Three days later, malinna, with a sweet smile, walked into Li Xingyun's villa with a contract.

"Through the detection of scientific researchers, the beverage contains a large number of unknown synthetic molecules, which can really play a magic role in restoring physical strength, energy and treating injuries"

"after expert evaluation, the Xinghe federal government is willing to buy the property right of this beverage at the price of one billion star coins"

"this is the contract, please have a look"

malinna handed over the contract, Li After glancing at malinna casually, Xingyun looked at malinna and said, "the contract is very good, but it's a little bit less sincere"

mellina's smile froze again. "Sincerity, I don't know what kind of sincerity you need"

"hehe, you planned to empty my utilization value at the beginning, didn't you, It's not like the courage of a government that controls dozens of ecological planets. "

Li Xingyun lies in a comfortable sofa and drinks a glass of juice mixed with dozens of fruits. She looks at Melina's stiff smile like a smile.

"Your honor, this drink is not an indispensable item for the galaxy federal government. It has been able to offer a price of one billion Singapore dollars "

before she finished her words, Li Xingyun immediately interrupted her words," is it worth your saying? I'm afraid it doesn't matter if you say it. I've been studying your attitude towards the emissary of the supreme heaven for a long time. I found that you have taken advantage of a lot over the years. "

" after packaging and selling many things to you, they have played a crucial role Compared with your previous efforts, it's not worth mentioning "

" I'm afraid that the Xinghe federal government has done a lot of such things "

" now that you are interested in the unknown items I bring, please give your sincerity. After all, what we need to talk about is not only this bottle of drink, but also the panacea and universal medical package in the worst case Are these two kinds of medical products "

" we should know that the efficacy of these two kinds of medical products is not comparable to that of Pepsi beverage "

" if these two kinds of medical products are auxiliary, your military group is not without the possibility of further development, which is not the value that can be measured by the number of star coins "

Li Xingyun's words let mellina's smile finish It's all gone.

Li Xingyun is right. If a lot of things are raised to a political level, they can't be measured by only star coins, and the supplies and medical supplies provided by Li Yun Yun can provide political value for them.

Once these miraculous medical products can be produced in large quantities, what kind of gospel will it be for the disabled soldiers in foreplay operations? For their present political group, with the support of a large number of front-line soldiers, it is essential to maintain the present regime or to take power in the whole Federation even closer.

For individuals, a billion star coins is a huge wealth, but for a regime, not to mention one billion, that is 10 billion, which is just a drop in the bucket.

"Your honor, wait a moment. I will tell you that Shangfeng is replying to you first?"

After quitting the villa, malinna did not leave the Kaiyue hotel. After making a few video calls with her brain, she returned to Li Xingyun's villa again.

"This is a new contract. If you have any other requirements, you can fill in the attached conditions of the contract"

Li Xingyun finally nodded with satisfaction when she looked at a new contract she had brought out.

Although Li Xingyun was provided with two medical products, namely, panacea and medical package, the contract also offered a price that Li Xingyun could not refuse.

As long as Li Xingyun still exists in the world and within the ruling area of the Xinghe federal government, Li Xingyun can obtain a huge wealth of 10 billion star coins every year, plus the rank of major general and the authority of SS level.

With so much money and power, Li Xingyun can set up an elite army at any time to help him accomplish whatever he wants to do, and he can also be rich. The remaining money is enough to help him further his strength.

However, after seeing the attached page of the contract, Li Xingyun thought about it and put forward her own additional conditions.

"After the Star River federal government has worked out the formula of the Pepsi beverage, the panacea and the universal medical bag, I need to make a copy. Of course, I also promise that I will not disclose any content about the formula in the world, nor will I trade the three items with others"

Li Xingyun's additional conditions and guarantees made her agree after hesitating for a while Come down.

"Happy cooperation"

Li Xingyun stood up, shook hands with Melina with a smile, and then handed over the remaining two kinds of medical products to her.

Li Xingyun is not worried about whether malinna will turn over her face after getting these samples, because Li Xingyun thinks that she dare not, or that the entire galaxy federal government does not dare.

This is the reason for the information asymmetry. In the view of the Xinghe federal government, Li Xingyun belongs to the same force as the former students.

Moreover, the strength of this force is unfathomable, and even runs through the whole history of their rise. Such a powerful and mysterious force has never been seen before by the Xinghe federal government, which can only be attributed to the scope of theology.It is obviously unworthy to take the risk of offending God for such a small interest for the entire galaxy federal government.

When the contract was settled, Li Xingyun immediately heard a sweet sound in his head.

Li Xingyun can't help but burst into a happy smile when she saw her savings amount to 10 billion 4.96 million.

From the beginning to the end, he only paid a bottle of Coca Cola, a bottle of panacea and a multi-purpose medical bag, but what he gained was a huge and unimaginable wealth.

The 10 billion star coins a year is enough for him to buy a medium sized star warship or to raise a militarized force of up to 3000 people every year.

However, these are secondary. For Li Xingyun, the most important thing is how to make use of the particularity of the world and this mission world to improve its own strength.

Li Xingyun has fully studied the world of Star Corps, and found that this world has opened up a lot of black technology because of the involvement of the students of the black prison, and is also stepping on the same road of rise as the Terrans in the main universe step by step.

In short, the evolution of science and technology goes hand in hand with that of individuals.

In this world, there are not only Li Xingyun's previously unimaginable science and technology, but also various techniques and methods of practicing by using the cosmic force.

Even planet level strongmen are not rare in this world, but the normal human society is not adapted to these Superman who can move mountains and rivers, spit out flames and shoot lasers. , the fastest update of the webnovel!