You know what mediation is like, don’t you? “If you don’t want to get cursed instead of eating, you have to be diligent.”

“ah... . yes.”

Oh Ha-seok, who was nodding his head, muttered without realizing it.

“The return has come.”

* * *

The Koreans led by Oh Ha-seok headed straight to Hanseong.

Oh Ha-seok and his party passed through Gwanghwamun and entered Geunjeongjeon Hall and bowed deeply to King Sejong, who was sitting on the temple.

“Seven people, including Sergeant Oh Ha-seok. “I inform you that I have returned from a mission!”

King Sejong responded to Oh Ha-seok’s report.

“It was a truly long and difficult journey, and I am truly grateful to have returned here. “Good job.”

“I am devastated.”

“okay... . I heard you lost five. “Are all the others okay?”

“Thanks to heaven’s protection, everyone else is safe.”

“Thank goodness. Do Seung-ji, please listen.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

King Sejong gave orders to Do Seung-ji.

“In accordance with the newly established ordinance, send a letter from the Seungjeongwon to the families of those who died, informing them of the death, and ask them to pay condolences in the name of the deceased. And, support the bereaved families in accordance with established laws.”

“I follow your orders.”

“Damn it.”

The superior swore without even realizing it.

* * *

A similar thing happened in the military unit.

“Did you call me?”

“okay. “I called you.”

Starting with Oh Ha-seok, Byeongjo Cheomjeong (Jong 4th Rank), who gathered together those who participated in the voyage, got straight to the point.

“You must have kept proper records during the voyage, right?”


“Write a report. “Write down the length of time the voyage took, the ports you visited, changes in wind direction, etc.”


Oh Ha-seok and his group responded with calm expressions.

This was because I had already expected that I would be writing a report on the voyage.

However, as Cheomjeong continued to speak, the faces of the group began to turn yellow.

“What I’ve said so far is basically what needs to be written, and there are things that need to be written in separate reports. First, make a detailed report on the defense status of the ports we stopped by along the way. In addition, a report was written on the characteristics of the port residents and their reactions to foreigners. And you also met pirates along the way, right? “Whether the pirates we encountered along the way were Chinese, Japanese, or something else, and we compiled a report on their armament, the size of the pirate ship, whether or not it was equipped with artillery, and how vicious they were.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“And, I heard there’s a really big one among the boats that came this time? “I also write a detailed report on that.”

“yes. All right.”

“There are a lot of people waiting up there, so you’ll have to fill it out properly.”

Hearing Cheomjeong’s words, Oh Ha-seok and his group swallowed their dry saliva. Looking at the faces of the group, Cheomjeong added.

“Oh, the deadline is six days.”

“It’s too late. Give it at least ten days... .”

Oh Han-seok came forward and protested, but Cheomjeong shook his head.

“Did you know that a record of the voyage of a eunuch named Jeonghwa came from the Ming Kingdom in the past? You have to compare it and write a separate report. But you guys are procrastinating? “The Chief of Byeongpan will be scolded by the Chief Minister, and then, from the Chief of Byeongpan to the superiors immediately above you, will they leave you alone?”

“... still.”

“You rested well for three days, right? Now I have to work. Come on, write a report.”

After saying those words, Oh Ha-seok and his group left the room of the peak and looked blankly at the sky.

Oh Ha-seok looked up at the sky and let out a long sigh.

“Whoa~. “I guess there was a reason why I told you to rest.”

* * *

Meanwhile, Hojo’s officials, who were organizing the goods brought by Mansur, paid attention to one product.

“Did black bean tea come in?”

“Black bean tea... .”

The Hojo official who was searching through the items cheered.

“there is! “It’s in!”

The surrounding officials flocked to the colleague’s shout.

“there is? “How much is the quantity?”

The officials had been suffering from withdrawal symptoms since they ran out of coffee in the second half of the year.

* * *

Meanwhile, at the Huihoe people’s residential complex, Mansour gathered together people working in the court, including Hassan.

“I have a favor to ask of you.”

“What do you ask?”

“Let us obtain larger and more powerful artillery pieces.”

At Mansour’s words, the faces of Hassan and other officials gathered in the room turned white.

“Canvas! “Are you out of your mind?”

“I can’t help it.”

Mansour continued speaking with an earnest expression.

“We need artillery to ensure the safety of trade routes and to protect our family in Aden. And the Fuhrers.”

“her... .”

Mansour briefly concluded the current situation.

“Right now, our family is crossing a cliff on a single rope. “Joseon’s artillery is absolutely necessary to protect our family.”