Li Xingyun's attack fell on the wall, like a bullock into the sea, quietly disappeared.

"Hiss, how can these two female ghosts become so strong together? It's hard for them to know each other before"

Li Xingyun takes a breath of cold air and looks at the two female ghosts who cooperate with each other in disbelief.

"Ha ha, don't you know that there is a special way of communication between the GUI people? For them, they can understand each other's thoughts and past at the moment of meeting"

"if it is not so difficult, how can the ghosts hold down the head of the human race and rank the third among the four dominant civilizations in the main universe"

"so I said that you killed Chen Xiao this time Mingdan looks at the dark wall melting with pain, and the two female ghosts have terrible faces.

A female ghost he can barely cope with, looking for opportunities to escape, two together, he is afraid that he can not even run away.

Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun are in despair.

A clear and sweet children's voice appeared in the sky of Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun.

"Brother Xingyun, brother Xiaoming, are you really here"

when Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun look up, they can see that the white wolf is standing in the void and roaring.

Under the reflection of the full moon behind, the White Wolf's white hair dances in the air like silver silk. With its aloof figure, this picture is very similar to the legendary Sirius Xiaoyue

the lovely little face of little Lori emerges from the White Wolf's hairy neck, and looks at Li Xingyun with surprise.

White wolf also curiously turned his head to look at Li Xingyun two people, like a panda black eye suddenly appeared in front of them.

What white wolf is this? It's a husky.

Li Xingyun instantly felt her world view was shattered.

Why does a dumb cute husky show up in such an impressive and handsome way.

Giant Husky's strong appearance seems to have suppressed two female ghosts.

In the moment when the two female ghosts were sluggish, a huge husky wolf's mouth opened and a silver flame surged out, wrapping the two female ghosts in.

At the same time, giant husky also jumped into the air and came to Li Xingyun.

At this time, Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun discovered that Husky's hairy neck had a string of glittering necklaces. In addition to the largest pearl on the necklace, the two beads on the left and right were illustrious serpentines.

"Magic moon chain, three-star magic weapon"

"the wearer can be immune to all magic and psychic attacks below the three-star level of the planet. The magic power and mental power attack power of the four-star level are reduced by half, the magic power and mental power attack power of the five-star level of the planet are reduced by 30%, the magic power and mental power attack power of the six star level of the planet are reduced by one layer, and the magic and spirit attack power of the seven star level of the planet are reduced by one layer The magic power attack is invalid "

" at the same time, a planet level eudemon can be sealed inside, and summoning does not need to pay any price "

" with the improvement of the holder's cultivation, the magic weapon level and the strength of the phantom beast can be further improved "

a few short lines of membership make Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun confused.

They didn't see the three-star magic weapons. Luo Xia painted a whole set of three-star magic weapons on his body. Although Luo Xia didn't provide them with them free of charge, they still saw the attributes of the three-star magic weapons.

However, the rarity of Ji Xiaoxi's magic weapon is more than any three star level magic weapon that Li Xingyun has ever seen. Compared with it, those magic tools on Luo Xia are all dregs.

"Brother Xingyun, brother Xiaoming, this is Xiaobai"

"Xiaobai, this is brother Xingyun and brother Xiaoming in my family. Remember not to bite them later"

xiaoluoli jumps down and introduces Li Xingyun and giant husky to each other.

Husky, named Xiaobai, rubbed Lori's head with a dull face, as if he didn't understand at all.

Li Xingyun looks at the oppressive husky Eudemons in silence. She really can't imagine why the planet level eudemon will become husky.

Chen Xiaoming did not seem to have seen this kind of demolition team leader, a face envious looking at and Ji Xiaoxi intimate eudemon.

Planetary level Eudemons, but extremely rare species.

After being sealed in a magic weapon, this kind of eudemon is equivalent to having an immortal body. As long as the ability of the magic weapon is OK, even if the summoned eudemon dies 100 times, it will only damage the vitality, and it can recover after a period of cultivation.

Such a planet level helper who is willing to die is the dream of countless people.

The shrill howl came out again, and the turbulent silver flame broke into stars under the attack of sound waves.

However, the strength of the dead's howling has been weakened to the limit. Li Xingyun's three people, in addition to feeling a little harsh, have no actual lethality.

"Let's reminisce about the past and deal with these two guys first"

Chen Xiaoming looks at the ghost in red with fierce eyes.

After killing him for so long, it's time to pay off the debt.

"Kill them separately. Brother Xiaoming and I will entangle the girl in red. Xiaoxi and Xiaobai will deal with the female ghost in white“Li Xingyun made a quick decision to allocate the opponent and then went up with his sword.

Chen Xiaoming also sneered and took out several guns and a simple knife like magic weapon to kill the ghost in red.

Fierce gunfire and dazzling sword light once again enveloped the park.

A series of moves have been released from Li Xingyun's hands. The female ghost in red is worthy of being a planetary level ghost soldier. Even in the face of the siege of Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming, the female ghost in red is still not at a disadvantage.

The scarlet tongue danced like a whip, which not only flew all the bullets shot by Chen Xiaoming, but also blocked Li Xingyun's sword light orderly.

The female ghost in red is also frustrated. Her best ghost magic is resisted by Li Xingyun's armor, and the ghost's innate ability has no effect on the armed two.

With a strength of ten to seven, one can only use some physical attack means and voice skills that are usually despised by Li Xingyun. This is equivalent to defeating the enemy with one's own shortcomings. If it wasn't for where the planetary strength is, I'm afraid they would have died by Li Xingyun's sword now.

In fact, the defects of ghosts are also reflected here. If there is no corresponding means of restraint, the ghosts belong to the most difficult group among the hundreds of millions of civilized races. If they do not pay attention to them, they will fall into a dilemma of life and death.

But if there is a corresponding means of restraint, the ghost is not more difficult to deal with, even with those who have no brain monster to kill some.

Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming can fight the female ghost in red even with these magic weapons in their hands.

If we change to planet level monsters or humans, now Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming may have been chased everywhere. , the fastest update of the webnovel!