Under the guidance of Huxiao hall, Li Xingyun quickly recalled many unforgettable past events.

As a tactician, how could Kevin not train Li Xingyun in blind combat. If he only relied on his eyes, Li Xingyun could not keep up with Kevin's quick and electric body method. Only by improving his five senses to the extreme, could he be able to gallop freely in the battle at 16 times the speed.

Li Xingyun is not a novice in blind combat, and his combat experience may be even richer than Huxiao hall.

Moreover, at the moment of touching the wooden sword, Li Xingyun's idea of releasing water has been thrown into outer space, and defeating his opponent has become the only thought in Li Xingyun's heart. Because he can't win in the moon reading space, it means he has to be killed again.

Therefore, Li Xingyun took the lead in launching the attack before the instruction of Huxiao hall was dropped.

Although he didn't use the skills of thunder and lightning, Li Xingyun's basic sword moves were enough to surprise Huxiao hall.

The thirteen basic sword moves, such as stabbing, splitting, hanging, point, collapsing, cloud, wiping, piercing and pressing, are pouring out like clouds and flowing water. The sword light completely condensed into the body of wooden sword is also driven to produce colorful light tails.

As soon as huxiaotang and Li xingyunfang fight each other, they feel an unprecedented pressure. Li Xingyun's sword technique is so exquisite that it is not like a young man. In a few seconds, huxiaotang is forced to retreat by Li Xingyun, and can only defend but not attack.

At the moment, Huxiao hall feels as if he is facing a Kendo master who has already become a master of swordsmanship. It seems simple in one move, but it contains continuous changes. If it was not for the five-star realm that endowed him with a keen sense of perception, he would have fallen into the abyss of disaster.

"Damn it, it's a little guy in the realm of a planet and a star. You're kidding, this sword technique is almost as good as that cow's nose"

while Huxiao hall resisted Li Xingyun's sword moves in a hurry, he laughed bitterly. Who knows, a routine guiding words made him lose the opportunity to enter the embarrassing situation that he can't advance or retreat now.

It is also what he said before. He used his bad swordsmanship to fight Li Xingyun. Otherwise, he would not be suppressed by Li Xingyun in the same realm. After all, where is the foundation of the five-star planetary realm? The power control at the micro level has long made his best boxing reach the master's level.

If bare handed, Li Xingyun will be abused now.

Huxiao hall installed a force, but it is difficult to ride a tiger.

While Li Xingyun is more and more brave in the war, his sword moves are faster and faster. At the same time, the sharp sword idea is gradually integrated into Li Xingyun's every move.

Those students in class three a year, including Ji Xiaoxi, are stunned to see Li Xingyun's sword as if it had come alive. Sometimes it was like a flying butterfly, sometimes it was like a snake into the water, and then it turned into a meteor in the blink of an eye.

The sword moves, which are smart, clever, fast or slow, are like flying clouds and flowing water, and the tiger roaring hall, which is usually full of bad water, has been defeated.

Dazzled sword moves are like a feast for basic sword techniques. Everyone here is obsessed with them. For the first time, many people know that basic sword techniques can produce so many changes, and it seems that the power of these basic sword moves is no less than that of those complicated advanced sword techniques.

"Damn it, I can't help it if you pretend to be a pig eating a tiger."

the huxiaotang roared, crushing the wooden sword in his hand and holding his fist to fight Li Xingyun.

After abandoning the wooden sword, the fighting power of Huxiao hall suddenly soared. The boxing technique of tiger and tiger not only resisted Li Xingyun's impenetrable sword moves, but also fought with Li Xingyun.

Although both of them are blindfolded now, in the eyes of outsiders, their every move seems to be very natural and fluent. The blindfolded eyes do not affect the fight between them. The two guys seem to have eyes all over their bodies, and they can even predict each other's moves without knowing.

The battle lasted for ten minutes. Li Xingyun and huxiaotang fought hard for ten minutes in the most fierce way. It was not until Li Xingyun made a small mistake that he broke his wooden sword with a punch from huxiaotang.

Li Xingyun takes off the cloth and calms down the agitation. Huxiaotang is really very strong. Even if Li Yun Yun is in the strongest state, it is difficult to win without Tianxiang Longshan. It can be said that huxiaotang is the top class of the five-star planetary realm.

Compared with Li Xingyun's calmness, huxiaotang is not so indifferent. Li Xingyun's swordsmanship is approaching the realm of transcendence. Looking at Li Xingyun, huxiaotang seems to see a future swordsman rising.

"Li Xingyun's swordsmanship is very strong, with the same cultivation level. No, even if I am one or two stars high, my sword technique is not his opponent. It can be said that in the whole Middle School Department, except for Shao Qingyang, the instructor of Kendo department, few people can compare with him."

huxiaotang is a bachelor and admits that his sword technique is not as good as Li Xingyun At three o'clock, there was a big bang.A new freshman was able to surpass the instructor of the actual combat class in fencing. This kind of thing has not happened for a long time, and there are few columns in the school for hundreds of years.

For a while, both boys and girls looked at Li Xingyun's eyes. The guy who transferred to school with Ji Xiaoxi originally thought it was very ordinary. As a result, in the first silent practical class, he hanged the tutor of the five-star realm of the planet. Although it was only in the sword technique, it was enough to stir up the whole middle school department and even the whole army breaking Academy.

"Li Xingyun is a Kendo genius rarely seen in a hundred years, or even in a thousand years."

after the innocent boys and girls realized this, they immediately gathered around and asked Li Xingyun all kinds of messy questions.

The Huxiao hall, which was left out of the cold, gave a bitter smile to the carefree young people. His eyes showed a faint worry. Li Xingyun's Kendo talent was so high that he had never seen Li Xingyun. However, Li Xingyun's rich practical combat experience that really made him feel incredible was not what an ordinary young man should have.

What's more, Li Xingyun's sword moves reveal a ferocious meaning that they will never come back. In addition, with the extremely deep and fierce sword meaning hidden, if the huxiaotang can not detect that Li Xingyun has experienced years of bloody battles, then he will be the instructor of the actual combat course in vain.

"What's the origin of this teenager? His swordsmanship is just so fierce at a young age, but the blood in his bones is such a thing. It's not like a genius growing up in a greenhouse." www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!