Li Xingyun shook her head.

"It's impossible. I must have been too frightened and had all kinds of hallucinations again"

the door of the room was pushed open as soon as the idea was raised.

Li Xingyun once again saw the black faced tusks and scarlet eyes.

Li Xingyun " .

"Uncle Luoxia, you are back"

little Lori holds a cup of hot water for Luo Xia and the monster with one eye pig head behind him.

"Xiao Xi is still sensible"

the one eyed pig head monster kneaded and kneaded little Lori's hair, and then let out a monstrous smile that can be called the standard of horror film to Li Xingyun.

"The nebula is awake? Why do you look at me like this? Oh, by the way, my brain has forgotten to take off the mask "

Chen Xiaoming looks at Li Xingyun's suspicious eyes and suddenly thinks of something. His right hand rips at his face, and a horror mask with one eye pig's face suddenly appears in his hand. At the same time, Chen Xiaoming's body shape and face change to show the original appearance.

"This is a monster mask, which is a specialty of the mission world. After wearing this mask, you can cover up the smell of a living person and mix with the demons and ghosts. However, the disadvantage is that the human shape will be revealed after the operation"

Chen Xiaoming smiles and throws the mask in his hand to Li Xingyun.

After studying for a while, Li Xingyun didn't see anything, so she put it on her face and suddenly found that her field of vision was greatly elevated.

After looking at her hands and feet, Li Xingyun knows that she has become a one eyed pig head monster before Chen Xiaoming.

"It's amazing"

Li Xingyun takes off her mask and everything recovers as usual. Looking at the mask in her hand, she feels a burst of surprise. These worlds in the black prison university are really more than one destroying people.

There are more weird and magical things than cow hair.

"This kind of mask is a rare item. After searching dozens of houses with Mr. Luo Xia, I found two"

"there are more such space bags"

Chen Xiaoming said, throwing another purse like object to Li Xingyun.

After Li Xingyun takes over, she subconsciously wants to open it for a look, but she finds a trace of cosmic energy in her body, which she enters into her pocket along her palm.

A one meter square space appears in Li Xingyun's mind.

"This is a strange thing in space"

Li Xingyun is curious and constantly takes out various items from the space bag, and has a good time. Now he finally knows where the hot water that Xiao Luoli used to conjure up before is from.

"This is just the worst space item, and it has a service life of less than three months"

"compared with the real space items in the black prison University, I don't know how much. If you have enough credits and learning points in the future, you can consider exchanging a space ring from the black prison University, which is the real space wonder"

LUO xiaslow After drinking the hot water in his hand, he took out a dark ebony and threw it to Li Xingyun.

"This ebony has spirit breaking effect, and its damage to ghosts is no less than that of your original cold light sword. Use it for the time being, and wait until you find a better equipment to replace it"

"now, take the time to go out and search for a few rooms. Li Xingyun, you go with me with a mask, Xiao Xi and Chen Xiaoming stay here to wait for us"

LUO Xia said After that, he put down his cup and went straight to the door.

Li Xingyun said hello to Chen Xiaoming and quickly followed Luo Xia's pace.

After going out, Li Xingyun once again felt that gloomy and terrifying atmosphere.

"This room is located on the third floor of the church ground, which is the only safe room I have found so far. As long as there is not too much noise, the demons in the church will not find the people in it."

after explaining with a hoarse voice, Luo Xia was silent.

Li Xingyun had an idea to put on the mask, and suddenly felt that the gloomy and terrifying atmosphere was much lighter.

"It seems that this church is only aimed at the living people"

they were speechless all the way and soon came to the eighth floor of the church.

"On the fifth floor downstairs, Chen Xiaoming and I have roughly searched"

"now we start to search from the eighth floor, and remember several points"

"first, never enter the door that is opened actively"

"second, do not enter the door with relief or picture on the door frame."

"third, it is similar to prayer room, prayer room, etc Don't go into the room "

" now our task is to collect supplies, and don't go to dangerous places unless we have to "

after Luo Xia's cold explanation, he went straight to the side of the corridor, and in a blink of an eye, he disappeared at the corner.

Li Xingyun touched the bag on the back of her head, curled her mouth and walked to the other end of the aisle.

Luo Xia's temper is really strange, especially after seeing Ji Xiaoxi, the whole person seems to become extremely indifferent, a businesslike face, and it seems that she doesn't want to have a relationship with Li Xingyun at all.Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming naturally know that Ji Xiaoxi's origin is strange. However, the three people who have lived and died together have already been brothers and sisters. No matter what troubles Ji Xiaoxi has, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming will not turn a blind eye.

Li Xingyun walks in the old corridor with a ebony stick. From time to time, he can see a closed wooden door. However, after careful observation, Li Xingyun finds that most of the wooden doors will carve reliefs or draw pictures in hidden places.

Li Yun Yun will not enter these rooms.

After Li Xingyun walked for half a sound, he finally found a wooden door empty, and tried to break the door lock.

Li Xingyun is alert to enter the room.

Ten minutes later, Li Xingyun came out without expression.

"In this ordinary room, there seems to be nothing useful except food and wine"

after searching more than ten ordinary rooms, Li Xingyun gradually found some rules.

These ordinary rooms are obviously quite safe, but the harvest is quite small.

After searching for half a day, Li Xingyun got not only a backpack of food and fresh water, but also a coin that could hurt ghosts.

And this coin is also Li Xingyun found, intelligent brain automatically prompted its use, otherwise Li Xingyun really missed.

"This coin is quite suitable for Xiaoxi. I'll give her a little surprise later"

Li Xingyun tosses the coin and walks leisurely in the corridor.

All of a sudden, a pink wooden door not far from Li Xingyun opened with a squeak.

Li Xingyun, with a dignified face, walked to the wooden door and looked at the room which was extremely dim due to the lack of light. Suddenly, the idea of going in and having a look came out of her mind.

Just as she was about to walk in, Li Xingyun suddenly bit the tip of her tongue and retreated with a dull hum.

A trace of blood flowed out of the corner of the mouth.

"The power of enchantment is so powerful that I can control my thoughts silently"

Li Xingyun wiped the blood stains on the corner of her mouth, walked around the room without expression and walked towards the deep corridor. , the fastest update of the webnovel!