Ji Xiaoxi stopped for a moment after talking about this, and then his eyes were a little strange: "in addition to these books, I also found a special notebook in the primary library. The knowledge in the notebook can't be exchanged, it can only be read by oneself, and it can only be opened by people who have the right to use public space"

Ji Xiaoxi said A black leather bound notebook appeared on her palm.

Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming took a close look and found several bronzed words on the black cover. Although they did not know these words before, they suddenly understood the meaning of these words at that moment.

"Record of class 1024? What's this, notebook? "

" well, this is the Notepad before class 1024, which contains the general plot of the task world experienced by class 1024 since its establishment, as well as some hidden rules of the black prison universities discovered by the students before. We thought it would be very useful for us, so we brought it out "

after Ji Xiaoxi handed the notebook to Li Xingyun, she looked at it like a kitten waiting for a reward Hit him.

Li Xingyun laughed, rubbed the hair of xiaoluoli and praised: "Xiao Xi is really powerful. This may be our biggest discovery this time. Maybe it's on it to get out of trouble."

after Li Xingyun opened his notebook, curious Chen Xiaoming also stretched out his big head to come over.

On the first page of the record of class 1024, Li Xingyun saw a few lines of gilded characters.

Welcome to black prison college.

This will be the beginning and end of all dreams.

The devil is waiting for your embrace, the angel is looking forward to your kiss, and death is just behind you, greedy gaze.


a new life has been given;

a new journey has begun;

enjoy the rest of your life.

Bloom your brightest glory in hell.

A few lines of font, let Li Xingyun feel a sense of crisis around her heart, as if there was a god of death hanging behind them greedily watching them.

After turning over the first page, the font on the notebook is no longer the color of gilding, but a strange text that Li Xingyun has never seen.

"Gee, isn't this Liao Yinwen in the Hunyuan League"

Chen Xiaoming sighed at the familiar font, but he knew that Li Xingyun couldn't understand it and read it directly.

"The most mysterious and powerful existence of black prison colleges and universities is the omnipotent president"

"according to the exploration of my colleagues and I, it is found that the principal in the square should be the principal's noumenon, while the classroom is a separate body"

"the principal ontology has three different personalities, each of which has independent consciousness, likes and dislikes, and habits, but memory is shared"

"However, the principal's personality can only accommodate one of them, so there is only one voice in issuing the main task each time"

"after paying several people's lives, we generally know the difference between the principal's three personalities"

"first of all, the cool and beautiful woman's personality is the most inhumane. The main task issued is regular, but the punishment is extremely serious, which can be heard in nine out of ten cases The word "obliteration" has the advantage that there are few traps in the main task. As long as the main task is completed step by step, the hidden task will not be triggered under normal circumstances.

"secondly, the gentle snake haired woman is the best at playing with people's hearts, and the issued main line task is the easiest to complete and the punishment is the lightest. However, the main task often contains invisible traps, which will be sure to be cheated It triggers a very difficult hidden task. However, after completing the task, the reward given by the gentle snake haired woman is often the most intimate "

" finally, the old man who looks like a fierce ghost is the most kind-hearted. Although the main task of the version is the most difficult and the punishment is very high, there will be rare special rewards after completing the task "

(Note: if you can please the principal in the task world, no matter it is That personality, can get unexpected rich rewards, but often only the dead can please the principal, so be careful of the people around him)

Chen Xiaoming looks a little ugly after reading this.

After a while, Li Xingyun turns the page and Chen Xiaoming continues to read.

"The most important function of the head teacher is the president, followed by the head teacher"

"the existence of the head teacher is like the grandfather of the novice village. As long as you provide the corresponding remuneration, he must provide you with the corresponding services"

"for the freshmen, the most important functions of the head teacher are"

"first, the head teacher has the obligation to provide 10 credits to the students After the payment, guard the students to go through the task world once (Note: if you have a classmate in the same class before entering the school, Congratulations, you can share the credit with that person) "

" second, the head teacher has the obligation to train the new students for three free periods (Note: one recess is the ten day rest time after completing the task) "

" third, During the first three classes, freshmen can pay the cost of one credit to call the head teacher to come to the task world for 10 minutes, and the number of calls is limited to three times in each class hour“After Chen Xiaoming finished reading this passage, Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Before, each of us got four credits in the entrance examination, that is to say, if we gather together, we can invite the head teacher to guard us through a mission world"

after Ji Xiaoxi calculated with her little finger, her lovely little face finally bloomed.

"That's right. I'm afraid we won't be able to get through the difficulty of the next class in any case. Now, with the help of the head teacher, our chances of survival have greatly increased"

so far, Li Xingyun's heart hanging in the air has been relieved, and finally found a way to live in a desperate situation.

After the mood relaxed, Li Xingyun plans to continue to turn the notebook, but found that the later page can not be turned in any case.

"1024 class public space users can only watch or write three pages of class notes during each class break"

after getting the headmaster's prompt, Li Xingyun suddenly realized that he was not entangled. At the same time, he was glad that the students had recorded important information in the previous pages. Otherwise, Li Xingyun and his colleagues would not have known about it.

After a discussion, the three decided to call the head teacher Luo Xia to help them train during the break. Even if the head teacher's protection is not in place in the next task world, he will not let himself fall into a desperate situation because of his poor strength.

After the discussion, Li Xingyun said to the headmaster: "the headmaster uses the compulsory authority of the head teacher to train new students for free once"

Li Xingyun's voice falls down, but she finds that Luo Xia does not appear in the classroom. When she is in a hurry, Luo Xia pushes open the door of the classroom and comes in.

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