Chapter 263

Name:Black Corporation: Joseon Author:
Chapter 263

While the fierce pursuit and search for the traces of Manchu and Mentemu were underway, Minister of Foreign Affairs Lee Maeng-gyun boarded a ship to Shandong.

“At full speed! We must reach Beijing as quickly as possible by any means necessary!”

“Yes! You bastards! Hurry up!”

At Lee Maeng-gyun’s shout, Captain Han Song-ro answered loudly and urged the crew.

The ship Lee Maeng-gyun was on was the largest and fastest among the ships operated by private merchant groups.


Among the naval warships, the only ship faster than the others, excluding the Challenger-class and Haeung-class, was the Kwaiseon (fast ship). However, this Kwaiseon had a capacity of only around 10 people.

Therefore, the delegation led by Lee Maeng-gyun rented a ship from a private merchant group and headed towards Ming.

The ship built with the capital of private merchant groups was weaker than the Panokseon but faster.

This was similar to the history before Hyang’s intervention. After the late Joseon period, when water transportation was entrusted to private merchant groups and even construction rights were handed over, the evaluation of the ships that emerged was similar.

Based on these reports, the navy even came up with a plan to create new warships using these ships as a foundation.

Many people were interested, but the reason it was abandoned was that the ships built by merchant groups were designed primarily for cargo transportation, so to convert them for combat use, they had to be completely dismantled and rebuilt from scratch, which was deemed economically unfeasible.

And not long after, a monster that was incomparable to even the private merchant ships, the “Challenger-class,” emerged.


“We must reach Shandong as quickly as possible and head to Beijing! Whose ship is the fastest?”

At the words of the official from the court, the captains and shipowners gathered at the pier all pointed to one person.

“Han’s is the fastest!”

“Who is it?”

Han Song-ro, who was chosen in this way, had to reluctantly take the court officials on board.

“I will pay any amount for the cost! We need to get to the Joseon Consul in Shandong as quickly as possible!”

“For that, we need additional skilled sailors and a navigator.”

“Don’t worry about the cost and recruit them immediately!”

At the official’s words, Han Song-ro persuaded other captains and shipowners to borrow sailors and navigators familiar with seafaring. Of course, the court paid the costs right on the spot.

“Do you prefer a promissory note or cash?”

When the official asked, those who were suddenly burdened with the task answered in unison.

“Cash, of course!”


“How long will it take to reach Shandong if we move as quickly as possible?”

At Lee Maeng-gyun’s question, Han Song-ro looked up at the sky and promptly replied.

“If a favorable wind blows, we can reach there in seven days, but now is the time for headwinds... Even if we go as fast as possible, it will take eleven days.”

“Eleven days... It’s cutting it close. Please do your best.”

“Yes, sir.”

At Lee Maeng-gyun’s words, the captain answered with a serious expression.

Han Song-ro, who had stepped back to command the crew, sought out the navigator.

“Hey, Mr. Chu. Don’t you think something has happened in the court?”

“Haven’t you heard the rumors? They say there’s trouble in the north.”

At the navigator’s answer, Han Song-ro cursed under his breath.

“Damn it! If we’re really late, our heads will roll. We’ll have to give up on sleeping comfortably until we reach Shandong!”


As Lee Maeng-gyun couldn’t hide his impatience, a subordinate official beside him asked.

“Wouldn’t it have been better to use the Challenger or Haeung instead?”

At his subordinate’s words, Lee Maeng-gyun glared at him with a fierce expression and growled.

“Have you not considered the time it would take to bring the ships from the East Sea to Jemulpo? And if a country that is struggling due to the Jurchens shows up on a ship loaded with cannons, what do you think Ming will think?”

“Ah... My thoughts were short-sighted. I apologize.”

“If you’re sorry, don’t do things you’ll be sorry for!”

At Lee Maeng-gyun’s reprimand, the subordinate official had to retreat, turning pale.


While Lee Maeng-gyun urged his subordinate officials and headed toward Shandong, the General Staff Headquarters, the Ministry of National Defense, and the court were busily moving.

“The entire Huligai tribe led by Manchu is on the move! Direction is northeast!”

