It can be said that the two investigation teams of the Chiyang mercenary regiment are well deserved elite lineups. Even the scouting company in the regular army is not necessarily better than the Chiyang mercenary group.

After the three teams were ready, they immediately went in along the cave.

Sure enough, every so long we see a huge cavern that goes straight to the ground.

Looking at those thick cables, Li Xingyun knew that the goblin kingdom in the underground world might have made preparations for this unexpected passage.

In fact, after seeing a special goblin guard, Li Xingyun and his colleagues analyzed that the accidental escape of the adventurer should have attracted the attention of the goblin kingdom. Otherwise, they would not send such elite goblin to guard the passage.

"Mr. Luo long and I will go down first, and you will come down after receiving the signal," Han Xing said without hesitation.

If that person is exposed carelessly, it will even implicate him.

And Luo long, who has the same level of cultivation as him, is the best teammate so far.

After seeing no objection, Han Xing and Luo long jumped down and watched them disappear quietly in the dark. Li Xingyun could only wait in place.

Half an hour later, a light came up from the low end of the cave.

Seeing the agreed signal, Li Xingyun and other 20 people immediately jumped down the iron rope.

It took Li Xingyun ten minutes to reach the bottom of the cave.

The underground world is not as dark as expected.

Numerous fluorescent bryophytes provide light for the whole underground world. Although not too bright, they can also be compared with twilight.

After landing, a strong smell of blood let Li Xingyun and others on guard.

Then the weak light source looked around, Li xingyundun saw thousands of goblin dead, including three goblin corpses emitting five-star energy.

"In addition to the shadow goblin I met before, there are also giant goblins with strong defensive like tortoise shells and strong legs and wind speed goblins"

"among the four goblins, except for shadow goblin, the other three have five-star goblin kings. I think that's why What's the reason why we only meet shadow goblin "

" goblin's nature is cruel and cunning. It seems that the goblin kingdom is not as rigid as we imagined "

" however, we can't underestimate the fact that there are more than 1000 planet level goblins in this goblin Kingdom, which indicates that there are not too few goblins in the goblin kingdom "

"To tell you the truth, it's the first time I've seen such a powerful goblin kingdom for so many years. In the past, there are only ten five-star goblin kings sitting in the seat of the strongest goblin tribe. Most of the other goblins are below the planetary level. It's the first time for me to see such a powerful goblin kingdom"

"this The kingdom of goblin is really far stronger than those big tribes. It is not too much to call the kingdom of goblin with sincerity "

the cold and cold look of the cold star shows a strange flush in the constant analysis and looks extremely excited.

Finally, after calming down the excitement in his heart, Hanxing regained his cool and sharp look again, and began to dissect the bodies of those goblin one by one.

Although Li Xingyun's three people are not very cold to this kind of abnormal general behavior, but also know that this is the cold star uses countless times of life to exchange the precious experience, naturally follows to learn.

By the time Rolon frowned and hid.

After consulting with each other for a while, the rest of the investigation teams dispersed and explored the surrounding environment.

After more than an hour, Han Xing stopped and said with a slightly dignified face: "I found human bones in the intestines and stomachs of three five-star goblin, and they are still juvenile human bones. According to the digestion situation, this person was eaten less than 10 hours after eating"

Ji Xiaoxi frowned and kicked the corpse away from the body which had just been dissected After the completion of the giant goblin's body, she also found some strange bones that had not yet been digested in the stomach and intestines of this giant goblin. It looks like the bones of a minor in the mouth of Han Xing.

"What does this mean?" Ji Xiaoxi also had a guess, but still asked.

The cold star sighed: "this shows that the goblin Kingdom has other channels to the ground, and it is a stable channel, otherwise they will not capture the underage human beings"

"however, there is not a large number of planetary level goblin information in the white rose kingdom. These goblin should have taken advantage of the time when the demons attacked the city "According to the habits of goblin, they used to eat the elderly and men, then the adult women, and finally the minors."

"so, there should be not many survivors among them“Cold star's words, let all the people are murderous.

Goblin is only a scab among many human kingdoms, and has not attracted the attention of the high level of human beings.

The diseases of scabies are not only harmful to people at the bottom of crops, but also harmful to people.

Every village living in the shadow of goblin knows that once these disgusting guys break through the village defense, they will be faced with the disaster of killing the birds and dogs. Therefore, the task of fighting against goblin has always been a relatively large one.

What makes people care most is that other demons only attack human villages under the drive of the strong.

But goblin is different. They seem to regard human beings as the most delicious food. Every goblin's ultimate dream is that there are people who can't eat it all. This is the most disgusting place in goblin.

This time, the goblin Kingdom they discovered is very different from that in the past. This complete army is no longer what goblin, a tribal group, can do.

This national goblin army, once on the ground, will cause immeasurable damage.

"We have to kill all these goblins. Even if we can't kill them, we have to find a way to seal all the passageways they go out to prevent them from making trouble on the ground. After that, I will ask the Lord to ask the king for instructions and send a large army to attack the so-called Goblin Kingdom, so that the rats in the ground can know what a real kingdom is"

if Rolon is murderous, why not The final conclusion of a discussion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!