Therefore, in the face of this unexpected change, Alva did not make a good decision. Instead, he gave the decision-making power to Li Xingyun. After all, Li Xingyun is their employer. In the face of such extra tasks that may be life-threatening, he still has to make decisions.

"Assault, or we don't know when the battle will be delayed"

Li Xingyun did not hesitate to nod and agreed to continue the assault and complete the important task of destroying the enemy's rear.

Alva three people inadvertently show a trace of satisfaction smile.

They see many envoys who are greedy for life and fear of death. For those messengers, the soldiers in the Star River Corps seem to be not real people with flesh and blood. They can abandon them mercilessly for the benefit of a little bit.

But Li Xingyun, who is willing to take risks for ordinary soldiers, is really rare.

"Continue the raid"

at Alva's command, 50 elite soldiers collectively let out a roar and charged toward the Zerg core area, and the dense explosion and the death of the insects hissed again.

Half an hour later, Li Xingyun and his party finally broke through the blockade of insects and arrived at the center of the Zerg incubator. At this time, most of the elite soldiers fighting with Li Xingyun had been killed. This was the result that Marcos could take care of. Otherwise, the 50 soldiers would have died on the way.

The three words "courage, glory and fearlessness" are the mantra of these soldiers who have not had much time to understand. What they let Li Xingyun see in this battle with completely asymmetric forces is what is real faith and what is the pride of the human race.

One soldier after another did not step back in the face of endless insects. Even if they were about to die, they tried their best to drag the insects around them to explode together. They really fulfilled the promise before the operation that they would leave the last bomb to themselves.

"May glory shine on your soul, and the gate of the highest heaven will open to you." Li Xingyun, like a priest in a church, closed her eyes for a soldier. The soldier, who lost most of his body in the explosion, finally took his last breath with a smile.

Li Xingyun bit his teeth, picked up the cloud sword and continued to fight. If the soldier would not die at all in peacetime, the military hospital of the Xinghe federal government would be able to save him even with the last breath of panacea. However, in the chaotic battlefield, it was impossible for him to insist on the arrival of the backup troops.

"Instead of being sad, we should consider how to make their sacrifice more meaningful"

seeing Alva, who was used to parting in life and death, paid a military salute to the dead soldiers, and then looked at the huge incubator where insects of different colors quietly watched their arrival like stone carvings.

"There are more than 3000" Puppies "with third-order evolution, 500 flying Mantis with second-order evolution, and more than 10 specially made fighting insects at the level of half step planet, which can't be easily closed"

Yi Han looks at the group of strange insects, and the corners of his mouth twitch.

The third-order evolution of the "dog" has the highest fighting power of a warrior. Although its blood and defense are not comparable to those of mammoth warworms, its individual combat effectiveness is to destroy those bulky guys.

The same is true of the 500 second-order evolution flying Mantis. The fighting power of the warrior's peak makes the insect which originally flies in the sky more flexible and ferocious. It is just a god of death flying in the sky.

As for the special war insects, Li Yun Yun has never seen them, but the energy emitted from the insects knows that these guys are more difficult to deal with than dogs and flying Mantis.

"We are the vanguard and the meat shield, sir, you can find a chance to break into the incubator"

the second lieutenant with the highest rank among the remaining 20 elite soldiers looked directly at Alva.

Alva looked to death, and the lieutenant nodded.

A minute later, more than 20 elite soldiers launched a death charge against the insects. Looking at the group's resolute back, Alva could not help murmuring: "all the way, brothers, we are drinking and talking happily in the afterlife"

the dense barrage of bullets and the violent explosion made the quiet insects roar with anger in an instant, and the insects' eyes were red, looking at the people who dare to challenge them Class, and then launched a counter offensive.

Under the fierce charge of more than 20 elite soldiers, the dense swarm of insects was finally torn apart.

Li Xingyun's four people clenched their teeth and burst out at the fastest speed towards the gap.


Alva roared with the force of thunder, and hundreds of insects disappeared in the battle field, and the gap between the insects turned into an unimpeded road.

Li Xingyun's four people turned into four meteors, breaking out of the insect swarm's encirclement circle and approaching the incubator rapidly. At this time, the insects also found that they had been cheated and abandoned the rest of the soldiers in a continuous roar and chased after the four of Li Xingyun.

"You can go back, don't make useless sacrifice"

the captain who survived happily looked at the back of Li Xingyun's four people, said a word to the remaining eight wounded soldiers, and fell to the ground, but lost too much blood and passed out in a coma.The eight soldiers resisted the pain and pulled up their lieutenants to withdraw from the battlefield. They had done everything they could, and the rest could only be handed over to four Li Xingyun.

"Double Dragons twinkle, ten lines are disordered"

Li Xingyun's sword light is like a dragon, which is devouring one fierce insect after another. With the posture of fighting bravely and bravely, Li Xingyun's powerful sword like map gun is constantly used, which is like a mad devil killing all the insects that can be seen.

At this moment, Li Xingyun's one person's lethality is even comparable to that of the more than 20 elite soldiers.

"We should learn how to save energy, or how to go back later"

Alva saw Li Xingyun's posture, but he was so angry that he flashed to Li Xingyun's side with a roar, which would wake him up with a slap.

Li Xingyun felt the turbulent Qi and blood in the body and the residual original energy, and cold sweat could not help but flow down.

Although he was addicted to killing in the previous battles, he was faced with some insect soldiers who were too weak to be attacked, so he could kill them even with his physical strength. After a battle, the original energy of the universe was not consumed, but increased a lot. Naturally, the sustainable combat effectiveness is not the same as now.

However, in the face of so many powerful insects, Li Xingyun had to use some moves with strong lethality and high original energy consumption, which exposed the shortcomings of Li Xingyun's lack of original energy in the universe.

If the killing goes on like this, it may not take half an hour for Li Xingyun, who is in a state of madness, to use up all his original energy. What will he do next to deal with the overwhelming number of insects? , the fastest update of the webnovel!