Coincidentally, when Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun discovered the deviant division of the demon army, the existence of the deviant division of the demon army was also found in other three places.

The reason why it is similar is that the intelligence obtained in the other three times is not as accurate as that of Li Xingyun.

Most of the spies only dare to watch from a distance, confirm that there is a demon army stationed, and rush back.

Like Li Xingyun, those who dare to investigate deeply are not absent, but they never come back.

"Young man, yes, just a few days after the establishment of military achievements" star map playing with the money bag in hand, a smile at Li Xingyun.

Just now Li Xingyun exchanged more than 300 sacred gold coins for many good things from him.

"Star map big brother, I'm just lucky for the three of us." Li Xingyun took the space ring handed over by the star map, took a look at it and put it away quietly.

After seeing Li Xingyun put away the space ring, the face of the star map gradually became solemn.

"To tell you the truth, we didn't expect that the front-line battlefield has become this kind of situation, even the nine star level magic generals began to appear frequently"

"you are really lucky this time. You have to escape from the hands of the NINE-STAR Magic general, and you will not be so lucky next time. If you encounter too difficult tasks in the future, try not to take risks"

"we don't want to see you Our three good children lost their lives in the mission world "

after the star map significantly patted Li Xingyun on the shoulder, they went back to find Jinbeibei and others.

Now that the demon army has started a new step of action, they have to act.

After confirming the accuracy of the intelligence brought by Li Xingyun, the high-level generals of zhenxue military city still have some decisiveness. The next day, a large army marched forward to luolei cliff.

This time, in order to make contributions in one fell swoop, zhenxue military city not only transferred nearly one third of its troops.

In addition, they united two military cities nearby, and sent more than 3 million troops to luolei cliff together.

The reason why we have sent more than 20 times the force is that in addition to destroying the demon army at luolei cliff, the most important thing is to guard against the demon troops in other places.

Nearly half of the spies sent out by the three military cities died within ten days.

In addition to Li Xingyun's accurate intelligence, most of the information is only specious, which makes the Terran army very worried, for fear of ambush after the army goes out.

The three cities united army is very powerful, and the eight star level experts as scouts released hundreds of miles away, which really ensured the secrecy of the army.

Nothing unexpected happened along the way, except for all kinds of strange things that were really annoying.

In addition, the whole army is more than three-star sergeants, the march speed is also very fast, but about 15 days or so, the three hundred and five army arrived near the luolei cliff.

When they came to luolei cliff, the leading general was not worried.

Constantly sent scouts with high-level cultivation began to expand the scope of investigation, and searched all places where the demon army could be hidden.

In one act alone, three million troops spent five days outside luolei cliff.

After all the potential dangers were investigated, Li Xingyun, as the guide, was met by the general.


in order to avoid the Thunder Mountain, there is a more dangerous place for us to gather in the Thunder Mountain Valley for three times When we enter the luolei cliff, we will only be at the other end of the canyon when we arrive at the canyon "

Li Xingyun constantly points at the real and unreal military map, and tells us all the results of the three people's Exploration on the luolei cliff.

Many generals headed by Leighton nodded with satisfaction after seeing that Li Xingyun knew all kinds of dangerous areas of luolei cliff.

After Li Xingyun explained her own views, she was invited out of the military conference.

Although Li Xingyun's proposal is very pertinent, it is only a real military event. Obviously, it is not so easy to decide. Especially in the case of the tripartite coalition, there are more disputes.

After a whole afternoon of discussion, Leighton and others finally reached a conclusion.

The so-called conclusion is a little beyond the expectation of Li Xingyun.

The Terran Alliance Army is divided into three again outside the luolei cliff.

The army of zhenxue military city marched to the rear of the canyon along the route pointed by Li Xingyun, while the army named "breaking edge military city" attacked the front according to the route Li Xingyun started to enter the luolei cliff.

Finally, the army of the black dragon army city disappeared after leaving the army. It seems that the army was lurking outside the luolei cliff as an ambush.

After the army had really pulled out, everyone's face became dignified.

Every time I go out in the million man mountain, I have to deal with the God of death. Whether it is the existence of demons or the appearance of heaven as terrible as natural disasters, it is enough to kill people.In particular, the place of this March is the notorious luolei cliff, which makes people worry about their future.

Fortunately, the armies that can be stationed in the million man mountains are the elite of the armies of various countries. Although they are worried, they will not be lax.

It is necessary to pray to all kinds of gods.

In fact, the most popular in the Terran army is not the powerful and respected noble generals, but the religious people who are responsible for medical treatment and praying for the soldiers.

Among them, the priests of the glorious sect are the most famous.

Because the clergymen of the glorious sect had a remarkable effect on the healing of trauma, they had the largest number of believers among the 13 kingdoms allied forces.

After thousands of years of fighting, the brilliant sect has developed extremely large, and its real power is no less than that of any kingdom.

Fortunately, the glorious sect has mild doctrines, does not exclude pagans, and there is no threat to the imperial power. All along, the thirteen kingdoms have consciously or unconsciously assisted the glorious sect.

Li Xingyun's three people came into this world and naturally came into contact with the pastors of the glorious sect.

Li Xingyun even went to the priest of the glorious sect to cure the wounds on the soul.

This time, seeing thousands of sergeants and their generals receiving the blessing of the priest, I was shocked by the real strength of the glorious sect.

After the huge blessing ceremony, millions of troops began to enter the luolei cliff.

After so many people entered the falling thunder cliff, it immediately caused the thunder and lightning riots in the sky, and more than a thousand thunderbolts fell directly.

The five layers of magic enchantment supported by the magician were instantly broken into three layers. Under the joint efforts of the last ten eight star level magicians, they concealed the natural mechanism and made the thunder fall less. , the fastest update of the webnovel!