With the middle school students Kendo competition and middle school students' ability competition, the fame of Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi spread throughout the army breaking Academy. The name of their genius even shocked the school's top leaders. Finally, the vice president of the middle school department gave them a small award.

The prize money also solved the urgent need of the three of them, and the cottage they lived in was just the time to pay for water and electricity

After Li Xingyun's Kendo talent was discovered, he was also favored and given exclusive advice by Shao Qingyang, the first Kendo teacher in the Ministry of middle school.

Under the guidance of Shao Qingyang, Li Xingyun is also aware of his serious defects in kendo or fighting skills.

That is, Li Xingyun's swordsmanship and fighting skills are too dangerous. With his overwhelming speed, he almost completely gives up his own defense, and even can be said to have no return. It is like dancing on the blade of the God of death. If the operation is not good, the corpse will be separated.

At the suggestion of Shao Qingyang, Li Xingyun completely gave up using his own sword technique and rhinoceros flash and other secret skills in the learning process of breaking the military academy. He began to exercise his fighting skills and physical skills fundamentally, and also began to learn how to defend from scratch.

Li Xingyun, a serious student, was badly abused. Every combat course was a "sandbag" course. After each class, she walked in the campus in the shape of a pig's head. The culture class made Li Xingyun's desire for immortality even more. Without the seemingly brainwashing method of black prison University, Li Xingyun had to learn those profound knowledge a little bit.

Fortunately, Li Xingyun had exchanged a lot of basic knowledge before, otherwise, he would be listening to the book of heaven.

Both the actual combat class and the culture class are very painful for Li Xingyun. Without the help of Ji Xiaoxi, a Xueba, he would not have been able to persist. However, the process was painful, but the result was very sweet.

The physical training in the actual combat class enables Li Xingyun to see the fighting methods from different perspectives, and the learning in the culture class also enables Li Xingyun to understand a lot of things that he knows but does not know why in his practice and combat.

Although Li Xingyun has not made much improvement in combat effectiveness, the unstable foundation of Li Xingyun, which Kevin worries about, is gone forever.

The course of breaking the military academy has laid a solid foundation for Li Xingyun's practice. When Li Xingyun's cultivation reaches the previous level, he will be surprised to find out how much he has improved.

On the last day of the end of the month, Li Xingyun and his three returned to the hut in the setting sun.

Accustomed to entering the world of boxing king, after matching several rounds of boxing king competitions, Chen Xiaoming told Li Xingyun about his decision.

"What are you going to be a mercenary? "

Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi look at Chen Xiaoming in a puzzled way. The student has lived a good life and how to be a mercenary again.

"The University Department of the breaking Army Academy is different from the middle school department. The courses are very free. They focus more on the students' achievements than on the process."

"and the teaching courses in the breaking Army Academy park have little effect on me. They are just the same as the knowledge I learned in the main universe. I will not learn any tricks here It is said that the path I choose is a little different from the way I practice in the world "

" so for me, going out is more able to experience myself than staying here. It happens that there is an old mercenary in my class. Under his introduction, I also learned about the mercenary world, and I think what is better for my development "

after Chen Xiaoming's detailed explanation, Li Xingyun has a good experience Only then did I know what the mercenary world was.

It turns out that although the two clans of people and demons have maintained absolute peace on the whole, they are still fighting in secret.

Especially for the aggressive demon clan, the so-called peace is just a piece of thin paper. As long as the Terrans show a little weakness, then peace will become a thing of the past.

So the governments of various countries have set up many mercenary organizations to go to the border of the two clans to hunt the overbreeding monsters and demon clans who have crossed the border.

For the demon clan, the friction and war at the border are also indispensable. The main reason is that the limited resources can't afford to support the super born monsters. If the monsters are not allowed to impact the Terran boundaries, they will be allowed to destroy their own territory.

Although the demon clan was born out of monsters, since they had advanced wisdom, they did not regard those monsters who only knew how to eat, drink, laza and reproduce as the same race.

However, after the demon clan has advanced wisdom, its reproduction ability has been greatly reduced, which makes them have to select suitable breeding objects from the demon beasts, and cultivate them into the new blood of the demon clan.

In the ancient demon world 3000 years ago, the high-level demon clan's practice was to drive the monsters under their hands to crush them from place to place, using the most primitive method of survival of the fittest to eliminate the weak ones while retaining their strong blood.

Over the years, the powerful monsters awakened to the high wisdom and became the real demons. Then they led the monsters to continue to expand their own territory and plunder more resources.In this way, after countless years of development, one after another demon king was born in the demon world.

This primitive way of evolution continued until a demon king accidentally discovered the human world.

After the demon clan discovered the Terran, a race with powerful reproduction ability and high intelligence, the war broke out.

While the demon clan covets the Terran territory and resources, the Terran also takes a fancy to the monster beast and the demon clan, which are full of treasure. In the trend of interests, the war between the two clans lasted for a full thousand years, and only after the two clansmen were exhausted did they sign the relative peace treaty.

The demons did not take the initiative to invade the Terran territory, but they wanted the Terrans to provide them with a lot of resources that they lacked every year. The demons drove out the overbred monsters to give the Terrans their heads, and compensated the Terrans with their corpses.

The so-called peace means that there is no "peace" between the two major races for the soldiers on the front line.

Monsters are not pigs and sheep raised by the Terrans. As the main source of war and the cornerstone of the race, the fighting power of monsters can be understood only by browsing history textbooks.

Therefore, for Terran soldiers, even killing monsters in name is a very dangerous task. The experts trained by breaking the military academy and various students are the fuse of front-line soldiers. Only when they are in charge, can they ensure that the demons will not drive the monsters to invade the Terran territory that day.

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