"Yes, the special task world is the task world that can get special rewards after completing the main task"

"while the mortality rate of special task world is the top three in all task worlds. If you want to survive, you should try your best. In this task world, even I am not sure that I can protect the three of you intact"

" when Li Xingyun wanted to ask, most people began to wake up.

Some people find themselves strapped to a chair and immediately struggle with swearing.

And some people found that there are familiar faces around them, but also asked.

For a time, the quiet space became extremely noisy.

After Li Xingyun's eyes motioned to Ji Xiaoxi and Chen Xiaoming, he did not ask Luo Xia. In this environment, he could not exchange any useful information at all.

The next step is to cover the water with soldiers.

"Ding Dong, dear passengers, the sky over the Jedi island has arrived, and the team formation information has been sent to your brains. Please prepare for the airdrop and wish you all a happy game"

"the countdown of airdrop begins"

"9, 8, 7 . 0 "

with the end of the countdown, the metal baffle on Li Xingyun's back moved away, and the bondage on her body disappeared, and the icy fog mixed with strong wind poured into the cabin.

At the same time, Li Xingyun found that a sign of parachute jumping appeared in front of him.

"I'll light up the sign after I hear me say jump." Luo Xia's hoarse voice appeared in Li Xingyun's ears.

Li Xingyun squints at Luoxia in the strong wind and finds that Luoxia looks down at a watch like device on her wrist.

"This is the intelligent brain"

Li Xingyun studied the watch device according to Luo Xia's appearance, and found that this thing should be the so-called intelligent brain just broadcast.

On the smart brain's screen, Li Xingyun sees the heads of Ji Xiaoxi, Chen Xiaoming and Luo Xia, as well as the next line similar to the blood bar in video games.


before Li Xingyun is studying for a while, Luo Xia's voice comes through.

Li Xingyun and the three quickly light up the icon according to Luo Xia's instructions.

After that ...

"ah, ah, ah"

in a series of strange shouts, the three people were ejected out of the plane.

The fierce cold wind blows xuan'er and flies by Li Xingyun. After rolling for many times, Li Xingyun finally stabilizes her body.

"Fortunately, she trained parachuting in a scene before, otherwise it would be miserable"

after barely holding her body in the strong wind, Li Xingyun found Luo Xia's three figures.

But Luo Xia after seeing three people steady body, nodded to them, the mask mouth part wriggled for a while, Li Xingyun's three people's ears again heard his voice.

"Follow me"

LUO Xia's hands are close to his body, and his legs collapse straight. If the whole person plunges straight down like a javelin, he can only see a vague figure in the mist almost in the blink of an eye.

Hearing the speech, Li Xingyun's three men quickly followed the fall.

"Is this over that island!! It's such a big fog that nothing can be seen at such a height "

Chen Xiaoming's rough voice has been blown away by Dafei, but it still enters the ears of Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi.

"It should be right. Xiao Xi will follow Mr. Luo Xia closely. Don't go away"

Ji Xiaoxi nodded knowingly after hearing Li Xingyun's words "follow closely" and "stray" and concentrate on adjusting the direction of the fall.

A few minutes later, Rorschach's voice came again.

"Open the parachute and glide 900 meters to the Northeast 30 degrees"

Li Xingyun points the sign on zhinao to open the parachute, and a translucent parachute suddenly ejects from the backpack behind Li Yun Yun Yun. After aiming at the Northeast 30 degree direction of zhinao, Li Xingyun operates the parachute and glides over.

The closer Li Xingyun finds out, the more dense the fog around her. When she opened her umbrella, she could barely see the figure of Ji Xiaoxi, but now she can't see anything.

"I hope Xiao Xi and elder brother Chen will not have an accident"

Li Xingyun prayed secretly that he had not experienced how dangerous the task was at the planetary one star level, but compared with the previous entrance examination, Li Xingyun had a general standard.

The difficulty of the warrior level mission has made three people survive several times. For the three people at the planetary level, it is not too much to describe them as ten dead without life. If there is no Luo Xia to protect them, they will have to leave their own destiny.

After gliding for a few hundred meters, Li Xingyun's worry happened.

In the fog, suddenly came Ji Xiaoxi's scream and Chen Xiaoming's roar.

At the same time, Li Xingyun suddenly felt a sense of crisis behind her."Flying dragon flash"

a rather dim sword light cut through the fog and disappeared. Li Xingyun sighed with a sigh of bad luck.

Before entering the mission world, the primary manufacturing factory and its low price provided Li Xingyun with a lot of good equipment, and he also got a handy one star weapon cold lightsaber.

When used with "flying sword stream", it can double the power of Li Xingyun's sword light. It will not be as dim as it is now.

"Is it really useless? "

there was no movement in the fog, but the voices of Ji Xiaoxi and Chen Xiaoming were getting smaller and smaller, as if they were falling rapidly.

"Wait, fall? "

Li Xingyun's pupil shrinks and looks at the parachute.

Through a translucent parachute, Li Xingyun sees a ghost like Harry Potter's Dementor quietly drilling out of the thick fog.

After the twisted face gave out a terrible smile to Li Xingyun, the Dementor's hands stroke, and Li Xingyun's parachute immediately turned into fragments.

"Headmaster, I cnnmp"

in a series of swearing, Li Xingyun fell into the fog.

The dense forest is full of fog, and it is appropriate to describe the picture in front of Li Xingyun.

"I don't know how far away it is from the gathering point. I hope Xiaoxi and Xiaoxi are all right"

Li Xingyun hides under a big tree that covers the sky, holding her breath and waiting for something quietly.

Not long after, strange sounds came from the trees.

"Wuwuwu .

with the whine of a cold wind blowing into a tree hole, a group of strange shaped ghosts slowly floated out.

A headless knight, a long tongued woman, a gentleman with half a face All kinds of ghosts and monsters that Li Xingyun had seen in horror novels and horror movies before appeared in front of him.

"It would be nice if you still had an exorcist. These ghosts that are not even ghosts can be solved by two or three times. Unfortunately, we met a special task, and all the objects in the world were not able to be brought here"

Li Xingyun took a silent look at the ghost team, and turned back to hide.

After the ghost team left, Li Xingyun ran into the dense forest like a cheetah.

After more than ten minutes, Li Xingyun finally walked out of the dense forest.

In front of him was a magnificent building built on the edge of a cliff.

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