Although it was only a few minutes outside, Kevin, who has been training Li Xingyun in the monthly reading space, knows how much Li Xingyun has changed in the past few minutes.

It is so big that it is totally beyond his expectation. The experience of countless deaths has really forced Li Xingyun's potential out.

And the most direct expression of this potential is the understanding of kendo.

In the ten years of monthly reading space, Kevin witnessed Li Xingyun's transformation from a kid who just started Kendo to a master who really understood Kendo's true meaning. He felt a little incredible that Li Xingyun had made great progress.

It is this incredible transformation that makes Kevin spend much more than Li Xingyun pays for the winning point, which makes Li Xingyun feel at ease in the moon reading space, and constantly improves his own Kendo under the guidance of Kevin. Finally, he creates a 16 times faster flying dragon flash.

"Well, now that the training effect has been achieved, you can go"

after Kevin cancelled the eternal kaleidoscope wheel eye, he waved to Li Xingyun wearily. Before Li Xingyun could thank him, taling separated himself and sent him to his safe room.

"Hehe, Gavin's boys are not sure what kind of surprise they will be when they see the change of starwolf. They really want to see their jaw drop on the ground and look stupid"

Kevin throws himself into the sofa tired and pours two mouthfuls of fragrant pure red wine with unknown age, and then he says with heartache: "Damn it, I was excited for a moment, but now it's OK. It's a big loss Even if the boy got that thing, he couldn't make up for my loss "

just when Kevin was upset, Li Xingyun secretly said thanks to Kevin in his safe room and started his own journey again.

On the challenge arena, Li Xingyun calmly looks at the opposite person.

At this time, the people in the opposite light column also frowned and looked at the Li Xingyun.

"3, 2, 1, 0"

"starwolf vs count of Heishan, the battle begins"

the count of Heishan did not directly attack, but looked at Li Xingyun in a bit of surprise: "it's really the starwolf. I didn't expect such a little guy under Jikai"

"but your boy's luck was really bad. You met the top 100" snipers "in a row, and then met me again Let's give you a chance to surrender by yourself. Even if you are fully armed, you are useless in the face of absolute power gap. "

there is a red headed count with a big back, and he looks at Li Xingyun in an atmosphere. The name of the star wolf has a great reputation among the three to six floors of the Vientiane tower.

However, for those ordinary players who are poor in strength, Li Xingyun's name is not enough for those who have entered the realm of four planets. Li Xingyun's three successive defeats have confirmed his conjecture.

Moreover, according to the official evaluation data, Li Xingyun's real combat effectiveness is the state of half a step planet and four stars. No matter what level it is, Li Xingyun, who is not wearing a little equipment, can not be his opponent at all.

"Have you finished? When you've finished, you can officially start"

in the arena space, any space equipment is forbidden to be used, and all the players' equipment is put on in advance. Now Li Xingyun's naked clothes are not wearing those equipment, but now he doesn't need them at all.


the dazzling electric light appeared on Li Xingyun's right hand, and the powerful thunder and lightning power burned the air, sending out harsh chirping sound, which sounded like a thousand birds constantly arguing.

With the use of leiche, Li Xingyun has been suppressing the breath, and the strong momentum makes the count of Heishan's originally despised eyes suddenly become full of surprise.

"The three star state of the planet, how can it be possible to upgrade one realm after only two hours' Cultivation"

to the count of Heishan, the change of Li Yun Yun Yun is far more than the improvement of cultivation. Although only two hours have been spent in the Vientiane tower, Li Xingyun has spent more than ten years in various secret places and monthly reading spaces.

Hell like asceticism finally bloomed in the Vientiane tower.

"There's so much nonsense"

with a flash of lightning, Li Xingyun disappears directly in front of the count of Heishan. When he reappears, he has already arrived behind him, and leiche cuts into the fragile neck of the count of Heishan without any warning.

Electric light burst, shining on all sides, the broad arena on the instant change of a vast expanse of white.

Br >

when you see the black shadow of the black mountain, you can see the black shadow of the black mountain from the black mountain.

"Blow it, leiche, double-click"

in the same position and the same plot is staged again, Li Xingyun appears behind the count of Heishan in a flash. This time, he does not have a leiche in his hand, but pinches one in his left hand and right hand, and then cuts the black mountain count fiercely.The count of black mountain only felt the harsh thunder behind his back again. Then his proud Black Mountain defense shield was suddenly torn by a violent force, and his injured neck was hit hard again.


when the count of Heishan roared to surrender, his neck had been cut in half by thunder, and his whole head became pitch black in the overflowing thunder and lightning. There was no hair left on his meticulous big back. If Li Xingyun hadn't given up his hand in time at the last moment, the count of Heishan couldn't have cried out the word "surrender".

When the seven orifices were smoking and the seemingly half dead count of Heishan was sent back by taling, Li Xingyun realized how strong she had become. Under Kevin's ten-year devil training, Li Xingyun's growth was not only fencing, but also his rich practical experience.

Now, even if he doesn't use the two secret skills of thunder and flash, he is enough to defeat many warriors of four planets.

But under Li Xingyun's secret skill, these ordinary four-star warriors can't hold on to a few rounds and have to go to the street.

The battle between the star wolf and the count of black mountain soon caused a sensation in the hall. Originally, Li Xingyun was still hot, especially after she showed up with Alva, it caused more people's topic.

Well, less than two hours later, Li Xingyun reappeared in the battle list, and the person fighting was still the count of Heishan, who was famous among the four planets.

Many people think that Li Xingyun has to fight the streets again. Some people even discuss how long Li Xingyun can hold on to the topic. Some people with brains like Lao Zhu have even opened temporary casinos in the hall to bet on how long Li Xingyun can hold on to the count of Heishan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!