When the insects destroyed these individual aircrafts, they found that these things, like Li Xingyun, had no breath of life. They were all mechanical.

No, no, it's not just machinery. There's a lot of dynamite.

After the last individual aircraft was hunted, Li Xingyun immediately activated the powerful bomb hidden in it.

The raging flames rose again, and this time, thousands of larvae were directly reduced to ashes. At the same time, five planetary and one star level insects were also severely injured in the explosion.

Without the superior intelligence of the worm as the commander, these simple minded insects' judgment of the war situation and the perception of danger have decreased a lot.

After seeing his territory repeatedly violated, the three-star bug was also completely angry, and his compound eye as big as a copper bell overflowed like a real murderous spirit.

At this time, Li Xingyun, like a dead bear child, took out the black and white two males and fired at it. The black and white two males with full fire combined with special bullets finally showed the power of his three-star level magic weapon. The insects like Triceratops kept bursting out blood holes the size of fists.

However, compared with the eight meter high body size of Triceratops, these fist sized bullet holes are like pinholes in a human body. They can only stimulate it to be more angry, but also have no effect.


faced with such a provocation, Triceratops could not care about anything else. After roaring, they rushed to Li Xingyun, and other insects also flew towards Li Xingyun under the leadership of their leaders.

"Damned insects, come and eat my fart"

Li Xingyun doesn't care whether the insects can understand or not. After shouting, the cosmic force of his whole body poured into Ji Kai, and the steel wings that had been ready for a long time immediately flew out with Li Xingyun as an arrow.

With the help of Ji Kai, the speed of Li nebula's explosion in a short time even when Alva first saw it, let alone these huge insects.

By the time they got to where Li Yun Yun was before, Li Yun Yun had already reached the end of the tunnel, but this time the insects obviously did not intend to let Li Yun Yun go so easily.

Led by the Triceratops, thousands of insects rushed out of the gate of the larval incubator and chased Li Xingyun.

After a while, the violent explosion and the whine of various insect death came out of the tunnel.

More than ten minutes later, Li Xingyun appeared in this larval hatching room again. In order to attract the Triceratops and its subordinates, Li Xingyun had to work hard.

Not only did he consume 10% of the bombs in his hands, but even Ji Kai was also injured in the process of luring. Fortunately, the plan went smoothly. Li Xingyun successfully attracted the attention of those stupid insects with the remaining individual aircrafts, while her real body escaped secretly all the way.

"It's only three minutes. I'm afraid the big bug will react after three minutes."

Li Xingyun set a countdown on his brain and immediately took out all kinds of bombs and arranged them.

At this time, those half adult insects seemed to be aware of the danger. They ran from each hive insect room and launched a charge against Li Xingyun one after another.

"Zerg is really a terrible race. The juveniles are so ferocious"

with a little sigh in her heart, Li Xingyun began to slaughter these semi adults and drop all kinds of bombs into the insect chambers in the hive, where there are more semi adults without flying ability.

Three minutes later, Li Xingyun lost more than half of the bomb in her hand, and all the rest of her brain was thrown into the middle of the bottom larva, and then she rushed to the door of the larva hatching room against the attack of countless half adults.

At this time, a familiar roar sounded again at the door of the larval hatching room, where the huge figure of Triceratops was blocked.


after setting a time limit of two minutes, Li Xingyun, who exploded after seeing tricornutus, suddenly turned pale. His calculation was wrong. Triceratops saw his intrigue earlier than he expected and came back earlier.

This is terrible. For the sake of defense, there is only one entrance and exit for the larva hatching room. At this time, the exit is blocked by tricornutra. If Li Xingyun does not kill tricornutus within two minutes, he will be waiting for an explosion similar to a small nuclear explosion behind him. In order to eliminate these insects, he still has many bombs In the middle of point AC.

"Damn it, I knew that I would buy a mini bomb from the black market immediately, so that there would be no need to waste time arranging any bombs, and would not be blocked."

Li Xingyun regretted that he didn't think of buying a miniature nuclear bomb for backup. He only went to get those free bombs, which took a lot of time and effort, and now he is in a desperate situation.

However, Li Xingyun doesn't think about how the Star River Federation, a powerful forbidden product like mini nukes, can flow into the hands of outsiders. If Li Xingyun is really bought from the black market, even if Li Xingyun has the title of celestial emissary on his head, the Star River Federation will not ignore it.Just as Li Xingyun felt desperate, Alva's fresh voice suddenly rang out.

the blue and white dazzling electric light suddenly rises from behind the Triceratops, and then the electric light passes by, and the eight meter high Triceratops are split into two and fall into a pool of blood. The Triceratops, who are also three-star planets, are killed by Alva with one move.

"Alva? And Yi Han, you are here too "

Li Xingyun was excited to look at the three men of Alva with a smile. Then he thought of something and said to them in a hurry:" the explosive will explode in two minutes, we have to flash "

Li Xingyun's words made Alva's smile stiff, and then burst into a curse:" you pig's brain! Li Xingyun touched her head awkwardly as she ran. This time, she really failed to live up to Alva's instructions for half a year. The classic destruction behind the enemy turned into a typical suicide in the enemy's rear

next, the four of Li Xingyun ran all the way, and even those insect soldiers who met in the road blocked the road, they killed them directly.

Two minutes later, a violent explosion and shock wave came from behind Li Xingyun's four, and countless insects chasing them were engulfed by the flame, while the whole larva breeding room was also reduced to ashes in the flame.

Li Xingyun, who had already run far away, was still swept by the shock wave and bumped into the flesh wall.

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