Chapter 260

Name:Black Corporation: Joseon Author:
Chapter 260


“It’s been a while.”

Seeing Manchu’s arrogant demeanor as he greeted him, Mentemu had to muster all his strength to suppress his sense of humiliation.

‘Damn bastard! Did you forget the relationship between your father and me?’

Manchu’s father, Aruktai, had been a subordinate of Yi Seong-gye alongside Mentemu. However, while watching the situation between Joseon and Ming, Aruktai had sided with Ming first – more precisely, his son-in-law Zhu Di had become the Yongle Emperor – and that’s how he was able to expand his power.

As a result, even though they both served as arrow fodder for Ming, Manchu was able to expand his influence.

Mentemu, exercising superhuman patience, entered the room with Manchu.

“I heard you’ve been struggling because of Joseon lately. Are you all right?”

“Not good. That’s why I think I’ll have to reach a conclusion soon.”

As Mentemu got straight to the point, Manchu straightened his posture and looked at Mentemu.

“Are you thinking of using force?”

Nodding at Manchu’s question, Mentemu went directly to the main issue.

“That’s why I need your help. I want us to join hands and strike Joseon.”

Thinking for a moment at Mentemu’s words, Manchu shook his head slightly.

“I hold the position of Ming’s military commander. If we’re not careful, it could cause a conflict between Ming and Joseon.”

Mentemu immediately countered Manchu’s words.

“I also hold the position of Left Commander of Geonju. But is Ming properly taking care of us?”


At Mentemu’s words, Manchu attempted to say something but closed his mouth. However, he was inwardly mocking Mentemu.

‘Why would they bother with a small tribe like yours?’

As if sensing Manchu’s thoughts, Mentemu continued with a smirk.

“Of course, compared to you and your tribe, who have a relative as the third empress of the former Yongle Emperor, we are indeed a much smaller tribe. But let me tell you. These days are different from the past, aren’t they?”


At Mentemu’s words, Manchu had to cover his expression with a fake cough.

Mentemu’s words were accurate. After moving south to the Pazhu River under pressure from Dalian, Ming’s treatment had become increasingly meager. Especially after the death of the Yongle Emperor, the extent of the meagerness was visible to the eye.

It was natural for Ming to do so.


The reason for treating Aruktai well was not only because he was the Yongle Emperor’s father-in-law but also because he led a large number of tribesmen.

During the Yongle Emperor’s Mongol expeditions, Aruktai had participated in the campaigns alongside the Ming army and had also been at the forefront of blocking Mongol or Dalian invasions.

Therefore, Ming had no choice but to provide good support. Of course, they did not forget to constantly consume them to prevent them from growing too powerful.

However, Manchu had abandoned Kaiyuan and migrated south.

And from that point on, Ming’s support began to dwindle.

“If I told you to guard the house, why should I feed a dog that ran away first? It’s better to raise another dog instead.”

Of course, finding a new dog that would be loyal to Ming took time, so the support and treatment continued to some extent, but both the quantity and quality began to deteriorate.

Moreover, as Ming reduced the number and intensity of conflicts with the Mongols through various economic exchanges, including horse markets, Manchu’s value was steadily declining.

Mentemu had pointed out precisely this aspect.


Observing the change in Manchu’s expression, Mentemu continued.

“Think about it carefully. These days, Ming is getting along fairly well with the Mongols, and they are conducting significant trade with Joseon through the sea routes of Shandong. That means the value of Liaodong is gradually decreasing. From Ming’s perspective, Liaodong is no longer an entity to be coaxed and tolerated as before. It’s more profitable for them to throw some scraps and make three or four obedient dogs growl at each other.”

“So you want to attack Joseon? If we, who have received official posts from Ming, attack Joseon, Ming may take the initiative to strike us first.”

Of course, they were well aware of their situation, so they had formed self-defense organizations to prepare themselves.

However, if an army beyond their capacity to resist were to invade, the self-defense organizations would be useless.



Sensing that Manchu was nearly persuaded, Mentemu put strength into his voice.

“If we capture these pigs who have only grown fat and plump, we can secure sufficient resources to establish a new base and foundation. No, if it’s not enough, we can even penetrate further into Joseon. Those damn fortresses may be blocking the transportation routes, but there’s more than one way, isn’t there?”

“But Ming is a bit of a concern.”

“Is it only Ming? Joseon will also be in chaos. That’s why, as soon as we start the operation, the tribes must begin migrating immediately.”


Staring intently at Mentemu, Manchu, who had been deep in thought, asked.

“So, have you thought of a place to settle down?”

‘He’s almost convinced!’

Inwardly cheering, Mentemu answered promptly.

“North of the Mudan River, in the Samseong region.”

“That area belongs to the Udige tribe, doesn’t it?”

“It’s the northern border of the Udige tribe’s territory.”


At Mentemu’s words, Manchu pondered with his arms crossed. After a long silence, Manchu asked Mentemu.

“So, how many troops are you planning to mobilize?”

‘He’s convinced!’

“One thousand. However, only about seven hundred will actually engage in combat. We need to leave at least three hundred to protect the tribes moving north.”

“Then I will mobilize two thousand. However, there’s something we must do first.”

Manchu rose from his seat and walked outside.

Calling a soldier who was waiting outside, Manchu immediately gave an order.

“Gather the tribal leaders.”

“Yes, sir!”


Most of the tribal leaders under Manchu who had gathered agreed with Mentemu’s plan. They, too, had been feeling the worsening situation.

Three days later, Manchu was seeing Mentemu off.

“The day of execution will be in ten days. In ten days, the great undertaking will begin, starting from Jaseong.”

At Manchu’s words, Mentemu promptly replied.

“Then I will commence from Muchang. I wish us good fortune.”

“May fortune be with you.”

After sending Mentemu off, Manchu returned to his house. A tribal leader who had remained behind asked with a worried expression.

“Can we trust that fellow? What if he stirs up trouble and then puts the blame on us?”

At the tribal leader’s question, Manchu answered with a slight smile.

“That guy has no choice but to go through with it. He’s already cornered with no way out. And if he tries to blame us? He’ll be the first to die by our hands. What can he do with a measly force?”

The tribal leader nodded at Manchu’s words. The downfall of the Mentemu tribe was already a well-known story among the Jurchens in the Liaodong region. If Mentemu were to betray them, that moment would be the end of Mentemu.

Even if he were lucky enough to escape that crisis, the fate of Mentemu and his tribe would be sealed. Having betrayed the children of the great elder Yi Seong-gye, and now betraying Ming and stabbing them in the back once again, there would be no Jurchens anywhere who would welcome such a person.NewW novels updates at