After these polluted blood vessels, the goblins have gone from one extreme to another, and their advanced wisdom has disappeared, leaving only their powerful explosive reproduction ability and fierce savage personality.

These goblin as long as the number of tourists less than their own side, they will recklessly launch attacks, only when more than half of them are killed, Goblin will be afraid to escape.

Finally, Li Xingyun's three people, who were very upset, even killed several goblin nests with more than 1000 people.

But it didn't play a big role. These guys have a bit of exaggeration in their reproductive capacity. They killed a lot of them today, and I don't know where they will come out tomorrow.

Unless the use of chemical and biological weapons like destruction, otherwise it is difficult to kill this stubborn grass like race.

Fortunately, Goblin inherits the lineage of goblins, and their combat power is generally poor. Most of them even have no planetary level, which is similar to half of the world's children. Only those who have evolved into large goblin or goblin shaman can have planetary level strength.

Large goblin and goblin shamans are extremely rare, and hundreds of thousands of them may not have evolved into one.

Li Xingyun, they have only seen a large goblin after walking so far. They have not even seen a goblin shaman with a small amount of wisdom.

To tell you the truth, if goblin had all kinds of congenital deficiencies, it might have become a serious problem for the Terrans.

But now they are just reduced to bullying some villagers and mercenary novices in remote mountainous areas. It's a little flattering to say that they are demons. It's better to say that they are killing rats.

In fact, in Ike, Goblin has the name of a field mouse.

Without the annoying goblin, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming started to do their own things after the self driving SUV firmly followed the cavalry.

They still need to do a lot of preparation before encountering a strong enemy. They have to get used to fighting under 25 times the standard gravity.

The cavalry team walked all the way, and the neat team was full of momentum on the road. This not only deterred small demons, but also brought good news to travelers and caravans.

In less than a day, they were followed by nearly a hundred caravans and travelers.

These travelers and caravans are also interesting. Before they follow, they often come to say hello and contribute some exquisite things or delicious food, or even a certain amount of money.

This is bad for the knights to expel these fellow villagers, and they can only follow them.

"These are the flowers in the greenhouse." Chen Xiaoming shook his head at the large number of troops behind him.

Obviously, these Knights didn't go abroad. If they went out, they would find out how cruel the real wild was.

Li Xingyun, along the way, saw that many caravans would expel, intending to follow their own travelers and other caravans.

This kind of deportation is a kind of naked violence. There is no need to talk about it.

Because in those places, too large a team does not mean safety. The more obvious the team is, the more powerful the demons will be attracted. In the moment of real danger, those cumbersome guys will not only not be a help, but will disturb the formation of their own soldiers.

It can be said that with a group of cumbersome practices, in those real wilderness is a kind of irresponsible life.

If Li Xingyun had gone through the wilderness, Wayne's practice would have brought disaster to them.

When Lilith saw the troops behind her, her face also showed a little worried look, but when she thought that she had returned to the embrace of her motherland, the worry disappeared and she put on a smile again.

Along the way, because Wayne can take care of those business travelers, Li Xingyun deliberately slowed down their speed. After three days of walking, Li Xingyun only walked about half the way, making Lina frown.

"According to the current schedule, it takes one day to get to the next city, and at least five days to get back to the capital. General Wayne, is our journey too slow"

while the team was taking a break, Lina found Wayne.

"Miss Lina, I'm eager to be quick but not fast. Besides, all the business trips behind me are all the people of Ike. As a knight of the glorious church, I have the responsibility to lead them back to the safe city"

Wayne smiles humbly, but his tone does not show any compromise.

Lina looked at Wayne coldly and snorted, "you are the guard of this time. You don't need to say more about your duty. You should do your own thing well"

compared with the innocent Lilith, Lina can't see the care of Wayne. Now Wayne is not afraid of nothing, just afraid of nothing.

The main purpose of Wayne's procrastination along the way is probably Lilith.

Lilith, as the youngest daughter of Duke Ike, is beautiful without saying that she has a pockmarked face. Even if she has a pockmarked face, her pursuers can also be sent to the capital from the border.

What's more, Lilith showed a very high talent of magic practice since she was a child. A few years ago, she was sent to the famous Victor college in white rose country.Over the years, Lilith has also become a respectable magician from an ordinary noble girl.

Under all kinds of names, it's strange that Wayne doesn't feel excited.

So Wayne, taking advantage of his position, deliberately slowed down his journey all the way to get along with Lilith. It would be more perfect if he could perform a heroic rescue scene or two.

As a matter of fact, Wayne has been waiting for this opportunity, but his team seems to be too "strong". Except for a few magic creatures that don't have long eyes, most of them just slip away and don't give him any chance to play at all.

Wayne has been thinking about making a little bit of an accident this time.

But before he could figure out how to make an accident, the real accident came.

Just as Li Xingyun and their next city were still more than 10 kilometers away, Wayne camped in a small valley for the reason that he was not suitable for driving at night.

The business brigade, which has reached more than 100 people, naturally set up tents, and all kinds of cooking smoke also floated into the sky.

Not long, the small valley has been floating in bursts of food aroma.

People in this world are also blessed.

Because of the strong gravity, the weak race has been basically eliminated.

The rest of the human beings are born with a strong body. Even if they are not cultivated, they can reach the peak of martial arts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!