It is worth mentioning that Ji Xiaoxi successfully imitates the signboard skills of sister Pao and the sunspot of Baijing by using his ability to achieve what he wants with his ability and the accumulation of knowledge he has studied in the school city for several years. In addition, he can skillfully use the thinking power, so Ji Xiaoxi suddenly awakens the two powers.

Back in the black prison University, Ji Xiaoxi used the resources of the black prison university to study hard. After that, his combat effectiveness can be described as a master who is close to the planetary five-star realm, and his cultivation has reached the planetary three-star realm.

If we only talk about the ability to fight alone, even if Chen Xiaoming is driving his dawn, he may not be able to defeat Ji Xiaoxi, who can skillfully use the three powers.

However, Ji Xiaoxi's problems are similar to those of Li Xingyun. In the case of high attack and high sensitivity, Ji Xiaoxi's defense is a little poor. If Li Xingyun is a soldier of Assassin type, Ji Xiaoxi is a shooter of the type of long-range sniper.

It's the kind of thin skin and not thick blood. If you are not careful, it's easy to be killed by your opponent. Especially if Ji Xiaoxi is entangled by people, it will be very troublesome.

After the three introduced each other's recent situation, the last trace of strangeness has been completely eliminated. Li Xingyun also laments that the adventure is not rare in the black prison University. Compared with Chen Xiaoming and Ji Xiaoxi, his adventure is not worth it. He has worked hard for such a long time, and once again returns to understanding and releasing.

Ji Xiaoxi and Chen Xiaoming sympathize with Li Xingyun's bitter experience. Compared with their success, Li Xingyun has been chased by death. If Li Xingyun runs slower, it will be explained in the last class.

Although lucky to escape, but the cultivation was weakened 80% of the case, the next class Li Xingyun had to suffer.

"Now the most important thing is to find a way to make use of the credits and learning points of the nebula, otherwise the next world will be very sad for the nebula"

after the greetings, Chen Xiaoming returned to the main topic. Li Xingyun came back so late. Now it's time to race against the clock. Instead of wasting time to reminisce, it's better to think about how to help Li Xingyun improve Strength.

The next day, Li Xingyun three people race against the clock for Li Xingyun in the black prison college to find a variety of things suitable for him to exchange.

After a whole day's research, they finally came up with a proper exchange plan.

Li Xingyun doesn't need many foreign objects such as magic tools. He has several four-star magic weapons on him, which is enough for him to use for a long time.

In terms of secret skills, Li Xingyun's rhinoceros flash, thunder cut and blood burning strategies are all rare types, and they all have both attack power and speed. Therefore, after half a day's discussion, Li Xingyun decided to exchange a body refining secret method that can be used with these secret arts, namely, five thunder exercise.

Although Li Xingyun's power can not be increased sharply, the advantage of exchanging money directly from the black prison university is that Li Xingyun directly skips the painful learning and adaptation stage, and directly makes the proficiency of five thunder training and body determination reach a small stage.

If Li Xingyun insists on practicing, sooner or later he will reach the physical strength that he used to practice in hell.

In addition to this 6-point credit plus tens of thousands of learning points of body refining secret method.

Li Xingyun three people unanimously decided to let him exchange for a special blood.

But in the principal's identification, only two blood vessels are most consistent with the present Li Xingyun.

One is the blood of yuzhibo, the other is the blood of lower dragon people with a trace of dragon blood.

The biggest difference between the two blood vessels is that the basic ability of xueshura blood strengthens Li Xingyun's advanced regeneration ability, which further improves Li Xingyun's regeneration ability. After exchange, Li Xingyun's cell regeneration ability is comparable to that of Wolverine.

Moreover, the blood Sora can stimulate a unique eye of pupil blood curse. The eye of blood curse can not only improve Li Yun Yun's dynamic vision, but also help Li Yun Yun control the three powers of rhinoceros flash, thunder and blood burning.

Although it can't increase the power of these secret arts like writing wheel eye, it can effectively weaken the power of counterattack after using the secret arts.

This is the most needed ability of Li Xingyun so far. Only by weakening the power of the secret arts, can Li Xingyun's body withstand a higher multiple speed explosion.

The lower level dragon people's blood is more simple and crude. After exchanging this blood, the strength of the body can be greatly enhanced under normal conditions. If the blood force is activated and becomes a half dragon man, Li Xingyun estimates that the physical strength can be raised to the peak of planet two and even three stars in one breath.

The most direct way to solve the problem is that this kind of blood can be continuously exchanged and upgraded in the colleges and universities of the black prison. It is the strongest blood that can even become the dragon blood that can kill the planet. It is a powerful blood that can freely shuttle between the stars and can travel through the stars only by physical body.

If you exchange this kind of Tianlong people's blood, even if you meet superman, you can easily hang and beat.

After a long time of consideration, Li Xingyun still decided to exchange the blood of xuexiuluo. Although the growth of xueshura is not as strong as that of dragon people, this blood is more suitable for Li Xingyun's future development in all aspects.After exchanging the blood of xueshura and Wulei forging, it cost Li Xingyun 10 credits and more than 70000 academic points.

Finally, Li Xingyun used 18 points of study plus 180000 credits to exchange for three five-star level Holy Shield.

As a secret treasure completely different from ordinary spiritual treasure, the greatest advantage of the Holy Shield is that it does not need users to provide energy for it, and the secret treasure itself is sealed with huge energy.

The biggest drawback of the secret treasure is that it has a limit on the number of times it can be used. For example, the Holy Shield exchanged by Li Xingyun can only activate five times, and each time it can resist a fatal attack below seven planets.

After using it five times, the Holy Shield will become a real scrap metal,

it can be said that the secret treasure can be listed as luxury goods in Hei prison universities. Ji Xiaoxi and Chen Xiaoming are not willing to exchange them. Only Li Xingyun, a nouveau riche, can afford to exchange 16 points of credits and 160000 academic points to exchange for three pieces.

After exchanging the three treasures despite their opposition, Li Xingyun's credits and learning points were almost the same. The five points left were actually Li Xingyun's three who finally learned to be good. In order to avoid failing to complete the task, the credits were deducted into negative numbers. All three of them left a way for themselves.

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