The explosion fire in all directions successfully distracted the attention of roushan goblin. Li Xingyun and his three men rushed to the gate of the city, holding the cold star disguised as a slave in a mess of demons.

Long ago, Luo long thought that Luo long also used some means secretly to make the scene at the gate more chaotic. A large group of demons carrying a large number of unknown, so goblin poured out of the gate.

Let the four super giant goblins guarding the gate look confused and don't know what to do.

The physical goblin obviously saw the scene at the gate of the city. He was as angry as the mentally retarded "goalkeeper" and his whole body was full of fat.

"Fool, don't close the gate, raise the border and chase the escaped demons"

in the roar of goblin in meat mountain, the goalkeepers finally reflected what to do, and quickly killed all the creatures in the gate with a few sticks.

Then the city gate carved with huge stones is pushed to close. At the moment when the gate is closed, a strong border rises, covering the whole city.

After watching the city was surrounded by the border, those super giant goblin led his men who were scared by the physical goblin to pursue and escape the demons outside the city.

At this time, Li Xingyun and others in the group of demons have already escaped.

After the signal gathered all the members of the investigation team, Li Xingyun and others returned to the original cave.

After meeting with the large army, Hanxing said the information that had been inquired before.

"The goblin clan has been brought into AOZHONG by the demon king. The king of goblin, who appeared before, has been taken away by the demon king. It can be said that the goblin king is the demon king's separation"

a word from Han Xing has set off a big wave. The demon king's coveting of the human world is no longer news.

Most of the time, the devil's intrigue seems to be a common practice for these mercenaries who have experienced big waves.

As long as it is a legendary hero, who has not cracked the plot of several demon kings, he is embarrassed to call him a hero.

Most of the so-called conspiracies are just devils who come to the human world to make trouble when they are idle.

The number of times that the real demon incarnation appears is not many. Each time can be said to be a big event that startles the thirteen kingdoms.

"Halo takes the fifth team to escort the news back to the white rose kingdom. No matter what method is used, it must be conveyed to the royal family"

"the rest of the people will enter the underground world to find and destroy other channels leading to the ground"

ChiYan is obviously also very decisive, even when people are still digesting the bad news of cold star And immediately made a response.

Code named halo, a five-star mercenary of the elves clan, after a deep look at the people, with their own men, ran away toward the cave.

After seeing the halo disappear from his eyes, ChiYan said to the rest of the people: "I don't think I need to say anything superfluous. The Chiyang mercenary Corps would rather die than run away from the Terrans. Brothers, let those hateful devil cubs and disgusting goblin see what a pure man is"

"Wan Sheng, Wan Sheng, Wan Sheng"

in the roar of ChiYan, All the members of the Chiyang mercenary regiment roared and raised their weapons.

After everyone jumped out of the cave again, a violent explosion collapsed the whole cave.

Their retreat, that cave, was buried by hundreds of millions of tons of boulders.

It's hard not to attract the attention of the goblin army.

Taking advantage of the goblin army has not yet come and mobilize troops, ChiYan let the scouts take them away from the original place.

When the goblin army felt the scene, only bodies were found everywhere, as well as the caves that had been blocked by stones.

When the physical goblin, that is, the demon demon incarnation, learned of the news, the angry demon incarnation directly killed the report and gave him the five-star general goblin.

Then all the goblin and the underground demons in the underground world poured out under the command of the demon king, looking for the traces of Li Xingyun and others.

Thousands of demons carrying the howling goblin ran around the underground world crazily, just to find out the invaders as soon as possible to calm down the king's anger.

"In the whole underground world, in addition to the goblin army stationed in the king's city, there are three goblin armies, as well as a demon army composed of social demons"

"these four armies and the power in the king's city are 80% of the underground world's military strength"

"their location is already in this brief map "According to their defense positions, we found that the most likely places to exit to the ground are these three places"

one of the investigation team leaders of the Chiyang mercenary regiment, Karl, took out a simple but not simple map and pointed them out to the public.

At the same time, the extremely professional technical analysis also made Rolon, the picky housekeeper of Earl's house, nodded."Along this road, go to the nearest exit first."

with a big wave of his hand, ChiYan took everyone on the road of thousands of miles.

Along the way, all kinds of grottoes and goblin tribes had already been deserted, while the wilderness was almost covered with countless magic creatures and various goblin.

At first, in order to keep the secret of his whereabouts, ChiYan and others killed all the demons and goblin that could be seen.

However, after the rest of the demons and goblin found something different, more demons and goblin came from all directions.

In order to keep the whole underground secret, the mercenaries can't light up the dark world.

All kinds of sword spirit and magic light illuminate the way forward for everyone, and open up a broad road for everyone.

After a full day of fighting, they arrived at the first suspected exit.

Looking at the entrance of the passage which is like the throat of a giant beast, ChiYan orders a team of people to clear the magic objects and goblin army in the passage, and destroy the passage, and then rush to the next exit with the rest of the people.

This time, their rapid march was not so easy. After the wise goblin priests responded to their attempts, the army already arranged was blocked in their way.

This time, Li Xingyun, the masters, replaced the members of the Chiyang mercenary regiment and began to bombard the goblin army.

Under the leadership of three six-star level strong men, they destroyed all the goblin army that could be seen. Countless goblin soldiers were still alive at the first moment, and the broken corpses that were transformed into the next second filled the underground world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!