"How do you talk about this dead bear? The ground covered snake is also young." bramble flower is also a woman, and her voice is very beautiful. If you don't look at her face, most people will think that she must be a beautiful woman. But after seeing her face which can almost be called as disfigurement, I'm afraid that there is no man who can stir her up.

As for looking at them without saying a word, this guy is covered in a black robe, and Li Xingyun can only see his eyes, which are like cold stars.

"Hum, we applied for a new team when we knew you were here"

Ji Xiaoxi looked at him a little discontented. After he broke into their class for no reason, he threatened to get the monitor's authority and accept them. In fact, secondary two is not good.

If it is not for some scruples, I can't give him a good look when I enter. Now I'm still in a bad situation. I can't make Ji Xiaoxi depressed.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect that you would step into the demons elimination special service group first, and I don't know how your strength has improved in the past six months."

Li Xingyun looks at Mo shaocong without any hesitation. If he is a planetary one star realm, he can't be mo shaocong's opponent, and the planetary two star realm may be in danger. If you use blood burning decision by wasting half a year's life I believe Mo shaocong can't get a good one.

"The boy's tone is still so big. At first, I was fooled by you and didn't react to it. Then I realized that you were just deceiving me. Now you still pretend to be so stubborn that I can't be made of mud."

the cold eyes in Mo shaocong's snake eyes have lowered the temperature in the room a lot. It can be seen that Mo shaocong's power has been obvious in half a year Progress.

Just when the conflict between Mo shaocong and Li Xingyun was about to break out, a rapid alarm sounded in the room, and the dark red light was constantly flashing.

"Alarm, alarm, obvious spatial fluctuation in area 35; obvious spatial fluctuation in area 35, please send C13 team and C21 team of demons elimination special service team to the place where they happened immediately; please send C13 team and C21 team of demon removal special service group to go back to the place of occurrence immediately."

With the alarm sounded, people's faces changed slightly. Luo Yi quickly took out his wisdom brain to check. At the same time, other people were very skilled in changing their combat equipment. They were named C21 team.

Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi looked at each other and quickly put on their own defense weapons.

Luo Yi looked at the crowd and then waved his hand.

The huge floor to floor window in the lounge suddenly rises and falls, and the strong wind rushes into the room. Luo Yi takes out a mini aircraft and throws it out of the window.

The aircraft is long when it sees the wind. Soon, an aircraft more than five meters high and more than ten meters long, which looks like a falcon, appeared in front of Li Xingyun. After they boarded the aircraft with others, two very similar aircrafts rushed into the burning clouds in the evening.

More than ten minutes later, when the sunset completely fell to the ground level, Li Xingyun's C21 team and C13 team came to area 35 together.

At the moment, the spatial fluctuations have disappeared, and everything seems to have returned to calm.

"You two are so unlucky to be on duty on your first day?" Luo Yi shakes his head, a little speechless, Li Xingyun's luck difference, there is no buffer time to fight directly, for the new is not a good thing, many new newcomers are in the first mission when the accident.

Mo shaocong looked at Li Xingyun with a sarcastic look: "boy, don't be scared to call grandfather when you meet a monster"

Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi didn't understand Mo shaocong, but the map in the hands of their own researchers. Now they have left the main city and come to the suburbs far away from the breaking Army Academy.

However, although it is a suburb, the population density is not small. The entire 35 districts are hundreds of square kilometers in size, and they are not small counties and cities on the earth.

"Well, I have divided the areas you need to be responsible for, and the next step is to start the actual duty. I don't want to see your past gratitude and resentment brought to the task. If there is any big disturbance caused by the monster because of you, I don't need to say more about the consequences."

Luo Yi gives a faint warning to the rebellious Mo shaocong, and then I opened the door of the aircraft and flew out.

Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi also ignored Mo shaocong and flew out with Luo Yi's pace, and soon came to their own responsible area.

"Xiaoxi, our two responsible areas are connected with each other. Would you like to search with the power of mind"

Li Xingyun flies against the night star and observes the surrounding activities in mid air. However, the dark street is really quiet and tight, and he doesn't find any trace of monsters.

In fact, there are few people on the street. It's time to have dinner now. Except for those who rush home, most residents have enjoyed a rare rest time after a day's work in their warm little homes.

"Brother Xingyun, I've just checked it with my mind power, and I haven't found any monsters. Shall we go to other places to have a look?"Ji Xiaoxi, like an elf in the night sky, is dressed in a seemingly flimsy four-star magic weapon, which is not to be underestimated. He floats leisurely in the mid air, frowning and looking at the street which is constantly falling into the darkness.

"Not for the time being. Let's look after ourselves and take charge of this area. Moreover, I don't think these monsters are so easy to deal with, otherwise, a soldier of four planets would not be the team leader."

just as Li Xingyun was talking, a strong energy fluctuation broke out in the block several kilometers away from them, and a dazzling fire burst into the sky Up.

"Found the monster?"

Li Xingyun has just looked over there, and suddenly another flash of light flies up in the air not far away. Then, like a chain reaction, a series of flame rises into the sky, and the harsh alarm sounds.

The residents of this world have good military literacy. In addition, there are many powerful people at the planetary level. They are not flustered when they meet with emergencies. The family dinner party that was just a moment ago was full of laughter and laughter. In one second, everyone was gone.

Countless pedestrians rushed to the streets. Under the protection of powerful adults, women, children and children moved orderly to the nearest shelter. Even if there was fierce fighting overhead, no one showed too much panic.

Li Xingyun is also responsible for the area, but when the crowd moved, a more partial street suddenly heard a riot.

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