
Li Xingyun and the three of them ran through in a dark passage. However, after approaching Luoxia, Luo Xia's vague figure has turned into a black smoke and disappeared. At this time, the three people realized that something was wrong.

"What to do now? I feel that Mr. Luo Xia is not very reliable."

Chen Xiaoming frowned and looked at the deep corridor. From the moment he entered the mission world, he felt that Luo Xia didn't care about protecting them. It seemed that Luo Xia was not interested in protecting them. It seemed that there would be various problems on the way to a smooth plan.

For Luo Xia, it may be just a small episode in the mission, but for Li Xingyun, this is a fatal threat.

"Search ahead for the time being. I don't think Mr. Luo Xia will leave us alone"

Li Xingyun's words are not unreasonable. If Li Xingyun's three people die in this task world, Luo Xia will not only forcibly take back all the benefits of the mission world, but also be deducted a lot of credits by the principal.

All the way, they walked cautiously towards the direction of Luoxia's disappearance. I don't know whether it was because of the disguise of the three ghost masks, or because they were lucky. They walked for more than half an hour without meeting any ghosts.

It's the time when the three of them are groping for fear all the way.

In an inconspicuous corner of the safe house, a scarlet light flashed away from her eyes under her mask.

"Interestingly, I was really a poor patient hunter when I cheated on three little guys in the daytime, but in this way, I could also observe the strange problems of that little girl in secret"

after another ten minutes, Li Xingyun and his three people somehow walked into a wide hall.

The hall, like a ballroom, was ablaze with lights, but empty.

And here is the room at the end of the corridor on the tenth floor, a room with a large area. At this time, the three people seem to have completely forgotten the third warning word that Luo Xia said before.

"There seems to be nothing here, where has Mr. Luo Xia gone"

Ji Xiaoxi looks around the empty hall with her head outstretched. In addition to a large number of seats, an empty stage and a bar, there are only oil paintings all over the wall in the dance hall.

"Dead end, let's turn back"

Chen Xiaoming felt that the brightly lit dance hall had a strange feeling that he could not speak of. Although there was no one here, he always had the illusion that he was being watched by countless eyes.

"Well, go back"

Li Xingyun also felt a kind of creepy feeling after entering the dance hall, and quickly pulled Ji Xiaoxi back.

However, it was already too late. The three talents had just turned back, and the door of the dance hall suddenly closed.

Then, melodious music came from the hall.

Along with the music, the sound of women's laughter, the voice of gentlemen's talking, the cough of the elderly, the roar of dogs All kinds of miscellaneous sounds filled the whole dance hall in an instant.

But the most strange thing is that Li Xingyun can only hear the sound, but can't see anyone. The dance hall is still empty.

"The sound comes from the oil painting immediately"

Ji Xiaoxi points to an oil painting and whispers.

Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming follow the direction that Ji Xiaoxi points out. They see an obscure man sitting in front of a piano in an oil painting, his fingers dancing like butterflies, playing melodious music wholeheartedly.

As if aware of the three people's eyes, the man played the piano with one hand, took off the gentleman's hat on his head, nodded to the three people, and then devoted himself to the music.

"The world in oil painting has come to life"

Li Xingyun takes a breath of cold air, and the unspeakable sense of crisis is approaching rapidly.

"This time, it's a disaster for Luoxia pit"

Chen Xiaoming took out the "embroidery needle" with gnashing teeth and looked at those paintings that survived.

"Welcome three distinguished guests to join our party. Now let's start the carnival tonight with the distinguished guests"

a pair of wine glasses held up by the host with heavy colors on the oil painting showed a meaningful smile to Li Xingyun.

Then the noisy oil paintings quieted down, and all kinds of people, animals and plants in the oil painting world all looked at Li Xingyun.

"Let me welcome our distinguished guests first"

an old woman not far away from Li Xingyun in the oil painting laughs strangely and stretches out her arms to Li Xingyun.

Li Xingyun's three people only feel a daze in their eyes, and then find themselves in front of a three story wooden house.

"Isn't this wooden house the background of the old woman's oil painting? So we came to the world of oil painting "

Chen Xiaoming manipulated the embroidery needle to hover around the three people silently to guard against possible dangers.

"Cheep .

when the old wooden door opened, I saw the old woman come out with a strange smile.

"Three distinguished guests, please"

Li Xingyun stood still with a cold hum and did not enter the wooden house as the old woman said."Since the three guests don't want to take the initiative to enter the room, it's no wonder that the old woman's face suddenly turned ferocious. She took out a sharp knife from her arms and ran to Li Xingyun. If it hadn't been for seeing with her own eyes, it's hard to imagine an old woman dying faster than a jackal.

However, before Lao Ou got close to Li Xingyun, he suddenly froze. Soon, a trace of blood seeped from her eyebrows, and then she fell to the ground.

"as like as two peas, the strength and speed are stronger than ordinary people, but there are also such defective products." Chen Xiaoming

just finished talking about it, and out of the old wooden door came an old woman who was just the same old woman who had fallen down.

But this time the old woman was holding a kitchen knife

Ten minutes later, bodies were piled up in front of the hut. These were the bodies of old women with various sharp weapons.

After Li Xingyun knocked an old woman to death with a stick, she frowned and said, "it's no way to kill this woman like this. We have to find a way to break the mystery"

"or we can burn the wooden house"

Chen Xiaoming's proposal immediately got the approval of Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun took out more than ten bottles of high-level wine collected before from her backpack and smashed it into the wooden house.

Chen Xiaoming also lost a lighter in the past.

The flames were rising, and the surging flames licked the old wooden house.

The old woman's shrill scream came from it. This time, no old woman was rushing out of the wooden house to kill Li Xingyun.

The fire burned out and all of them turned into fly ash. A window sized picture frame appeared in the air where the wooden house was located. Opposite the picture frame was a brightly lit dance hall.

Li Xingyun's three people looked at each other and jumped out.

"It's my turn. It's my turn to welcome the distinguished guests."

as soon as the three men landed on the ground, a woman with heavy make-up screamed excitedly in the oil painting.

Li Xingyun's three eyes once again appeared in front of the woman with heavy make-up

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