“Mentemu’s tribe is also moving! Direction is north!”

“The day after tomorrow, at sunrise, we depart! Make sure all preparations are completed by then!”

Following Sejong’s order, all personnel at the General Staff Headquarters had to work through the night to pack their belongings.

On the morning of the day he set out for his hometown, Sejong, wearing the plate armor made by Hyang, ordered the ministers who had come to see him off.

“Assist the Crown Prince and ensure that there is not the slightest deviation in the administration of state affairs.”

“We obey your command!”

“The Crown Prince will not disappoint this father, will he?”

“Such a thing will never happen!”

“I trust you!”

Lightly patting Hyang’s shoulder, Sejong mounted his horse.

As Sejong passed through Gwanghwamun, the people of Hanseong who had come out upon hearing the rumors all bowed deeply and shouted.

“Achieve great things!”

“We pray for your good fortune!”

Hyang, who had accompanied Sejong to Heunginjimun (currently named as Dongdaemun), turned his body and looked at the ministers.

“Now! Shouldn’t we go and do our work? If we are lazy, the soldiers at the front will starve or have to fight with bare hands. I believe you all know very well what Father will do if such a thing happens.”


At Hyang’s threat, the ministers hurriedly returned to Gyeongbokgung Palace.


Sejong and the General Staff Headquarters, who had left Hanseong, moved northward at the fastest possible speed.

“It’s definitely good to have paved roads!”

“Indeed, Your Majesty!”

Thanks to the well-paved roads to Wonsan, the speed of movement was much faster than before.

Even while moving, information continued to pour in from the front lines, and the collected information was processed through meetings held during mealtimes or before bed.

“Based on the direction of Manchu and Mentemu’s advance, where do you think their destination is?”

At Sejong’s question, thrown while filling his stomach with dried rations and dried meat, Choi Yoon-deok examined the map and pointed to a place.

“It will be north of Udige. Probably in the Samseong region near the Mudan River[1].”


Sejong, who had been examining the map, looked at Choi Yoon-deok.

“Are they thinking of establishing a country?”

“If it’s the Samseong region, it’s far from both Ming and Joseon, and with the scale of the forces Manchu commands and the amount of plundered wealth, they will think it’s possible.”


Sejong, who had been silent for a moment at Choi Yoon-deok’s answer, soon issued an order.

“Deliver my command not only to the surrendered Jurchen areas but also to all the tribes of the wild Jurchens. ‘The descendants of the Great King Taejo are about to punish the traitors, so mobilize your forces and join us.'”

At Sejong’s order, Choi Yoon-deok expressed difficulty.

“Delivering the message is not difficult, but will they really follow Your Majesty’s command?”

At Choi Yoon-deok’s question, Sejong answered with a cold smile.

“Wouldn’t it be good to distinguish between friend and foe this time?”

“Ah... I see.”

Choi Yoon-deok, who had grasped Sejong’s intentions, broke out in a cold sweat.

‘How many moves ahead is Your Majesty thinking?’

Meanwhile, Sejong, who had reviewed the report summarizing the situation, continued to check the next agenda item.

“How are the units selected from the armies of Gyeonggi Province and Chungcheong Province doing?”

“Yes, they have finished organizing and are currently moving to Wonsan.”

“Has the navy prepared the warships?”

“Yes. The Challenger-class and Haeung-class warships are on standby in Wonsan to transport the spearmen and artillerymen who need to be moved first due to the issue of movement speed. According to the calculations of the General Staff, it is estimated that about five round trips will be sufficient to transport the initially required numbers.”

“Have they prepared the carts to load their equipment onto the warships?”

“Preparations are progressing steadily. By the time the troops being transported from Wonsan arrive in Onsong, the carts will also be fully prepared.”

“Manchu and Mentemu will be in for a real shock.”

At Sejong’s words, Choi Yoon-deok nodded. Watching Choi Yoon-deok’s face, Sejong turned his head and looked to the south.

“I thought the Crown Prince was just being stubborn about the carts, but we’re benefiting from it this time.”

a river in Heilongjiang province in China[↩]