Chapter 331

Name:Black Corporation: Joseon Author:
Chapter 331

April of the 14th year of King Sejong’s reign. (1432. The year of Imja)

Ōuchi Morimi, who had been to Kyoto, returned to his homeland of Suō.

“Welcome back, my lord!”

As the retainers lined up from the entrance of the castle shouted their welcome in unison, Morimi responded with a slight nod.

“Hmm... Good work. Let’s go in.”

With Ōuchi on horseback at the lead, the retainers who had returned from Kyoto and those who had been guarding the territory entered Suō Castle.


As everyone entered, the gates of Suō Castle closed firmly with a dull sound.

***Updated chapters at

As soon as Morimi, who had briefly washed up and changed clothes, sat in the seat of honor in the main hall, the meeting began immediately.

The first to speak was Mochiyo, Ōuchi’s nephew.

“You look quite unwell. Wouldn’t it be better to take some rest?”

Morimi shook his head with a grave expression at Mochiyo’s words.

“In peaceful times, I would rest and then work, but unfortunately, the times are not good.”

At Morimi’s words, the faces of the retainers who had remained in the territory, including Mochiyo, also became serious.

“We heard through messages and merchant rumors that the atmosphere in Kyoto was not good, but is it that serious?”

“It’s very serious. The phrase ‘terror of ten thousand people’ is not an exaggeration. Sigh...”

Ōuchi let out a long sigh.

Since Ashikaga Yoshinori, the current shogun, had taken power, the air in Kyoto had frozen solid.

Whether they were from ancient noble families serving the Emperor or beggars living day to day on the streets, everyone residing in Kyoto was only watching Ashikaga Yoshinori’s mood.

If anyone caught the shogun’s eye even slightly, it was not uncommon for the person to receive a terrible punishment or lose their life.

The simplest example was the ‘Chicken Expulsion Incident’ that occurred just before Ōuchi’s return.

A cockfight had taken place at Ichijō Kaneyoshi’s residence, and many people had gathered to watch it. The problem was that these gathered people had blocked Yoshinori’s procession. Enraged, Yoshinori banned cockfighting and expelled all chickens from Kyoto. (Note 1)

Moreover, there were more than a few gardeners and cooks who were punished for reasons such as “breaking a gifted plum branch” or “the food doesn’t taste good.” (Note 1)

If only the lower-ranking people had been punished like this, they might have just sneered at it as “petty,” but as mentioned earlier, among those punished by Yoshinori were not a few high-ranking nobles and samurai.

“...So I had no choice but to leave Kyoto using ‘illness’ as an excuse. The previous shogun already saw our Ōuchi clan as a thorn in his side, and the current shogun is a madman on top of that. We should consider ourselves fortunate to have escaped. Sigh...”

Morimi let out a sigh of relief.


After confirming Yoshinori’s violent and sadistic nature, Morimi gradually increased his guard.

However, before long, Yoshinori warned Morimi.

“Why is the head of the Ōuchi family increasing his troops?”

“...The night air in Kyoto has been unsettling lately.”

“Isn’t it the lord’s troops that are making it more unsettling? Surely you’re not distrusting me, who is responsible for the safety of Kyoto?”

At Yoshinori’s point, Morimi answered with an expression that suggested it was absurd.

“How could that be!”

“Is that so? Then don’t increase your guard any further. It’s frightening.”


After ending the conversation with Yoshinori like this, Morimi called together the retainers who had come to Kyoto with him.

“We need to go back. Come up with a suitable excuse. If we remove our guards here, we’ll be in immediate danger. No, we might be in danger even if we don’t remove them.”

Morimi had an intuition that this was a critical moment.

The scale of troops Morimi had stationed in Kyoto was considerable. With the current stationed scale, even Yoshinori would have to accept significant losses.

But this was a double-edged sword. While it was a device to prevent Yoshinori from easily using force, it could also provide Yoshinori with a justification to use force.

It would provide the pretext of “Stationing such a large number of troops! They must surely harbor treacherous intentions!”

However, if he reduced his troops at Yoshinori’s request, his life would be forfeit at any time. With Yoshinori holding his lifeline like this, it was certain that he would pressure Morimi to extort various things, starting with economic benefits.

If Morimi couldn’t endure this and raised an army, it would provide Yoshinori with the perfect justification to wipe out the Ōuchi family and take everything.

Therefore, Morimi had to become an untimely patient.

Therefore, they had to turn to commerce, using the wealth they had brought as capital.

“Who knows how long it will take...”

Unlike piracy, which could bring great profits if done properly, commerce, which was already saturated, couldn’t bring large profits.


“That’s the situation with the Shōni, what about other territories?”

“They are continuously expanding their forces to escort merchants.”

Morimi tilted his head at the retainer’s answer and asked again.



“Those fellows shouldn’t have much financial leeway, should they?”

“Indeed, the discontent among the peasants is growing.”

At the retainer’s answer, Morimi nodded with a face that finally understood.

“I see, that makes sense.”

Seeing Morimi’s reaction, the retainer carefully took out a letter from his breast and handed it to Morimi.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a letter sent by village heads from other territories surrounding our domain. They are declaring independence and asking for our protection. They also wrote that if we apply the same tax rate as our territory, they would like to come under your lordship’s shadow.”


Morimi received the letter with a disbelieving face.

As he unfolded the letter and confirmed its contents, Morimi let out a sigh.

“Sigh... This might happen faster than we thought...”


Since the fall of the Kamakura shogunate, through the Nanboku-chō period, and now in the Muromachi shogunate era, Japan’s economy was growing increasingly rapidly.

Port cities began to develop, monopolizing trade with Ming through tally trade. Additionally, with the opening of Joseon trading posts in Nagato and Naniwa, commerce began to grow nationwide.

What accelerated this situation even further was the shogunate. Unlike the Kamakura shogunate, which relied solely on the produce from the land, the Muromachi shogunate made the profits gained through trade the foundation of its finances. Following this policy, the shogunate engaged in trade not only with Ming and Joseon but also expanded to Ryukyu and Southeast Asia.

Agriculture was the same. Although later than Joseon, ox-drawn plowing began to spread gradually in Japan, and the number of farms cultivating cotton started to increase.

Based on this growing economic power, the ruling class, symbolized by shugō and daimyō, began to expand their military power.

To fund this military expansion and purchase luxury goods coming from Joseon, the ruling class had no choice but to squeeze the peasants and merchants.

The peasants and merchants began to resist. Traditionally, taxes were determined through consultation between village heads and officials of each village. However, the daimyō and shugō had destroyed this tradition, and the peasants and merchants had no choice but to resist.

(Note 2)


“Will you accept it?”

After pondering for a long time at the retainer’s question, Morimi reached a conclusion.

“No, we won’t accept it. If we accept now, we’ll only be giving them justification. Tell them it’s not the right time yet.”

At Morimi’s words, the retainer immediately bowed his head.

“Yes, my lord!”

Morimi looked around at his retainers.

“Now is the time to wait and strengthen our internal affairs. As long as that madman in Kyoto continues his crazy actions, something will happen soon. So, we wait until then.”

“Yes, my lord!”

After giving orders to his retainers, Morimi muttered with his arms folded.

“I never knew that imitating Joseon would be this helpful.”

Morimi had applied Joseon’s tax policy to his own territory.

It was a very challenging policy, but it had brought even greater results than expected.


Note 1)아시카가_요시노리

Note 2) /2349