Just after Li Xingyun had killed those flying demons, there was a huge roar from a distant mountain depression. Even though the big trees at the foot of Li Xingyun were still blowing for tens of kilometers, they bowed their heads.

"It's you"

Li Xingyun's eyes flashed, and she stepped on the Liuhe shield and turned into a flash of lightning, and flew towards the source of the roar.

Thunderbolt across the sky and fell on a huge stone. Where is Li Xingyun's figure between the falling stones? The lightning cutting skill is switched to a flash of inspiration at the moment of landing.

After wearing the Royal robe, two vivid dragon shaped sword light twined on Li Xingyun's body, and the powerful momentum was unscrupulously sent out at the moment. Under this momentum, all the gravel within a radius of 10 meters offset the gravity, floated up, and then turned into vermicelli and disappeared in the air.

In the depression in front of Li Xingyun, a huge white ape with a single horn and four arms on its back stands up against the mountain. The white hair like a steel needle stands up after Li Xingyun's arrival. His eyes are already red, and there is only violent anger left.

However, what really caught Li Xingyun's attention was not the Giant White Ape, which was more than 10 meters tall, but a strange man wrapped in a black robe on the head of the White Ape.

It's not accurate to say it's human, because the black robed monster doesn't have a trace of human breath. Instead, it emits a strange smell that makes Li Xingyun feel extremely disgusted.

"The smell of demons at this time"

although it is a little different from the evil spirit that Chen Xiaoming has experienced for him, the smell that seems to make the soul feel uneasy has not changed much.

"Is it true that there are demons behind the control?"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, human beings are still so stupid and arrogant that they are attracted by the White Ape after they roar for two times"

when the black robed monster saw Li Xingyun, he didn't feel any surprise, instead, he laughed strangely.

Li Xingyun sneered, and without any intention to talk nonsense with him, he directly pulled out the Dragon Yin sword and cut it in the past.

Flying at 15 times supersonic speed, the dragon shaped sword light can be described as flying sand and flying stones, and the sky is dark.

A single blow will clean up all the debris in front of Li Xingyun, leaving only a broad road leading to the Great White Ape.

In the face of Li Xingyun's fierce dragon shaped sword light, the black robed monster did not make any response. The White Ape giant beast under his feet slapped his chest while hammering at Li Xingyun's sword light with another pair of arms.

At the moment when the sword light drowned the White Ape beast, a jade white strange flame rose from the White Ape giant beast, enveloping the whole body of the White Ape giant beast. At the next moment, the fist wrapped in the jade white flame made Li Xingyun's Dragon Sword light into the sky.

Wrapped in a strange flame, the Great White Ape roared up to the sky, and its fury broke through the limit of five stars and reached the level of six planets.

At the same time, behind Li Xingyun, there is an ultrasonic wave that makes his soul tremble slightly. A phantom magic bat, which is one size larger than the phantom magic bat king he killed before, appears.

Not only that, but also as the phantom bat's ultrasonic attack enveloped the Li nebula.

At the left rear of Li Xingyun, a huge snake wrapped in rocks also broke through the earth. The cold snake's eyes glowed with cold light and a huge black lacquer ball in its mouth had condensed to the last moment.

At the right rear of Li Xingyun, there is also a wolf of the size of a hill, quietly walking out of the dense forest. The fierce vigorous wind converges around the wolf and forms two thick wind whips. Once the wind whip sweeps gently, a trench of three meters deep and more than ten meters long appears quietly on the ground.

It can be said that Li Xingyun was surrounded by four powerful demons at the moment of his hand. If there were only these four demons, it was nothing. With Li Xingyun's speed, he could advance and retreat only in his mind.

What really makes Li Xingyun feel dangerous is that strange man in black.

After seeing Li Xingyun no doubt trapped in the magic circle, the black robed monster took out a misty crystal ball and threw it into the sky.

After the strange crystal ball flew into the sky, an indistinguishable boundary with the naked eye covered the depression and the nearby forest for more than ten miles. Even if Li Yun Yun Yun had the follow-up reinforcements, he could not enter for a moment and a half.

"A turtle in a jar?"

Li Xingyun looked at the action of the black robed monster, covering his face and laughing wildly. Originally, he was worried that the battle would spread to Karas City, which was really at his will.

Since the black robed monster is so interesting, Li Xingyun doesn't plan to hide anything.

Ji Kai, the star of the dark night, is dressed in a flash. The double dragon flash is also transformed into a flying dragon flash. Two pairs of giant dragon wings appear behind Li Yun Yun. The powerful breath makes Li Yun Yun break through the standard gravity of 25 times of the world and suspend. The change of Li Yun Yun is not only that.

After the flying dragon flash was opened, Li Xingyun opened the eye of the blood curse without any hesitation. After the rune representing thunder appeared, a dense arc was twined on the Dragon Wing behind Li Yun Yun Yun. With the addition of the eye of blood curse, Li Xingyun's momentum, which was already so powerful, went one step further and became a shock wave and spread out.The four king of demons in the face of the sudden change of Li Yun Yun, also was scared, subconsciously away from Li Yun Yun.

The original tight encirclement immediately loosened up.

At the same time, Li Xingyun's sword disappeared in the hands of all people.

It can be said that in addition to the great effect of burning blood and flying dragon flash, Li Xingyun has raised the combat effectiveness to the strongest state so far.

At this moment, even under the constraint of 25 times of gravity, Li Xingyun's moving speed has reached the terrible speed of 20 times the speed of sound. As far as the speed is concerned, many of the six star level strong players in the world of magic and sword song are hard to match.

After Li Xingyun disappeared, he reappeared and came to the king of phantom magic bat. The soul attack contained in the ultrasonic attack of phantom magic bat was too dangerous to him, so he was listed as the first target to be eradicated.

Obviously, the demons in this world are not well matched. Facing the situation of death, the ferocity of phantom magic bat is also stimulated to the limit. Instead, it does not evade Li Yun Yun's attack, but condenses the whole body's strength and emits countless translucent vacuum chopping at Li Xingyun.

The sword light flashed away, and Li Xingyun went up against the countless vacuums and flew past the king of phantom magic bat. The next second, the phantom demon bat turned into two pieces of corpse and fell into the sky.

Li Xingyun also has a deep visible bone scar on her chest.

After the injury, Li Xingyun became more excited and looked at the snake composed of giant rocks.

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