After Li Xingyun stood in the hall, the relief sculptures of the four gods on the giant stone door panel came back to life one by one. They broke free from the shackles of the door panel and strode out.

"God's guardian?" Li Xingyun looks at the four tall figures in front of her, and her face changes slightly.

The strength of these gods' personal guards has reached the level of five planets, even if the water is a little bit, but the number also makes up for the lack of strength.

Moreover, the four God guards completely blocked the stone gate behind them. If you want to open the stone gate and enter, you must defeat them.

With the increase of the two four-star magic weapons of dragon chant sword and dark night Star Machine Kai, Li Xingyun's flying dragon flash burst out nine times faster than before. After a flash in place, it appeared on the top of the four gods' guardians, and the sword light as thick as steel wire was covered like a big net.

In a burst of piercing cutting sound, the four gods' bodyguards roared, and then the dazzling golden light burst out of its body.

In the twinkling of an eye, he broke through the dense net of sword light and shot away towards Li nebula.

"Good to come"

Li Xingyun uses six shields to form a shuttle. Under the cover of flying dragons and flashing swords, the whole person shuttles through the spears in the sky at a very fast speed, just like a shuttle flying from the sky to the earth.

In the process of shuttling, a spear broke the shuttle's shield, and then dozens of hexagonal shields reappeared, making up for the narrow gap.

The streamlined shape of the flying shuttle is obviously more suitable for fast flight than that of a human. Li Xingyun used this small skill to increase the extremely fast speed by another layer, and began to approach the speed of ten times that of the explosion of burning blood.

In this extremely fast speed, even if the full screen attack spear, Li Xingyun's can also leisurely face, like fish in water shuttle in the spear forest like rainstorm.

After countless powerful spears fell into the walls and the ground, they quietly merged into them, without causing any damage to the hall. After the four gods' personal guards jointly broke out a wave of map guns, they also faltered for a while.

Li Xingyun takes advantage of God's Pro Wei's wilting, the shuttle appears behind them in a flash.

Then the blood burning decision was opened, and the volcano like energy surged out. Under the flash of the dragon, the energy was condensed and compressed into a huge sword light several meters long.

Just like the sword light in essence, it brings an incredible sense of crisis to the God's bodyguards. However, their reaction was slowed down by the wanton consumption of energy before. The difference between life and death is the difference between life and death.

The sword light is flashing. Li Xingyun, in addition to her all-out efforts under the flying dragon flash, has exerted her utmost fighting power. The sword light of the flying dragon flash reaches 11 times the speed, breaking the shackles of the sound barrier, and showing the powerful power of a flash of spirit.

Time seemed to solidify in this second. After the sword light broke through the sound barrier, the sharp roar broke out, and the guards of the four gods turned into real statues.

The next second, the four gods who had been hacked with unknown swords turned into Jinsha and flowed all over the place.

After lifting the burning blood decision, Li Xingyun walked to the huge stone gate with a tired look. A golden light suddenly shone in the eye of the blurred God relief, and Li Xingyun, standing in the golden light, disappeared in front of the stone gate.

Behind the God, several vague images of the gods' relatives and guardians slowly gathered together again, and soon they turned into reliefs and appeared behind the reliefs.

Silence was restored in the hall again.

After entering the stone gate, Li Xingyun found herself in a strange place.

Suddenly, it looks like the arena of Roman Empire on earth.

But the difference is that the arena enclosed in the middle is much bigger. Within tens of kilometers, there are mountains, rivers, forests, swamps and various landforms. It can be said that it is a reduced version of the continent.

and the stands are not simultaneous interpreting a circle like the traditional Gladiator, but are divided into one and another stand stand on the side of the arena.

Li Xingyun was sitting on one of the small stands, and there were seven people with different forms around him. After Li Xingyun's sudden appearance, they did not pay attention to them. At this time, everyone was attracted by the wonderful fighting in the arena.

Li Xingyun also followed their eyes and found that the battle had reached a white hot stage. However, when Li Xingyun looked at the battle, taling immediately reminded him that the three private letters he had saved had been sent out automatically. Li Xingyun didn't care and continued to pay attention to the battle in the arena.

I saw a mantis like upper body completely dissimilated into the shape of a mantis, while the lower part of the body is a spider like insect king. He quickly waved two sickles like arms, and countless blue light blades stormed the opposite person in a storm.

Where the green light blade passes by, it can be said that it is really flying sand and stone, and there is no grass left. The terrifying power makes Li Xingyun feel a little numb when looking at it.

The head opposite the insect king was as big as a fight, but his limbs and body were strange and withered. However, he was not in a hurry and grinned grimly and launched a strange ability that could not be seen or touched.After countless light blades enter the 100 meter range of Bighead monster, the speed immediately slows down, and there are many gaps between the original dense attacks.

Using the power similar to mind power, bighead Troll manipulates the suspended body. He follows the gap between the light blades in a hurry to avoid the dense light blade attack of the insect king, and quickly approaches the insect King's side.

Seeing the situation, the insect king suddenly popped four translucent Mantis wings from behind and flew up.

However, it was obviously a little late at this time. The big headed monster grinned and scratched at the insect king with his thin hands.

It was as if the king was caught by countless invisible ropes, and his back flying body stopped. Just as the king was about to surrender in terror, the big headed monster's eyes flashed with killing intent, and his hands clenched fiercely.

An invisible and intangible force, but it does exist, is pressing down on the king from all directions. The king's body is as strong as a super alloy. Under this force, it is like a walnut facing a heavy hammer. In an instant, it splits into pieces, and the glistening green insect blood spills all over the ground.

Instead of stopping, the troll manipulated the ability and ground the corpse of the king into powder again.

Then the big head freak opened his mouth, and the body powder of the beetle King rushed into the giant mouth of the big headed monster driven by a hurricane. , the fastest update of the webnovel!