Chapter 226

Name:Black Corporation: Joseon Author:
Chapter 226

With the decision made to develop and mass-produce new warships different from the Challenger class, King Sejong brought up another agenda item.

Earlier, the Ministry of Military Affairs stated that we should incorporate Kyushu Island into the sphere of influence of our Joseon. Is this a substantive annexation or something else?

At King Sejongs question, Jo Mal-saeng stepped forward.

I believe that a substantive annexation would be a poor move. Although the Ouchi clan, who rules northern Kyushu, and the Kyushu Provincial Governor, who governs other regions of Kyushu, have friendly relations with our Joseon, they are also powerful clans of Japan. If we proceed with a substantive annexation, we will either have to engage in armed conflict with them or guarantee their vested interests. The costs may outweigh the benefits.

In response to Jo Mal-saengs words, Heo Jo raised a question.

Considering the character of the Japanese, they are weak to the strong and strong against the weak. If our Joseon demonstrates its might by deploying military force, wouldnt they immediately submit?

At Heo Jos remark, Jo Mal-saeng immediately shook his head.

We do not have sufficient military strength.



King Sejong and the ministers all expressed confusion at Jo Mal-saengs answer.

Witnessing their reaction, Hyang grumbled inwardly.

These gentlemen, really Did they eat crow meat and forget everything, or have they been swayed by the magic of numbers?

Jo Mal-saeng, seemingly sharing Hyangs sentiment, explained the reality in a slightly rough voice.

When we conquered Tsushima Island, how much did we struggle even in the preparations?

However, hasnt the militarys strength greatly increased since then?

In response to Heo Jos question, Jo Mal-saeng simply replied.

And havent the responsibilities the military must uphold during peacetime also significantly increased?

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At Jo Mal-saengs point, Heo Jo let out a small groan and fell silent. The militarys strength has increased, but so have the areas it must protect. This was the magic of numbers Hyang had mentioned. Observing this, Jo Mal-saeng bowed to King Sejong and continued.

A substantive annexation is a poor move. If Your Majesty commands it, I, Jo Mal-saeng, will stand at the forefront and strike the Japanese enemies. However, I earnestly implore Your Majesty. It is still premature to confront Japan with military force.

Premature What is the reason?

Firstly, compared to Japan, Joseon has smaller land and a smaller population. Smaller land means lower output. This makes it difficult to procure war funds when engaging in warfare. A smaller population means it is challenging to replenish the military. No matter how well-equipped with new weapons, losses are inevitable when war breaks out.

Secondly, the one holding power in Japan is formidable. Unlike the Hongwu period when it was divided into two, now the authority of the King of Japan is strong, so Japan will move as one body.

The Minister of Military Affairs is correct! The words of the merchants traveling between the Japanese settlement and Kyushu were similar.

The Minister of Rites also lent support to Jo Mal-saengs statement. Encouraged by the Minister of Rites assistance, Jo Mal-saeng spoke with even greater force.

Lastly, it is not easy even if we limit the battlefield to Kyushu. Although the Ouchi clan and the Kyushu Provincial Governor, the Minamoto clan, are powerful, they do not have complete control over Kyushu. There are more clans who oppose them.

Therefore, I earnestly implore once again. A forceful and substantive annexation employing military force must never be pursued.


At Jo Mal-saengs words, King Sejong stroked his beard with a grave expression.

The greatest achievement of a monarch is the expansion of territory. Wouldnt the annexation of Kyushu be a good opportunity? However, the Minister of Military Affairs words are not entirely wrong

Observing King Sejongs contemplative appearance, Hyang sensed a crisis.

Not yet! No to military adventurism!

Feeling the danger, Hyang immediately joined the conversation.

Your Majesty, forgive my presumptuousness, but I believe the Minister of Military Affairs words are extremely reasonable.

Reasonable? Explain.

The items being sold now are mostly high-priced luxury goods.Those purchasing these luxury goods are primarily the Japanese clans. And the source of income for these clans is the taxes collected from the people, especially the farmers.To purchase luxury items, the clans are collecting taxes harshly, and the discontent of the farmers is gradually accumulating.However, this discontent is highly likely to be directed not at the clans exploiting them, but at our Joseon.Japan has resources that our Joseon desperately needs, such as sulfur and copper.We negotiate with the Japanese clans to lease mines or acquire mining rights.We employ Japanese people in these mines and pay them wages.We sell Joseons products to these Japanese people who receive wages.

Then the discontent of the Japanese people will be directed towards the clans ruling over them! It is a truly ingenious strategy!

It would be even better to subtly give advance notice to the clans we need, such as the Ouchi clan and the Kyushu Provincial Governor, the Minamoto clan.

Indeed! Especially the Ouchi clan, who openly claim to be descendants of Baekje, would be perfect to use as our agent!

King Sejong exclaimed in admiration, slapping his knee at Hyangs explanation.

Seeing King Sejong and Hyang, father and son, exchanging ideas in such a manner, the ministers grumbled inwardly.

Again! Again! Theyre starting! Only they understand and move on!

Its not like they planned this in advance, but how do they complement each other so well?

Oh my Will people with poor intelligence live in misery?

Despite their grumbling, the ministers were not unintelligent and quickly grasped the concept.

As they understood, the ministers looked at Hyang with renewed eyes.

I realize it again, but the Crown Prince is not just intelligent, hes cunning! Has Emperor Wu of Wei been reincarnated?

Those who will work under the Crown Prince when he ascends the throne will have a hard time!

Oh dear Should I give His Majesty some medicinal tonics? To live a long life

In any case, King Sejong, who was very pleased with the strategy presented by Hyang, turned to the ministers.

I would like to proceed based on the strategy the Crown Prince has proposed. What are your thoughts?

At King Sejongs question, the ministers eagerly responded.

It was truly a brilliant proposal!

It is a strategy that achieves two goals with one action, so it is appropriate to adopt it!

With all the ministers in agreement, King Sejong made a decision.

Since you all agree, let us properly devise a plan and implement it! To ensure the peace of our Joseon, we must minimize external concerns.

We shall obey your command!

The court historian who recorded all of this wrote the following:

The historian remarks:

Why do I feel sorry for the people of Japan?


As Hyang left Geunjeongjeon after the meeting, his expression gradually darkened.

Did I do the right thing?

Hyang, who muttered with a face full of worries, let out a long sigh.

Phew~, to think that I would plan the most sophisticated imperialism with my own hands Its bitter.

What Hyang had proposed to King Sejong and the ministers was the Global Value Chain born amidst the frenzy of 21st-century neoliberalism, slightly modified to fit the current era.


With the end of World War II, imperialism came to a close.

To be precise, classical imperialism ended, and a new form of imperialism was born and began to evolve.

During the Cold War, the system referred to as colonial capitalism or comprador capitalism evolved once again as the Cold War ended.

While classical imperialism physically colonized and exploited, the new imperialism was invisible.

It had evolved into a sophisticated system called the Global Value Chain, where components were made using the labor and resources of developing countries, assembled in the home country or other developing countries, and sold to all nations worldwide.

Under this system, politicians and workers in developing countries did not antagonize the capitalists of developed countries but rather welcomed them.

A situation different from classical imperialism had unfolded.