Marcos estimates that the insect's combat effectiveness is at least three-star level, which is Li Xingyun's estimation without telling him the true power of the worm's destroying light column. Otherwise, Max's evaluation of the insect will be even higher.

"It's strange that the insect didn't chase after me after I escaped"

after Li Xingyun finished, she also noticed something wrong.

Marcos then explained: "some powerful Zerg will encounter the bottleneck of transformation in the evolutionary modulation stage. At this time, most of the insects will choose to return to the incubator and remain silent in the energy solution, waiting for evolution. It is thought that the insect has reached the critical moment of evolution, so it did not pursue after sending out an attack"

Marcos explained casually After a sentence, his face turned ugly: "what I really worry about is that so far I haven't seen any planet level insects that can move freely, which is very abnormal"

the abnormality of Marcos means that this unknown variable is among which countless Terran soldiers are likely to be buried in this unknown variable.

"Don't think so much about it. First, find the heart core of the incubator and separate from the mother insect. Then, it's not a long-term place to stay"

Li Xingyun's words made Marcos nod, and then they moved forward to new goals again.

After breaking through one flesh wall after another, Li Xingyun and Marcos finally arrived at the second target position.

This time, they were very lucky to find the chamber where the heart core of the incubator is located.

"This is the core of the heart. It looks like a work of art. It's really breathtaking."

Li Xingyun's eyes twinkled with surprise at the huge "diamond" suspended in mid air.

He never expected that the heart core in the incubator would be so beautiful, just like the most perfect art in the human society

the heart core of the incubator is a three meter sized transparent diamond ball, with countless subtle sections invisible to the naked eye, and a gene chain emitting the colorful halo is slowly spinning in the middle of the transparent diamond ball.

Every time the gene chain rotates, the colorful halo shoots into every corner of the insect room through the section of the ball. Li Xingyun faintly sees that the insect room absorbs the halo, and immediately transmits it to the depth of the incubator.

"The heart nucleus of the incubator is equivalent to the gene bank of the incubator. The core of each egg that needs to hatch is determined by this core. At all times, this core transmits the gene signal of Zerg in a special way, commanding the rest of the incubator to work. If you just destroy the heart nucleus incubator, you will be completely paralyzed"

Marcos said One side has begun to pull things out of space equipment.

Li Xingyun, looking at the beautiful heart core, couldn't help saying, "can't you just collect this core? It has to be destroyed"

Marcos had no choice but to smile: "if you can collect it, it doesn't have to be so troublesome. See, the core shell is the transparent diamond ball"

"it's a special kind of space diamond, ordinary space decoration He has no way to prepare and attack. Besides, the heart core is only three meters in size, but it weighs more than 100 tons. In addition to the experts at the level of five planets or above, who can carry it around

"It's not a holiday resort. Countless insects are waiting for us. How can we have time to take this big thing with us?"

after listening to Marcos' explanation, Li Xingyun looked at the heart core of the incubator with a look of pity. Such an obviously valuable treasure must be destroyed.

Marcos, after building a washbasin sized space bomb, breathed a sigh of relief, but the dignified look on his face was not much less.

After installing the space bomb, Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun retreated all the way.

At this time, Li Xingyun also noticed the strange atmosphere. How important is the place where the heart core of the incubator is located, let alone insects. Even human beings know, but such an important place is not guarded.

Besides, Li Xingyun didn't meet any free insects along the way except those outside the incubator.

"I have a bad premonition that this mission may be deceitful"

Marcos solemnly turned the defensive performance of the earth helmet machine armor into the best form, and was ready to face the unexpected.

After they withdrew from a long distance, the space bomb exploded. The disordered space formed a miniature black hole in a small area. The solid space diamond was also shattered under the terrible destructive force of the black hole, and then the colorful halo gene chain was absorbed by the black hole.

The whole incubator began to shake like an earthquake, and a huge roar like a horn sounded in the cave.

After hearing the sound of the trumpet, melinna's face showed a strange smile: "it's starting, Reverend, you must survive."

in the shaking incubator, Li Xingyun and Marcos felt the chaotic energy around them, and their faces became ugly.

In principle, when the heart core is destroyed, the incubator should immediately be silent and become a huge "Tomb". However, after the core is destroyed, the incubator not only does not remain silent, but also continuously emits various chaotic abilities like taking stimulants."Is this a trap?"

After seeing each other's room, they quickly understand what they mean.

After absorbing the gene chain of colorful halo, the black hole formed by space bomb gradually expands and changes. Slowly, a small temporary black hole becomes a stable large wormhole.

One after another, colorful halo was revealed from the large wormhole, and a huge insect with a towering head squeezed out of the wormhole. After seeing the damaged and shapeless incubator, angry eyes filled the giant compound eyes.

"Hateful human"

after the giant insect with a towering head turned back to the wormhole and vomited a wave of energy filled with space, the wormhole, which was originally several meters high, became larger with the help of big insects. Soon, a wormhole with a width of more than ten meters appeared in the same place.

At this time, the Zerg army that had been waiting for a long time on the opposite side of the wormhole immediately rushed out, and the top level insects of all warriors roared and abused.

At the same time of a series of accidents, Li Xingyun and he have come to the outside of the incubator to meet Alva.

"The female worms have been killed. What happened to you? Why did the incubator become more active instead of being silent"

Alva asked Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun with an ugly face.

Marcos said with a wry smile: "we don't know what happened. After installing the space bomb, we evacuated directly. But after the space bomb exploded, the incubator began to live and became more and more excited. I think we are afraid that we have been cheated"

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