What Li Xingyun didn't think of himself was that he had an amazing talent in swordsmanship. He even mastered the flying sword technique of Meng Qiuyu in just ten days.

After studying the cold current in his body for ten days, Li Xingyun found that the cold current in his body should also be a kind of gifted ability, and also a rare passive talent ability.

The talent ability named death declaration has three passive skills:

first, Li Xingyun will be warned before danger comes. This ability has saved Li Xingyun's life several times before.

Secondly, the closer to death, the stronger the extra force Li Yun Yun gets from the cold current.

Third, if there is a life around Li Xingyun, Li Xingyun can extract some of the life force of the dead life in the void and strengthen itself.

It is also because of these passive skills that Li Xingyun can strengthen himself while killing zombies, and promote his training speed to the level of genius with Ji Xiaoxi's three people.

compared with Li Xingyun's four gifted talents, Chen Xiaoming is more distressed. He has just reached the threshold of martial arts training period while cleaning zombies for ten days 。

In fact, before Chen Xiaoming's rebirth, his accomplishments were much higher than those of Long Li and others. On the eve of his execution, he was tortured cruelly and his accomplishments were in vain. Unexpectedly, he would still be like this after his rebirth. If he wanted to start practicing again, he would be more than enough to crush ordinary people with his qualification, but he was not sure how much worse than Li Xingyun.

It has been 12 days since Li Xingyun and others came to Longshan middle school.

After finishing the whole night's practice, Li Xingyun looks at the campus before dawn and clenches her fists heavily. She feels the power in her body, and the whole person is in high spirits.

"Although the body refining realm does not increase the strength, the strength of one arm is at least 100 kg. The most important thing is that the overall improvement of the whole body attributes greatly increases the survival rate. Unfortunately, the alloy sword has not opened its edge, otherwise the combat effectiveness will be improved even more"

Li Xingyun looks at the little Luoli who is trying to swallow and practice, and secretly vows to protect her, although her incomplete memory Let him in addition to the name of Lori, other things can not be recalled, but does not hinder his determination to protect little Lori, now jixiaoxi is the biggest motivation for his survival.

Soon after Li Xingyun finished his practice, the dark night sky slowly became dark. After finishing the whole night's practice, Li Xingyun could not help but feel sleepy. When she was about to rest against the corner of the wall, a harsh metal twisting sound resounded through the night sky of the campus.

"Such a thing"

unconsciously falling asleep, Chen Xiaoming jumped out of his sleep. He was the worst in physical fitness and could not bear the whole night's practice after strenuous exercise in the daytime. He had fallen asleep in the middle of the night, and this loud noise directly awakened him from his sleep.

"It came from the front door of the school"

Long Li said with a gloomy face and ran straight to the place where the voice came from.

After Li Xingyun was awakened, his face was also abnormal.

It took more than ten days to clean up the zombies in the campus. I thought I could cultivate myself for a period of time, but I didn't expect that after only one night, something happened again.

When people follow Long Li's footsteps to the front door of the campus, they can't help but take a breath of cold air.

I can see that the originally thick alloy gate has broken a ferocious crack. Through the crack, you can see shadow and shadow. I don't know how many zombies are blocking the door. What's weird is that these zombies don't make any noise. They stand quietly outside the door like a corpse.

"Zi... La"

accompanied by another piercing sound of metal twisting, a huge iron sword forced to open the closing gate, leaving another ferocious crack, and then pulled it back.

Li Xingyun and other people's fields of vision have also become wider.

This time, they finally saw the whole picture behind the door. They saw a three meter tall man standing in front of the door with a triangular metal hood, and he was holding the huge sword that broke open the iron door.

Behind him, more than ten monsters with various weapons, such as bone knives and bone whips, stood behind him.

"Punishers and butchers group"

Long Li looked at the oppressive monster behind the door.

The punisher is a small boss who appeared in the later stage of Zhusheng butu in the first act. His strength roughly has the high-level fighting power of the warrior. However, his nearly immortal body makes him have the strength to take one or two away when facing the siege of many warriors of the same level.

"This kind of boss with a big chest but no brain can only outwit the enemy"

Bai Qi took a cold look at the top of the teaching building in the distance behind him.

And the fact that he has a big chest and no brain refers to the big chest muscle of the punisher and the fact that he has no head.

In the main universe, some evil players dissect the body after defeating the punisher, and find that there is no brain in the triangular metal hood, but a strong heart comparable to iron and stone. At this time, all talents find that the punisher is worthy of the name of iron heart and has muscles in his head.The Dragon calendar obviously didn't want to face it. After a glance, he planned to leave.

"No, where is the watchman?"

However, after two steps back, long Li's face suddenly changed, and he looked at the top of the teaching building where Li Xingyun and others came out. There was a thin and familiar figure beside the solid man who had arranged to watch the night. At this time, the original rich and solid was held by him like a chicken and his head was suspended outside the teaching building.

Li Xingyun and others also found something wrong when they saw the expression of Long Li. There was such a big noise at the front door of the campus that even the sleeping people didn't wake up. However, the solid vigil never appeared.

People who know the situation is wrong also follow the long Li's eyes to the top of the teaching building.

At this time, the crowd also saw the familiar and strange figure.

"Beautiful clouds?"

In a short period of more than ten days, xiuliyun, who was originally a senior high school student, has changed so much that we almost don't recognize it.

I saw that her elegant high school girl dress has disappeared, replaced by a very exposed and broken nurse's clothing.

"You're not dead"

the Dragon calendar can't help exclaiming after seeing the appearance of Qingxiu Liyun.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... I didn't expect that I crawled out of hell again"

with the vicious smile of endless resentment, xiuliyun put out a disgusting tongue full of barbs in her mouth, and trembled in her right hand and said, "help... Help, come and help me, I have tens of millions of wealth outside, several listed companies, as long as you save me, these are Ah... "

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