Li Xingyun is a little lucky to find this supermarket. Before fleeing in a hurry, she didn't have time to bring the prepared food. Now with the supply from the small supermarket, they will not fall into the plight of lack of water.

When Li Xingyun and others were thinking about the key point of breaking the game, a Yin test laughter appeared on the top of everyone's head.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, I found you"

people were surprised and looked up. There was a big black hole on the roof of the small supermarket. Half of the beautiful clouds leaked out, twisting the head and smiling at them in a strange angle.

"Looking for death"

the Dragon flew up with a roar, and the alloy sword in his hand cut out a half moon like brilliance.

However, before the sword in Longli's hand was cut, xiuliyun immediately withdrew and replaced it with a big dark hand. With a slight wave of the big hand like molten iron, the alloy sword in Longli's hand broke like a toothpick. The Dragon calendar was also flying to one side by the huge force and smashed into a container.

Then the punisher's strong and exaggerated figure jumped down from the big hole. After the earthquake, the punisher appeared in this shocking way to Li Xingyun and others.


just like the roar of an old-fashioned train, coming from the triangle metal hood of the punisher, the huge sound wave covers the people like a tsunami, and at the same time, a terrible and powerful pressure is released from the punisher's body.

The signboard skills of the punisher immediately made everyone feel headache. Chen Xiaoming, the worst in strength, almost fainted with the bleeding of the seven holes.

Just after the sound of Qi Ming was over, and the people were still in a stiff state, the punisher immediately waved his huge iron sword and cut a circle with the momentum of sweeping the whole army.

"Be careful"

Xuanyuan Qiming roared, and forced himself to break away from the rigid state. He threw down the dream autumn rain around him, and the dark iron sword swept their scalp with fierce sword wind.


Xiao Luoli, who is protected by the public behind her, is also a tender drink at the critical moment. She drives out the unable Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming out of the attack range of the iron sword.

On the other side, Bai Qi flew back and forth without saying a word. In the blink of an eye, he came to a safe place.

Gao Xiongwei is not so lucky. He is a little less powerful. After eating the two restricted skills of "sound blasting" and "Lord's coercion", he stands still and is cut by a sweeping iron sword in his despairing eyes.

Gao Xiongwei's iron and wood protective gear is like a piece of paper, which is divided into two parts by the iron sword and his body. The following strong wind blows Gao Xiongwei's body and pours it on the wall. The huge amount of blood is like splashing paint on the white wall. Gao Xiongwei, who is strong in self-reliance, dies in the hands of the punisher.

"Ding, preparatory student Gao Weixiong died, killed zombies... Awarded 830 academic points, 0 credits, and less than 10 remaining credits, which is not in line with the first free resurrection mechanism of black prison colleges and universities"

"name Gao Xiongwei, age 28, title of preparatory student, number of scene experience: the first chapter of Genesis: the floating butcher of all living beings. The survival time was 13 days, 12:14:30 seconds, and the mode of death was... "

"In the record of preparatory student Gao Xiongwei's archives, the record is finished"

"the archive of preparatory student Gao Xiongwei is sealed, and the seal is completed"

"running separately"

accompanied by the general prompt tone of the life-threatening charm, Bai Qi roars and raises his sword, and cuts open the gate of the supermarket with one sword, and takes the lead in going out.

Li Xingyun and others obviously know that fighting the punisher in such a narrow place is like looking for death, and they also quickly bypass the punisher and flee to the outside.

Just when the punisher was going to chase the crowd, the Dragon calendar, which was drowned in the debris, turned into a black shadow and burst into the back of the punisher. Then, he shot the punisher in the air and poured it into the ceiling.

"When Lao Tzu can't make it with mud"

the Dragon calendar at the peak of the state of washing pith of a warrior is almost the same as that of the punisher in terms of strength. Even if his strength is slightly inferior to that of the punisher, he will not reach the level of great difference. In order to hide his clumsiness, he deliberately restrained his strength and was beaten out by the punisher,.

The fury of the Dragon calendar does not intend to continue to hide humble, the full fire of the Dragon calendar even for a time to punish the downwind, to Li Xingyun and others to fight for time to escape.

After escaping from the supermarket, Li Xingyun and others could not help but change their faces. All kinds of zombies came from all directions. Except for the direction of the suspension bridge, the roads in other places have been completely closed by the zombies group,

"back to the suspension bridge"

Li Xingyun and others fought and retreated, and finally retreated to the end of the suspension bridge before the zombies were surrounded.

At this time, a thin figure in the zombie group flashed out and grabbed Xuanyuan Qiming in the crowd. Five black purple sharp nails were cut on Xuanyuan Qiming's iron and wood protective equipment like a blade.

After a burst of harsh cutting sound, the protective gear behind Xuanyuan Qiming was immediately caught with five obvious scratch marks."When the sword rises, the flying sky controls the sword flow * draws out the sword to flash"

Meng Qiuyu drinks a drink and combines with Qiuyu sword. The sword cuts at the beautiful cloud that sneaks in, and the fierce cold light covers the face like a competition.

"With body and sword?"

Xiuliyun was shocked to see the light from the alloy sword. She didn't care to attack Xuanyuan Qiming. She twisted her waist and twisted her whole body into a strange angle.

However, when he suddenly saw the tail of the crane following the crowd, Chen Xiaoming suddenly became angry. After a vicious smile, a white whip shadow suddenly shot out of the broken nurse's short skirt.

The whip shadow breaks through the air and pulls to Chen Xiaoming's head.

Under the stimulation of life and death crisis, Chen Xiaoming's pupil shrinks violently, and the original vague whip image becomes clear. A tail whip full of bone spines is reflected in his eyes. It can be imagined that even if the whip is pulled off, Chen Xiaoming's head will immediately burst like a watermelon.

"I don't want to die. I can't die. I haven't seen her, and I haven't been able to say that with her. I've decided not to die here"

Chen Xiaoming's eyes are bloodshot, and a new force bursts out of his body like a bomb.

"Die for Laozi"

Chen Xiaoming grabs his hands in vain, and the iron gate of an abandoned vehicle breaks through the air like an arrow, hitting xiuliyun's waist hard. At the same time, xiuliyun's tail whip passes over Chen Xiaoming's head.

The huge inertia will beautiful cloud the whole person bumps to fly out of the bridge, turns into a black shadow and falls into the river.


from xiuliyun's sneak attack to Chen Xiaoming's attack, it's not too much to describe it with electric light flint. Li Xingyun didn't react until xiuliyun fell into the river and quickly covered it.

When Li Xingyun arrives at Chen Xiaoming's body, he can't help but take a breath of air. The helmet on Chen Xiaoming's head has been divided into two parts, just like the marks cut by a sharp blade. A ferocious bloodstain from upper left to lower right almost cuts Chen Xiaoming's face in two. , the fastest update of the webnovel!