"There are more powerful planets than we think. It seems that someone has used a similar method to us to break through the original state in this isolated island"

Chen Xiaoming uses the eye of cloud sky to detect the surrounding movement and stillness. It is not easy to hide in this seemingly small place. Without planetary level hiding ability, however, it can't escape detection with detection tools, but Li Xingyun has so far The three failed to find any of their rivals.

This means that the remaining 28 have reached the planetary level at worst.

"In the scuffle, the three of us may not be able to gain too much advantage. What's more, some of the others may have formed a temporary team. In this case, it is very difficult for us to complete the task"

"I have a crazy idea"

"we can..."

Li Xingyun looks at Chen Xiaoming and Ji Xiaoxi's plans, and cracks a crazy smile on her lips.

After hearing Li Xingyun's idea, Chen Xiaoming and Chen Xiaoming can't help but get flustered. Li Xingyun's proposal is crazy. If one is not careful, three people will have to face death again.

However, if the plan goes well, the three of them will not only be able to complete task 1, but also task 2, which seems completely impossible to complete.

"Let's do it again, there may not be such a good opportunity in the future"

as time goes on, the poison ring has not been refreshed, but people are ushering in another airdrop aircraft.

The flying saucer like flying saucer came to the people's heads in the buzzing sound. In full view of the crowd, they dropped an airdrop supply box and flew to the other side outside the poison ring.

At this time, Li Xingyun flies out of his hiding place.

Chen Xiaoming stepped on a shield like magic weapon flying in front of him. Dozens of fully automatic crystal rifles pointed out vigilantly in all directions. At the same time, the three-star magic weapon in his hand, which was obtained from the airdrop, has been fully charged with a destructive smell.

And behind Chen Xiaoming, Ji Xiaoxi and Li Xingyun are riding the magic beast husky closely behind him. The colorful magic instruments on their bodies make people's eyes dazzled.

"Are these three idiots? They exposed themselves to the public for an airdrop supply box. It's really hard to resist such a good fire collection target"

a man with leopard head hid in the jungle and looked at the three people flying up in the air, hesitated for a while, but still did not choose to start.

The rest of the people are almost the same idea. In this coming chaos, hiding themselves is obviously more important than killing the enemy. Anyway, even if Li Xingyun gets the airdrop, they will become the target of public criticism. After Li Xingyun's death, these treasures will still be in the hands of the rest.

In this way, the three li Xingyun flew into the air.

Li Xingyun's three people did not return to the ground as other people imagined after they quickly removed all the items dropped into the supply box with Ji Xiaoxi's idea power, but they raced toward the aircraft without hesitation.

This time, the talent response, Li Xingyun three people's target is not the air drop supply box, but the passing aircraft.

"Hahaha, it's really three idiots. If you can hitchhike out, where will you get the three of you? Nobody will run out of zaote"

the leopard man looks at the choice of the three in surprise at first, and then laughs wildly with his stomach covered.

There are not a few people on the planetary level who have the ability to fly, but they never thought they could escape the island by flying in a vehicle that dropped a supply tank in mid air.

Because they know that the danger level in the air is several grades higher than that on the ground, especially in the air outside the poison circle, which is the paradise of the dead and the portrait of hell. Not to mention two or three planet level strong men, it is a row of planets. If they fall in, they will die.

That aircraft is the through train to the abyss and hell.

Now there are three passengers on this hell through train.

After seeing Li Xingyun's choice, others sneer and ignore it. Unless they open the plug-in blatantly, otherwise, the three of them will die, and they will not pay much attention to the dead.

Li Xingyun three people stand on the flying saucer, excitedly looking at the rapidly away earth, the first step of the plan smoothly.

"Brother Xingyun's strategy is really useful. These people think that we always want to return to the ground, and all of them do not choose to expose ourselves to attack us. They let us take the items in the airdrop supply box, and let us come to the aircraft."

Ji Xiaoxi is excited to see the safety area which is constantly disappearing, and feels that Li Xingyun's plan can be carried out so smoothly To be happy.

"The next is the important play. We must insist on Mr. Luo Xia's appearance"

Li Xingyun took time to drink two bottles of drinks, and looked at the approaching poison ring with a crazy look.

This time, they bet their lives again that Rorschach would protect them from flying out of the island.

If they lose the bet, they will lose all their lives, and if they win, they will make a lot of learning points and credits.In fact, Li Xingyun felt that she had won half of the bet after she came to this aircraft, because Luoxia did not stop their crazy behavior.

Next, unless Rorschach gives up on them, he won't watch them die.

After the aircraft broke out of the poison ring, Li Xingyun felt the power of the gas for the first time.

After inhaling the colorless and tasteless poisonous gas, the breath of the three people stops suddenly.

The blood bar under the three heads also began to decline at an unprecedented speed.

Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming quickly isolated the poison gas with the original energy gauze, and the falling speed of the blood bar slowed down. However, although the descending speed was slow, it was still being consumed at a constant speed.

Under the protection of the third level magic weapon armour in the planet level eudemon and airdrop supply box, Ji Xiaoxi is much better than Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun, and the speed of blood bar descending is hardly visible.

"What a powerful poison gas. I'm afraid it's mixed with fog that can corrode the soul, otherwise it won't be so terrible. It almost ignores the function of the original energy gauze and directly devours our vitality"

seeing that the blood stick is still declining, Chen Xiaoming drinks several bottles of drinks and panacea in a hurry, which slows down the speed of the blood stick.

"We should protect our souls in any case, especially Xiaoxi. The spirit of martial arts is only ordinary soul, without spiritual attachment. If Xiaoxi's soul is exposed to this poisonous gas, I'm afraid that the Resurrection time will disappear"

"after we break through the planetary realm, even if the body dies, as long as the soul is OK However, he still has the chance to be resurrected by Mr. Luo Xia "

seeing that Luo Xia has not yet appeared, Chen Xiaoming quickly instructs the two men, and then takes out all the weapons and magic instruments that he can use.

It's piled up on top of the UFO.

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