"But I didn't die in vain. Before I was found out, I intercepted the secret information of the Huilong Dynasty, saying that I had discovered the star of origin - the star of the earth. After passing the information out, I missed my horse's feet and was taken advantage of by the group of mad dogs."

"if you come from the earth, the intelligence I intercepted is probably true, but I don't know now Did the Federation receive any information from me. "Did you find the earth before the Huilong emperor?" Chen Xiaoming said. He was distracted. That was the information he got with his life.

Looking at the tears still hanging on Chen Xiaoming's face, Li Xingyun said with a smile: "brother Chen, don't worry. Before I came here, Noah Federation had discovered the earth and declared its sovereignty. I think it should have connected with the government agencies of various countries on the earth now"

after Chen Xiaoming Leng for a while, he laughed wildly again: "it's really the emperor who has lived up to his life It's worth dying "

" little brother, you are my brother Chen xiaoming from now on. As long as I'm still alive, I will never let you die in front of me "

after Chen Xiaoming solemnly finished, he said to Li Xingyun:" however, it's better not to disclose the news of Xingyun brothers from the earth. The earth exists in our legend, It is said that the earth shaking secrets contained in them are related to the life and death of the whole human race. If the news from the earth of the nebula brothers is heard by the people with evil intentions, I'm afraid... "

Although Chen Xiaoming didn't go on, Li Xingyun already knew it. Chen Xiaoming only intercepted an ambiguous information and was secretly executed. If someone with the intention got the news that Li Xingyun was from the earth's indigenous people, he would have to face endless trouble.

"Well, this is the end of the earth topic. I'd like to introduce some other common sense to you, so that you can camouflage it, so that you won't be seen at a glance."

after considering his words, Chen Xiaoming then said, "although I don't know what the earth's objects are, and I don't think I'll have much contact with the outside world, I'd like to introduce it to you Under the present universe, um... To be exact, it is the main universe outside the black prison University "

Chen Xiaoming looked at Li Xingyun seriously and imitated the tone of the history teacher at that time, slowly speaking out the history of the human race, and a heavy breath diffused.

"According to historical records, 13.82 billion years ago, that is, 1.396 million years ago, the human race stepped out of the living star domain for the first time, and then began to contact with alien civilization. Finally, it ended in tragedy. In only three years, all the military defense systems of the Terran were defeated, and then there was a 1.216 billion year long enslavement life"

"and enslavement civilization is just like this At that time, the demon civilization was one of the three dominant civilizations in the universe. "

"In the history books, this period is called the period of the 1216 million year dark turmoil of the human race, that is, the first dark turmoil in the history of the human race"

"most of the real history has already disappeared in the endless fire of war. Later generations only know that during that period, countless human martyrs, in order to survive and evolve, made their own characteristics with blood and bone The road of evolution -- the light of science and technology "

" and the era of apocalypse, a large-scale game with overhead history, is the end of the human race's scientific and technological evolution road "

" the first dark turmoil finally led to the end of the clan's extermination "

after Chen Xiaoming said" extermination ", he could not help but stop and look at the world outside the window Where the raging flames and smoke have spread to the whole city, the end of the human race is no longer an irrelevant word in the history books, but this real end is staged in front of Chen Xiaoming and others.

"Extermination? Now? "

Li Xingyun was also brought into that bloody and dark history by Chen Xiaoming's heavy tone. When she heard the word "extermination", she grew up in horror.

Chen Xiaoming's eyes flashed and continued to say in a deep voice that "death is not the end, but a new beginning"

"the history of the human race has ushered in the greatest hero of all time in the abyss of the valley"

"in this period of blood and fire interwoven history, the ancestor emperor of the human race appeared on the stage of history"

"just like the gods and people in myths and legends The ancestral emperor led the blood battle army to return in the abyss and hell with endless fury, bringing hope for the last fire of the Terran in that cold universe.

"after that, the Terran rose"

"in the universe era of 15 billion 36 million years, the ancestral emperor led the blood war corps to drive back the Zerg Plague Locust army, severely damaged the ghost blood soul army, and defeated the nine demon clan emperors with their own strength The great victory of the Terran history was completed by the United forces of the clans. The Yongsheng imperial dynasty, a glorious historical Dynasty of 150 million years, was dedicated to "

" after 1.216 billion years, the Terran finally separated from the demons, insects and ghosts, and became the fourth hegemonic race in the history of the universe. "

"The glory of the Terran lasted for 150 million. The Yongsheng emperor of 150 million has become the greatest era in the history of the Terran. Countless strong Terrans were born in that era, and the Terrans really stood on the top of the universe for the first time.""In the era of 15.186 million years, the Terran ushered in the second dark turmoil period in history"

"in the unprecedented civil strife, the ancestor emperor of the Terran disappeared, the royal family was slaughtered by the rebel forces, and the other three clans were eager to exterminate the Terran, and the Terran once again stood on the edge of the endless abyss."

"This time, the Terrans ushered in a bloody war of 30 million years. Hundreds of millions of heroes fought against each other. They once again built the backbone of the Terrans with their blood and bones: the endless abyss defense line, the chaotic star sky defense line and the Vientiane sky tower defense line. Once again, the evil alien tribes were isolated from the Terran territory"

"after the restoration of the short-term peace, the imperial dynasty of the Terrans was completely divided, In the Terran territory, the union of Noah, the Huilong Dynasty and the Hunyuan alliance formed the supreme ruling body of the Terran "

" among them, the Huilong Dynasty was established by the culprit of the Terran civil strife, the Hunyuan alliance was formed by the neutral forces of the civil rebellion, and the union of Noah was the scattered combination of Royal forces after the extinction of the royal family, and the formation of the suffering residual forces during the dark turmoil period of 30 million years "

" >"Among the three forces of the Terran family, the Huilong royal family inherited most of the heritage of the Yongsheng Dynasty, and its apparent strength was the most powerful."

"The Hunyuan alliance is not involved in the Terran civil strife, and its potential strength is unpredictable."

"In the 30 million years of suffering, the union of Noah has produced countless powerful pioneers like the ancestors of the Terrans. They built the frontier defense lines of the Terrans with blood and bone, and are known as the Terran forces with the greatest potential for war."

"I am from the union of Noah in the main universe, a great country born in endless blood and fire, and inheriting the last pride of the human race"

after Chen Xiaoming finished talking about the history of the human race in the main universe, he looked at Li Xingyun in silence. At this time, Li Xingyun seemed to be attracted by the ups and downs of the human history in Chen Xiaoming's mouth, and his expression changed In a trance.

After a long time, Li Xingyun seems to have digested Chen Xiaoming's history of the human race and slightly vomited out the turbid air in his chest.

"Well, I know about Terran history, but what do we have to do with the black prison college and the Apocalypse world?"

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