"There are 15 peaks in Adele holy mountain, and there is a main city in each peak"

"the city where we are now is the White Emperor city in the White Emperor peak. The country behind the White Emperor city is the white rose Kingdom among the 13 kingdoms, and most of the people gathered are the strong ones in the white rose kingdom"

"it happens that you three are from the white rose Kingdom, which is the rest Less trouble "

the star map takes the three people to browse the scenery of Baidi city and talks to Li Xingyun.

"The White Emperor in the name of the White Emperor city is not the white tiger, which is the holy beast among the four holy spirits. It refers to Douglas Bai, the first king who established the kingdom of white roses."

"this king is honored as the White Emperor by later generations. It can be said that he is a rare hero in human history. Even the demon king once lamented that it is a great pity that he failed to fight with the White Emperor ”

the star chart is like a tour guide on earth.

While telling all kinds of history and allusions of Baidi City, he took Li Xingyun through the streets and alleys, and soon came to a huge building like a church.

"This is the supreme authority of Adele holy mountain, which is one of the fifteen branches of the magistracy of the gods"

"all the people who live in Baidi peak must register here before they can be qualified to stay here for a long time"

"otherwise, even the strong people of nine stars will not be able to live in Adele holy mountain for a long time The picture is obviously very familiar with the White Emperor city referee. After taking Li Xingyun into the court, he still greets many people in and out.

"Big brother star map, please go to the old man and ask his assistant to give me a message."

a man in blue professional clothes saw the star map enter the Baidi City referee office, and immediately welcomed him with a smile. It was obviously not the first time that he had dealt with the star map.

"Ha ha, Ellen, you have sharp eyes"

the star chart laughed and lost a strange looking gold coin in the past.

After Allen put away the gold coins without showing any trace, he became more respectful and flattered with his smile.

"Brother star map, I don't know what's going on this time. Would you please come and have a trip in person"

the star map let Allen see Li Xingyun's three people and said, "these three are the people that our eldest brother Xinyue and elder sister Beibei are looking for. Let me come and take them to get familiar with Baidi city. By the way, I will handle the qualification certificate for staying in Baidi city"

When Allen heard that he wanted to help Li Xingyun apply for the qualification certificate of living in Baidi City, he was a little hesitant.

However, after thinking about the strength of Xinyue and Jinbeibei, she made a shiver and hurriedly took Li Xingyun three people to go in.

Half an hour later, Li Xingyun came out of the White Emperor city referee's office.

The handling of admission qualification certificate is more troublesome than Li Xingyun imagined.

First of all, Li Xingyun failed to reach the standard.

Adele holy mountain also has many four-star level residents.

All of them were elites among the aristocrats of the thirteen kingdoms, and they were entitled to live in the suburbs of Mount Adele at a great cost.

It's not so easy to live in 15 main cities.

Unless the accomplishments reach more than seven stars, otherwise, they will have to make great contributions, so that the gods' courts can make an exception and let people with accomplishments lower than seven stars live in the main city.

As far as this point is concerned, even the royal families in the thirteen kingdoms can not object to it.

Because this is one of the rules that their ancestors set down in the early days.

Fortunately, after Li Xingyun and his three men broke a plot to separate the demon king, their contributions were enough to let Allen breathe a sigh of relief. Without that achievement, he would be hard to operate in a dark box.

Then there's a series of authentication, plus a variety of tests.

These tedious tests took Li Xingyun three half an hour to finish.

This is also no way to do things, since once a demon's Avatar mixed into Adele's holy mountain as a human.

Adele Saint hill is very alert to any outsider.

Allen handed the residence qualification certificate of Baidi city to Li Xingyun, and finally felt relieved.

Li Xingyun's accomplishments are a little low, especially Li Xingyun, who is only four-star level, is not qualified to live in Baidi city at all.

Even if he had that degree of contribution, it would have been enough to live in the suburbs of Adele saint.

However, who let Xinyue and others open a mouth, for the White Emperor city this term Guardian Allen can not dare to offend.

So we can only operate in a dark box, let all kinds of testing personnel open one eye and close one eye, and put Li Xingyun three people in the past.

Fortunately, Li Xingyun's performance also made it more competitive, especially in the combat effectiveness test stage. The stable seven star level combat effectiveness made Allen's dark box operation easier.After sending the star map and Li Xingyun out of the White Emperor city referee's office, Allen finally laughed.

After the three strong men moved into Baidi city under his management, Li Xingyun will have his share of all their contributions in the future.

It's not clear that Allen can take advantage of Li Xingyun's fame to a higher level, and he won't have to be a boy in the White Emperor city referee's office.

Allen's mind, Li Xingyun is naturally not clear, but in the moment out of the White Emperor city referee, they experienced the huge benefits of admission in white Emperor city.

Before you have registered at the Baidi City referee's level and received your admission certificate.

As soon as Li Xingyun entered Adele's holy mountain, they felt that the energy in Adele's holy mountain was repellent to them.

In this place, they can't fight with the help of the surrounding energy. All their skills can only consume the cosmic force in their bodies. The weakening of their power is not a little bit.

In this way, Li Xingyun's three men's combat power can play about 50% even if it is good.

This still has the black prison University's various elixir's supplement, only then has this kind of strength.

If the local strong indigenous people come to Adele's holy mountain, they will reach the limit if they can play 30% of their strength.

Until now, after getting the admission certificate and walking out of the White Emperor city referee, Li Xingyun three people feel that the energy in Adele holy mountain does not repel Li Xingyun three people.

Under the induction of Li Xingyun, the energy in Adele holy mountain is not only frightening, but also moistening their bodies.

In this place, even if you don't deliberately practice, you can increase your physical strength and accomplishments if you stay for a long time.

After encountering this kind of accident, Li Xingyun and his three people were naturally overjoyed, and they were eager to find a place to have a good experience of the pleasure of cultivation.

But the star map is very calm, with a little excited Li Xingyun, the three people began to wander around the White Emperor city.

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