It's like the three of them are exposed to the sun in the shadow that everyone hides.

"Damn it, why are you so passive every time"

Chen Xiaoming grabs his hair impatiently. After his strength gets stronger, he still thinks he can take some initiative.

In the multi-party coalition forces, it will not become the bottom role, but after all the so-called teammates disappear, the so-called initiative does not exist at all.

If all the others form an alliance and leave the three of them out, the three of them will be in danger. The main task of this class is obviously not what the three of them can accomplish.

In a world where even the top nine stars are not the strongest.

Li Xingyun's fighting capacity is not really up to the level of being alone.

If you meet a real master in the demon invasion battlefield, the three of them will be dead.

At this time, only by uniting can we get through the real crisis.

"Don't think too much. As long as they don't want to give up the main task, they will always meet them, but it will be more difficult to integrate into their team at that time, and I'm afraid it's necessary to fight in front of them."

Li Xingyun also has no good way. It's not impossible to make use of Ziguan Earl information network. It's just where the count of purple crown is not good to explain, after all, the transaction between them It's done.

And Li Xingyun and they don't want the purple crown count love too much to participate in their affairs, if the purple crown count love get any horse feet, it will be troublesome.

As for Duke Ike, there is always a small country. It is impossible to infiltrate the intelligence network into the thirteen kingdoms.

After spending a lot of money without getting any news, there is not much they can do.

"Maybe we should ask them to come to us"

Ji Xiaoxi touched her chin like Chen Xiaoming, and Li Xingyun laughed at her pretty appearance.

But then Ji Xiaoxi's words made Li Xingyun silent.

"Although we don't know the reason why they are hiding, they have to finish the task. When we have enough strength and reputation, these people will come to us for cooperation. Now we should pay attention to how to ensure that our strength is strong enough, so strong that they have to come to us for cooperation."

Ji Xiaoxi's words, let Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming shine If we can't find them, why not let them come to us.

With the same goal, I believe that as long as those people are not too stupid to be beyond remedy, they will certainly come back to seek cooperation, especially when Li Xingyun is strong enough to change the process of the mission.

After thinking of this, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming finally feel at ease. Chen Xiaoming looks at Ji Xiaoxi and says, "I didn't expect that my Xiaoxi has grown up. It seems that I will retire soon."

in a word, Ji Xiaoxi blushes with shame, and her mature model can't be maintained.

In Li Xingyun's laughter, the housekeeper of the Earl's mansion finally found them.

"Mr. Li, the leader of the red sun mercenary regiment, Longya and sporadic have arrived at the Earl's house and are waiting for you to meet with him."

the good news from the old housekeeper brightened the eyes of Li Xingyun and finally things began to get on the right track.

Ten days later, in a dark crypt, Luo long, the housekeeper of Li Xingyun, together with the famous Dragon teeth, sporadic soldiers and the head of the red sun mercenary regiment, and count Ziguan, who were sent to assist Li Xingyun, sat in front of a fire to discuss matters.

Li Xingyun is quite satisfied with the help provided by the count of purple crown.

Longya and sporadic are well-known experts in the mercenary world. Both of them have six-star planetary accomplishments, and their real combat effectiveness is even more daunting. Both of them have the record of defeating Seven Star demons in a single fight.

However, the Lieyang mercenary regiment is more powerful. ChiYan, the leader of the mercenary corps, is a master with six-star accomplishments. Although he is not as proud as Longya and sporadic, his strength should not be underestimated.

In addition, the Lieyang mercenary group itself is a large-scale mercenary group. It has not only a huge team of hundreds of people, but also seven five-star level experts.

This powerful military force, by surprise, is enough to deal a devastating blow to a small country.

After Li Guanyun's steward, he was not so powerful as the steward.

Housekeeper Luo long said that it was a escort, but actually it played a role of supervising the army to prevent Li Xingyun from making use of this powerful military force to do anything outraged and resentful.

"Is it accurate that there is a goblin kingdom in the underground world?" Chen Xiaoming asked Luo long solemnly.

Since the recruitment, Rolon has brought them good news that an entrance to the deep underground has been found in the underground cave.

Some adventurers enter the underworld and come back, mentioning a large goblin kingdom in the underworld.Rumors even appeared in the shadow of the devil, can not help but suspect that this is a conspiracy of the devil.

So now Li Xingyun and they have come to this place where the birds don't poop to explore these caves.

It's just that after four days of exploration by hundreds of mercenaries in the scorching sun, not to mention the kingdom of goblin, there is no sign of a goblin.

"Mr. Chen, the intelligence should not be wrong. We found the holy shepherd of the glorious church to confront the adventurer face to face. The fact is, he did not lie"

"and according to the information of the man, there was no sign of goblin in the underground cave, but a channel leading to the underground world was found. After entering the underground world through the passage, we could see it The goblin kingdom "

LUO long said respectfully that as a housekeeper trained by the count of purple crown, there is no choice in etiquette.

As long as Li Xingyun doesn't do anything to apologize to the count of purple crown and the Bauhinia family, Luo long will treat Li Xingyun as his distinguished guests, no matter how young Li Xingyun and Ji Xiaoxi look.

"Brother Chen, don't worry, the nearby caves have been searched almost, and it's almost time for news to come," a bearded red man said with a mouthful of liquor.

However, he was not satisfied with his family's business.

But Luo long is the real money bag to pay, and he can't say anything.

On the contrary, as employers, Li Xingyun and his three people make him more curious, especially Chen Xiaoming, whose face is full of flesh and blood. ChiYan feels a bit sorry to meet each other. In two or three days, his brother will grow up and his brother will cry short. , the fastest update of the webnovel!