After the cultivation, Li Xingyun and his three men made their appearance in the real boxing king competition in their spare time during the holiday. As a black horse that could not be blackened again, Li Xingyun's three were completely popular. Their fighting video broadcast amount reached millions. This is only to count the popularity of their own country, if you add the ones that spread to foreign countries More.

And jixiaoxi, an invincible beauty girl, has also gained a lot of fans. If you cook for three people, it will be enough for three years

After the holiday, Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi ushered in their second grade life (it was the second half of their first year when they transferred to other schools).

As a second grade student, the curriculum is more compact and rigorous than that of the first grade, especially the actual combat class, which makes all students experience what it is to be immortal and want to die.

In this world, the teaching period of junior high school and senior high school is four years, so is senior high school.

This junior high school and senior high school naturally correspond to the youth group and youth group of the world's first martial arts Congress.

So after entering the second semester, Li Xingyun and other gifted people mean that they have to face one thing, that is, the competition for the world's first martial arts Congress.

This can be said to be an unavoidable obstacle for students, and it can also be said that it is the dream of every teenager to strive hard. Only when we enter the world's No.1 martial arts convention, can the world's attention focus on these young people who are usually not well-known.

Fortunately for the other students than Li Xingyun, they had two chances. Even if the youth group failed to be selected, the youth group could still work harder.

As for the adult group, it is too difficult. Many students who have been eliminated twice in a row have completely given up that idea. Only some talented people who successfully enter the University, or those mercenaries who don't want to die, will choose the adult group to fight for a different future with a better life.

In fact, Chen Xiaoming also knows that the adult group is not only highly competitive, but also extremely dangerous. Therefore, he will take the risk to go to the front line. In addition to sharpening himself, he is also in order to find hidden tasks as far as possible, so as to avoid the embarrassment that he can't get into.

Just as Chen Xiaoming tried to brush the hidden task, Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi's efforts were rewarded.

The reputation of the boxing king competition, together with the good positions of Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi in various community competitions, made a hidden task find them by himself.

"Demons special service group?"

Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi look at the envelope in their hands, a little confused.

Just after school today, a very cool man in black approached them and gave them this letter in the name of a special government agency. When they received the letter, they also received a hint from the headmaster.

"Hidden task: Demon removal special service group"

"successfully joined the special service group of demons and obtained the title of team leader, 5000 academic points and 2 credits"

"obtained the title of squadron leader, obtained 10000 academic points and 3 credits"

"obtained the title of team leader, obtained 50000 academic points, 5 credits"

"obtained the title of general team leader, obtained 150000 academic points and 20 credits"

"obtained the title of general team leader, obtained 150000 academic points and 20 points After seeing such a rich hidden task, Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi hesitated. The greater the interest, the greater the risk. They still understand that the total credit of this hidden task is no less than that of Li Xingyun's world, and the difficulty can be imagined.

And Chen Xiaoming online and their analysis, the three decided to take a risk, as long as not greedy for the last few titles, presumably will not meet too abnormal opponents.

After Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun accepted this special invitation, the supervision of the school has been relaxed a lot, and many non compulsory courses can be omitted. The extra free time is naturally allocated by the demons elimination special service group.

Their beautiful head teacher arbor hilin learned of this, and called them to the office to scold. Finally, knowing that she was done, she had no choice but to send a secret information about the special service group to Li Xingyun and let them go back to have a closer look.

Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi went home to check the information, only to find that the hidden task was really not simple.

It turns out that in the past 100 years, the Terrans have found that the two spaces of the human world and the demon world have gradually merged. Not only has the space channel become more spacious, but also all kinds of random space cracks have become more frequent.

In particular, in the past three decades, there have been more monsters who have entered the human world because of their intrusion into the space cracks. Under such circumstances, the casualty rate of the police has been at a high level. The governments of various countries, which are short of manpower and unable to dispatch troops from the front line, can only find ways to find more help from the people.

This special group of demons came into being.

At first, the demons removing special service groups mainly solicited the active forces of the big families. Finally, when these big families found that their fighters were not getting enough benefits while suffering casualties, these big families strictly prohibited their descendants from entering the demon killing special service group without authorization.

The governments of various countries that could not deceive the descendants of big families turned their eyes to other people, and then those despicable mercenaries, vicious criminals and other miscellaneous people signed various agreements with the government to join the special forces of killing demons.For a while, the ethos in the demons removal special service group became extremely bad. After that, the governments of various countries that couldn't bear to see it sent some elite troops to suppress those who did not obey the rules.

And in the last decade or so, I don't know what those high-level officials of the demons elimination special service group think. They even look at these hot-blooded young people in the campus.

Obviously, these hot-blooded youths are much better than mercenaries and neurotic criminals. With the expansion of more than ten years, the force of the demons removing special service team has reached an unprecedented peak.

However, what Qiao Xilin, a beautiful head teacher, doesn't know is that her worry is really unnecessary for Li Xingyun. Even if they understand the danger of this organization, they will choose to join. In the black prison University, every step is accompanied by danger. If they are afraid of danger and do not move forward, they will not live now. , the fastest update of the webnovel!