There was a roar from the smart brain public channel, and then many soldiers, who did not seem to have extraordinary firepower, suddenly pulled out their heavy guns from their space equipment.

Huge rifles, like the barrel, burst into the hands of those soldiers, and the dense lines of fire immediately tore up the first batch of flying Mantis charging.

However, there are so many flying Mantis emerging from the black hole, so many that they even cover the top of the cave. Even those soldiers try their best to stop the fish who miss the net to rush through the fire blockade line and come to the top of the tactical platform.

Unprepared ordinary soldiers in the face of the ground and air from the attack, immediately there were casualties.

At this moment, the scream of human beings, the hissing of Zerg, the explosion of missiles and the roar of commanders became the main melody of the battlefield.

Trapped in the burning battlefield, it immediately became a huge and incomparable flesh and blood millstone, not only killing the Zerg's living power, but also harvesting human life all the time.

Li Xingyun watched countless Terran troops rush into the battlefield one after another from tunnels. After setting up a tactical platform under the cover of pioneers, Li Xingyun was torn into pieces by countless insects in the fire.

The cruelty of the war is incisively and vividly displayed in front of Li Xingyun at this moment. Both Zerg and Terran are so crazy and look at death as if they were dead in the battlefield. One moment after another, they are still alive, and the next second is becoming a negligible corpse in the battlefield.

"Can't we do anything?"

Li Xingyun watched a stranger die in front of him, inexplicably feel a solemn and stirring from the heart.

"Holding on to the position is the best help"

Alva looked at the situation in the battlefield indifferently, while casually commanding the 50 elite soldiers to put forward various tactical formations to deal with the impact of the Zerg.

For Li Xingyun and others, although the insects in all directions are numerous, they can not really threaten them.

Not to mention the four Li Xingyun who can kill seven in and seven out of the insect swarm, even the elite soldiers at the top of the 50 warriors are far from showing their real strength. Even so, under their powerful firepower, no insect has been able to kill them so far.

At this time, the long lost backup troops also came out of the tunnel behind Li Xingyun.

After seeing Li Xingyun and their powerful firepower, the backup troops who risked their lives to attack were stunned, and then cheered and began to build a tactical platform.

In less than 10 minutes, dozens of simple tactical platforms were trained in Li Xingyun's corner. Under the dense fire coverage, they tore a corner belonging to the Terran in the insect sea.

After watching the Terrans consolidate their position here, alvar immediately directs his five mobile tactical platforms to the nearest Terran battlefield.

After realizing Alva's intention, Li Xingyun can't help feeling that Alva is a veteran who has been active in the battlefield for many years.

Although there is no battlefield command in the notes, with extraordinary insight into the direction of the war, Li Xingyun led their small team to make the most correct choice at the right time and made an indelible contribution to the Terran army.

After knowing the difference of battlefield experience between Li Xingyun and Alva, he did not think about the others. Instead, he carried out Alva's orders and led six elite soldiers to attack the insect swarm.

Amid the barrage of bullets, Li Xingyun began to adapt to the chaotic battlefield and began to weave her own death song under the melody of death and flame.

A bullet with a flaming tail pierced through the enemy in front, and a simple sword light pierced into the fatal weakness. Li Xingyun, like the dancing God of death on the battlefield, constantly reaps the life in front of him.

As more and more insects died in his hands, Li Xingyun began to exult at the death declaration ability in his body. A stream of pure vitality melted into his body through the declaration of death. Li Xingyun found that his spirit did not weaken or even rose in constant fighting. Li Xingyun gradually became addicted to this kind of killing and strength growth In the pleasure of.

In the crowd, Alva and Yi Han looked at Li Xingyun's change with cold eyes, and their faces became more and more dignified.

Over the years, they have dealt with many envoys of heaven, most of them are just a group of seemingly high, but actually vulnerable bastards.

Li Xingyun is more sincere and self-conscious among these bastards, but for them, Li Xingyun is always an outsider who has come to their world.

After half a year's relationship, Alva and the three men got to know Li Xingyun at first. At the same time, they realized that this seemingly small boy had a temperament that other messengers didn't have, that is, the ferocity engraved in his bones like an outlaw.

In the ordinary training, Li Xingyun has already shown his ruthlessness to himself. Now, Li Xingyun, who is addicted to the killing, is able to show Alva what kind of dangerous person this little looking teenager is.With Li Xingyun acting as a sharp knife, 50 elite soldiers piloted five mobile tactical platforms to maneuver among the insect sea, helping the remaining troops build one tactical platform after another.

After countless tactical platforms were linked together, the dense insects were finally suppressed by the powerful firepower, and the cheers of the Terran soldiers shook the world.

After the war lasted three hours, the insect tide receded, and the surrounding area of the huge cave was surrounded by countless Terran soldiers.

Numerous Terran soldiers, under the command of the commander, drove the newly assembled heavy industrial equipment and began to build real war fortresses.

After the completion of the front fort, Zerg will usher in the final attack of the Terrans.

Those insects also seem to notice the imminent disaster. Their sharp limbs throw the soil under them uneasily. If they don't stay where they are under the command of higher-level insects, I'm afraid these brainless worms have launched a suicide charge against the powerful Terrans.

Covered with green insect blood, Li Xingyun sits on a huge stone and quietly savors the aftertaste of the previous moment.

The pleasure of improving strength in the crazy killing was so strong that Li Xingyun doubted whether there was something wrong with his nerves.

He had not experienced a massacre like battle. Whether it was the killing of zombies or the curtain of ghosts, death declaration did not produce such a big change in his body.

But now this situation makes Li Xingyun have to admit that she has a problem. , the fastest update of the webnovel!