A series of armor piercing bullets on the iron tower didn't have any effect at all. At least, the painful pain made him feel unbearable. However, because of his special skills and his powerful ability, none of Li Xingyun's armor piercing bullets could break through defense.

The tower endured the pain of being hit by armour piercing bullet, and held the sword in both hands. The surging original energy instantly plated the huge saber with a thick black purple luster.

the five meter long light blade broke out and galloped toward Li Xingyun.

Li Xingyun, who had been prepared for a long time, leaned back. The steel wings immediately took him up a large part to avoid the track of the light blade. When Li Yun Yun Yun was slightly relieved, the light blade suddenly broke, and then countless half meter long light blades scattered.

As soon as Li Xingyun's face changed, she quickly put away her double guns and took out the cloud sword. However, before the cloud sword came out of its sheath, the dense light blades had already attacked.

At this time, Li Xingyun couldn't work out a good way to deal with it. She could only use the fastest swordsmanship to resist it. However, although the speed of the sword drawing flash was extremely fast, its power was too weak.

In the face of an opponent in the realm of martial arts, he can kill with one stroke of a second, but when facing a person who is higher than his own level, he can hardly play a role.

So even though Li Xingyun tried her best to resist those light blades, she still leaked a lot.

Before Li Xingyun's missing light blade was cut off, it broke apart again, and hundreds of small light blades split out. Li Xing yundun flew backward like being hit by a giant shotgun in the front.


After hitting the shield at the edge of the challenge ring, Li Xingyun slipped down along the shield.

"Keke, the three-star planetary opponent can't be underestimated."

Li Xingyun coughed up two mouthfuls of blood stasis and stood up from the cloud sword. At this time, he found that the damage degree of Ji Kai was increased again. After being attacked by this degree, the endurance of xingjikai, who was injured in the world of Star River corps, has reached the critical point of endurance. If he is hurt again, he will be hurt again It's going to be hard to repair again.

The most important thing is that the iron and steel wings were damaged after being attacked by the light blade. That is to say, Li Xingyun has lost the ability to fly, and the loss of air supremacy made him fall to the bottom.

"Really, I didn't want to use the card so quickly. I couldn't help it."

under the astonished eyes of the tower, Li Xingyun directly took off Jikai and stood in front of him in a suit of ordinary clothes. However, the war intention in his eyes did not disappear, but became hotter.

"You are really a kid, but your biggest dependence has been lost. Do you still want to fight me in close combat? "

the tower looked at him with disdain and refused to give up Li Xingyun. For a tank like soldier with high attack and high defense, the most fearless thing is close combat. In addition, he has special skills. If he can't break his defense of flying steel body at one time, he can't hurt him at all.

In this case, not to mention that Li Xingyun's cultivation level is one level lower than he is, many strong people at the planetary four star level do not want to be entangled by him in close combat.

"Bingo, yes, but there is no reward"

Li Xingyun holds his hands tightly and looks at the corner of the tower's mouth with a mysterious smile. Then a bloody flame suddenly rises from him. Strangely, the bloody flame does not ignite his clothes, but directly burns every cell of his body.

"Blood burning resolution"

Li Xingyun clenched his teeth and tried to endure the burning pain of blood inflammation. The feeling of pain to the bone marrow made Li Xingyun constantly present various fantasies, physical and mental double torture. It was an impulse that made him stab himself to death.

Through the pain, an unprecedented force burst out from the depths of Li Xingyun's body. Every cell seemed to be ignited with an explosive. The surging powerful force could not be restrained from breaking out.

"Ah "

after a cry, a huge air wave suddenly spread out from around Li Xingyun's body. Meanwhile, Li Xingyun's blood inflammation was replaced by a white flame.

"How can it be? It's clearly the cultivation of the two planets, and how it has raised the level of the four planets all at once." the tower was shocked to see Li Yun Yun's instant changes. The strong pressure on Li Yun Yun's body made him feel suspicious of life.

"Then let's start a new battle"

Li Xingyun looks at the iron tower like electricity, and takes a knife drawing posture from the cloud sword in her hand

a minute later, Li Xingyun's sword returned to its sheath and her white flame went out.

Behind him, as high as three meters high, it can be said that the tower is just like its name, standing silently in place without moving.

The next second, countless sword marks appeared on the tower body, and dense blood arrows shot out. In an instant, the tower dyed bright red the range of several meters around.

After the tower fell to the ground, taling announced Li Xingyun's victory. At this time, Li Xingyun's knee was soft and almost knelt on the challenge arena."The sequelae is still so strong"

after Li Xingyun returned to the safe house, he coughed up blood constantly. Even with his ability to regenerate his severed limbs, he could not see the injury at the cellular level.

"Little tower, choose to treat the injury, and repair the star Ji Kai of the dark night for me"

after Li Xingyun took out the Jikai, there were two light columns shining down in the safety room, one on Li Xingyun and the other on the dark night Star Jikai.

At the same time, Li Xingyun's injury and the broken crack on Ji Kai gradually recovered in the light column.

Li Xingyun was slightly surprised by the therapeutic ability of the Vientiane tower, and the therapeutic effect of the light column was beyond his surprise.

However, the cost of winning points also made him a little heartache. His own treatment and repair of the dark night Star Jikai asked him a total of 12 win points. Even if he won, he still lost two win points.

However, when Li Xingyun inquired about the winning points, he found that the number of winning points was three points more than expected. After a closer look, he found that he had won 15 points in the previous battle, of which 10 points were obtained by defeating the iron tower, and the remaining five points were given by taling.

These five winning points bought out the video of Li Xingyun's battle.

In other words, as long as the fight is good enough, taling will give extra points to buy out the battle video. However, only one victory can be obtained. This time, Li Xingyun has come up with a new way of "getting rich", that is, gaining additional points quickly by continuous winning and wonderful fighting.

"Damn it, as long as you don't die, the harvest will be more than that in the world of Star River team"

Li Xingyun clenched his fist clenching his teeth.

He has been playing the strange skill of burning blood, which can burn the potential of vitality.

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