"Thank you very much for your advice. In the next few days, please try not to do anything on the premise that we will not die completely. We want to rely on our own strength to spend the mission world as much as possible"

Li Xingyun three people sincerely expressed their gratitude to Luo Xia, although they had some slight words about Luo Xia's inexplicable indifference, No Now that's gone.

If not for Luo Xia's suggestions, Li Xingyun and his colleagues would have wasted their precious experience.

The next three people began to really think about how to survive this mission world on their own.

First of all, Li Xingyun and his colleagues began to count the existing resources in their hands.

"We now have 34 multi-purpose medical kits, 82 bottles of Pepsi, 48 bottles of panacea, and 4 injections of gene activator"

"in addition, the two snipers also provided us with two one star magic tools: the eye of the cloud and the voice of the earth"

"these two magic tools belong to the exploration type, which just make up for the weak perception of nebula and me Weakness "

Chen Xiaoming pauses for a moment, takes a look at Luo Xia, who has nothing to do with himself, and then goes on.

"At this stage, our resources and equipment are already very good"

"each person has at least four magic weapons, and different kinds of magic weapons have been greatly improved in terms of attack, protection and perception"

"for the time being, it's a bit difficult to rely on external forces to improve, unless we meet another one with luck If we want to further improve our combat effectiveness, we must train our tactical cooperation with each other.

"we should make full use of each other's advantages, and at the same time, we should rely on our teammates to make up for our own shortcomings as much as possible.

after Chen Xiaoming has set the goal, he looks at Li Xingyun.

Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi also tried to think about it and express their opinions.

"Brother Xiaoming is right, but I think we can try to brush the ghosts in the resource points when we sharpen our tactics, so that we can not only increase actual combat experience, but also collect supplies at the same time."

Xiao Luoli's suggestion was unanimously agreed by both of them.

Li Xingyun looks at a large number of guns thrown aside by Chen Xiaoming like garbage. Her eyes flash and she tells her plan

Ten days later, the heavy gunfire broke the silence of dawn.

I saw a wolf as big as a calf one after another on a small hill.

The sun broke through the mist in the early morning, and there was only one big and two small. The three figures stood in the same place as the rocks in front of the tide. However, the fierce and fearless charge of a gray wolf did not retreat.

"Double dragon flash"

two gorgeous sword lights killed several too close gray wolves, and Li Xingyun stood in front of Ji Xiaoxi with a knight sword.

On the top of their heads, six fully automatic spar rifles shot a raging fire snake at the gray wolf not far away. Metal bullets crossed the air and took away the life in front of them.

On the other hand, Chen Xiaoming's head is also carrying six automatic spar rifles, and he is crazy to shoot all the living things in front of him. On his side, the same metal bullets gain more kinetic energy and more lethality than Ji Xiaoxi's rifles.

The frenzied suppression of fire lasted for half an hour, and nearly 300 gray wolves died under the hill.

The strong smell of blood makes the morning air dirty.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, nebula's method is really good. We use power to override most of the guns to cover the firepower. In this way, the firepower of both of us can be equivalent to a tactical team"

"if the long-range enemy suppresses with firepower and the enemy breaks through the firepower line for close combat, Xingyun's swordsmanship and our powers are not vegetarian"

"the only pity is that This method can only deal with ordinary squads. If there are planetary class strong men as sharp knives, the fire line will be broken after a few seconds, and then we will have no advantage in the siege. "

Chen Xiaoming smashed his mouth a bit.

"It's not good to eat all over the sky here. We have to prepare more hands to deal with different situations"

Li Xingyun smiles, but does not feel dirty, and goes straight to the corpses of wolves to find useful spiritual objects.

"Gray wolf claw, a star magic weapon, can eject a sharp light blade with a light blade up to three meters when poured into it."

Li Xingyun lost this weapon to Chen Xiaoming, just to make up for his lack of close combat ability.

As for Ji Xiaoxi, Li Xingyun is not worried. The armor of two-star magic weapon level is not so easy to break. Even the strong man of planetary level can't take Ji Xiaoxi for granted.

"How poor the resources are! There was only a one star magic weapon and a few small bottles of drinks "

Ji Xiaoxi stamped his foot discontentedly.

"It's not bad. After all, the strength of the monster is not strong. As long as people with a little skill can clean up this resource point, these things are no different from those picked up for nothing“"In general, there is no problem with the cooperation. I think we should find a clear target and make a strategy."

Li Xingyun looked at the map in his brain and soon found a good target.

With the mark of Li Xingyun, Chen Xiaoming and Ji Xiaoxi also looked over.

"Nightmare City? "

Xinzhi City, the largest medical city in the Jedi islands, can be described as the medical center of the whole Jedi island. In a small city, more than ten hospitals of various kinds have been established. After the unknown changes, this once life-saving city has become the entrance to hell.

At the same time, it is also one of the largest resource points in tens of thousands of kilometers.

Among them, supplies like medical bags are several times richer than the church.

In fact, the biggest difference between nightmares and churches is that they are rich in supplies and equipment.

"There are only five days. After five days, the poison ring will brush around here. When the ghosts inside will explode, we may not have a chance to come out alive."

after setting a countdown on his brain, Chen Xiaoming headed for a garden hospital in Xinzhi city.

Ji Xiaoxi also took a deep breath and, under the gaze of Li Xingyun, plucked up courage and went in a direction.

Li Xingyun watched Ji Xiaoxi's figure disappear completely, and then went to the selected direction.

This time, when they came to the Nightmare City, Li Xingyun had four goals.

One is to collect supplies as much as possible to prepare for the upcoming battle.

The second is to find opportunities for breakthrough. At present, after a lot of hard work, Li Xingyun feels that he is one step away from the planetary stage.

Third, it is to find a small boss ghost soldier at the planetary level to hone their new tactics.

Fourth, in order to complete the task content of task 3 and obtain the precious 1 point credit.

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