After the death preview disappears, Li Xingyun's eyes return to reality again. Listening to the countdown sound of 3, 2 and 1, Li Xingyun's hair suddenly explodes.

"Black robed dead vs starwolf, battle begins"


Li Xingyun's whole body was filled with more terrible pain than lingchi. After the prompt voice said that the battle began, Li Xingyun did not hesitate to start the blood burning decision. Under the threat of death, the speed and power of Li Xingyun's blood burning decision this time reached an unprecedented peak.

"Ding ... "

the piercing sound of gold and iron sounds, and Li Xingyun's sword from cloud blocks the palm that should have been inserted into his chest at the critical moment.


a hoarse voice came out of the black robe, and then the angry scarlet eyes looked at Li Xingyun, just like a starving vulture watching an animal on the verge of death.

"Die for me"

a strong sense of crisis filled the whole body, and Li Xingyun broke out.

From the cloud sword shaking into the sky sword light and shadow attack to the black robed dead, each sword light and shadow contains the four star level power of the planet, and the black robed dead have to take the edge.

"Flying dragon flash"

in the sky, a sword trace as thin as silk flies past, and Li Xingyun comes to the dead in black with the sword mark.

"It's really a fast sword technique"

"it's a pity that it's useless"

in the strange smile of the dead man in black robe, the sword mark flashed through his body, and then the whole body of the black robed dead person burst out a burst of black smoke and disappeared.


Li Xingyun looked around and couldn't find out where the black robed dead had gone.

"No, it's underground"

the next second, Li Yun Yun's eyes shrunk, like a frightened bat, suddenly flew out. At the moment of Li Yun Yun's flying, a black black light blade emerged from the ground, almost wiping the tip of Li Yun Yun's nose and shooting into the sky.

On the challenge arena, thousands of kilometers away from Li Xingyun, the black robed dead appeared after a twist in the void. Seeing Li Xingyun escape his sneak attack again, he could not help frowning and then laughing wildly.

"Interesting, interesting, I didn't expect that a little guy of planet two should have so many cards. No wonder he could come here without any obstacles."

"it's the most interesting thing to kill such a genius as you."

the excited black robed dead person burst out the shocking evil spirit of Li Xingyun, and the rich evil spirit condensed into a blood mist The body of the dead in black is wrapped in it.

"Damn it, how many people have this guy killed"

looking at the sad faces appearing from time to time in the blood mist, Li Xingyun felt a chill rising from his spine to the back of his head.

Li Xingyun has killed a lot of insects and ghosts. However, there are not many self-conscious guys left on Li Xingyun after their death.

Therefore, although Li Xingyun has a lot of evil spirit, it is not so serious that it is far from being able to form abnormal images.

But the black robed man is totally different. His evil spirit not only forms the vision, but also shows the remnant thoughts of the dead. This only shows that the black robed deceased is a real murderer, and only by killing many human beings with strong self meaning can he form such evil spirit.

"This damned bastard"

after seeing the faces of children and women emerging from the blood mist, Li Xingyun's fear turned into a raging anger.

If the evil spirit on the black robed dead is accumulated by the death of the strong, Li Xingyun will not be very angry, but this evil spirit is poured with the blood and life of innocent people.

Li Xingyun, who saw this scene, was completely angry.

"Ha ha ha ha, he's still a kid with a sense of justice"

the black robed man laughs wildly. With his laughter, the blood mist boils, and the miserable faces become more realistic. The women and girls with seven orifices bleeding protrude, as if they are opening their mouths to ask Li Xingyun for help.

"Go to hell, asshole"

the swords were fighting and could have run wild. The sword marks were all over the ring. Li Xingyun's figure almost disappeared on the arena like a ghost. However, it moved so fast that it was hard for the naked eye to see clearly.

In silence, countless sword marks shrouded the challenge arena. This time, Li Xingyun, the challenge arena under his feet, was not let go.

"The dead return"

the hoarse voice of the dead in the black robe suddenly became sharp, and the evil ghosts with twisted faces rose from the blood mist and flew in all directions.

The dense ghosts are like a wave of ghosts breaking out, which makes people feel numb. At the same time, the figure of the dead in black robe has completely disappeared in these ghosts,

the sword marks scratch, but all the ghosts that have been touched all give a sad cry and then disappear.

Li Xingyun's sword marks are really powerful and numerous. Even the experts at the top of the four planets dare not fight against them. However, the ghosts released by the dead in black are more and their methods are more mysterious.No matter Li Xingyun is like killing a fish, there are always ghosts who escape through the net of sword marks. These ghosts are like real ghosts, completely ignoring the laws of physics. The flying sky and the hiding place of Li Xingyun can't be eliminated completely.

The black robed dead, hidden among these ghosts, disappeared completely in the view of Li Yun Yun Yun.

Thinking of Alva's warning, Li Xingyun chose to surrender without hesitation after a burst of explosion, and then death preview appeared again.

After more than a dozen ghosts in the sky and underground disappeared like ghosts, they suddenly appeared in front of Li Xingyun and surrounded him. Then a black robed corpse was drilled out of each ghost and killed Li Xingyun. The next moment, Li Xingyun was divided into countless pieces and died in the arena.

After returning to reality, Li Xingyun chose to surrender, and more than a dozen ghosts surrounded Li Xingyun. The black light blade cut by the dead in black robes rippled the shield around Li Yun Yun, but there was no way to hurt li Xingyun inside the shield.

"Cut The bloody surrender system "

the black robed dead spit blood and sputum to the ground, and are extremely dissatisfied with the disappearing Li Xingyun. Without the protection of the Vientiane tower, the body of Li Xingyun would have become his treasure.

For the black robed dead who have a habit of collecting the bodies of the strong, the Vientiane tataling is really a meddlesome.

"How close? "

after returning to the safe house, Li Xingyun's cold sweat came down. If the surrender time was half a second slower, he would be dead. In that case, even if he had the death preview, he could not escape the death of the black robed dead.

"Liansheng has been" sniped ". It seems that the rumor that there are hidden points in the Vientiane tower is true , the fastest update of the webnovel!