
Ji xiaoxijiao took a drink, forced the pain on her palm and clapped her hands with a huge flame palm. The fierce flame swept away the masked man with bird head and turtle body.

When Shiji went to rescue, she just wanted to get out of the earth.

In the land, a grotesque green Beast form masked man came out and looked at Ji Xiaoxi with a strange smile.

The other end of the rattan twigs on Ji Xiaoxi's legs was even connected to the hands and ten fingers of the masked man in the green animal form.

"Is that true? The girl is cunning. With those five beads, we think that our abilities are useless. In fact, as long as we are in line with certain attribute strength, we can still use them freely"

the green Beast shape masked man continues to urge his ability, and several thick rattan branches appear from behind, and the poisonous snake seems to swim to Ji Xiaoxi.

Ji Xiaoxi saw that the man had seen through the mystery of the five elements pearl in such a short time, his face changed slightly, and the stream of water from his legs shot out, cutting off all the vines twining her.

Then, her flexible body also stepped on the current that was constantly condensing under her feet, dodged all the vines and then flew to the place where Li Xingyun closed down.

"Five elements rotation, fire burning the sky"

after Ji Xiaoxi jumped to the height of 100 meters, the fire on her hands became more and more intense, and then the red sun on her head also shot down a light column and fell on her hands.

With Ji Xiaoxi's hands clapping, a piece of blazing flame seems to burn out this square of heaven and earth as if shrouded.

Those animal shape masked people also look at Ji Xiaoxi with a smile on their faces.

It is not their goal to besiege a motionless Li Xingyun. Their only target is Ji Xiaoxi.

It's just that Ji Xiaoxi is really flexible and unreasonable in the crowd. The rash attack can not only hurt her, but also hurt her teammates. Therefore, with the momentum of besieging Li Xingyun, Ji Xiaoxi has to confront them head-on.

"Chong long column"

"cone soil flash"


after being reminded, these masked animals were not stupid. After trying one after another, they knew that those abilities could be used under the five colors of the sun, and then the real attack met Ji Xiaoxi's raging fire.

It seems that the flame with incomparable power is smashed by the attack of masked people in beast form for a second.

These five element attributes of the ability or martial arts trend does not decrease, after breaking the sea of fire, hit Ji Xiaoxi head and face.

"Inverse five elements"

Ji Xiaoxi spewed out a mouthful of blood essence and vomited on the five color sun.

Then the five beads instantly convergence of light, Ji Xiaoxi took advantage of this gap, a moment disappeared in front of everyone, lost the target attack all flew into the sky in the dark clouds.

After the dark clouds swallowed these attacks, it was like a huge monster swallowing the indigestible items, and suddenly rioted.

Countless thunder broke through the dark clouds and fell towards the ground.

And the five beads burst into countless black rays full of destruction.

The thunder and black light of the sky are powerful, and the faces of all the masked people change.

when a six star masked man roared, thousands of four-star masked men appeared at his side.

Then all the masked men were connected into an army formation, and a Dragon Tortoise appeared on the earth.

With a thunderous roar of the tortoise, a thick earth yellow light shield goes out on top of its head.

After the simple tortoise shell lines twinkle on the light shield, the defense strength of the light shield is doubled.

The next second is a massive explosion of Mars hitting the earth.

A striking mushroom cloud rushed into the sky, the heavy lead cloud was also blocked by the strong wind, and the thin sunlight was shining on this land for a long time.

After the nuclear explosion, the tortoise climbed out of the center of the nuclear explosion.

Fierce eyes stare at Li Xingyun's side Ji Xiaoxi.

At the moment, jixiaoxi's face, which spurts blood essence and creates extreme explosion, has turned pale.

Before the attack has been Ji Xiaoxi can do the limit, its power is enough to kill ordinary eight star level strong.

But after thousands of masked men joined hands, the combat effectiveness obviously exceeded the ordinary eight star level.

It has reached the peak of eight stars, especially the strong defense of the Dragon turtle. Even if it is a nine star attack, you can't break his thick tortoise shell in a short time.

Now Ji Xiaoxi, who is trapped in the prison City, doesn't know what to do.

If there is no need to protect Li Xingyun, with Ji Xiaoxi's flexibility, no matter how powerful the Dragon turtle's combat effectiveness is, as long as there is no means of blocking the space, it is difficult to threaten her.

But after Li Xingyun was in this state, Ji Xiaoxi didn't work hard."The Dragon turtle is angry"

after the giant tortoise opened its mouth, a huge light column that made the sky bright was sprayed out.

After a huge column of light carrying a violent energy storm, it shot toward the place where the Li nebula is located.

Ji Xiaoxihu worked hard beside Li Xingyun to release a shield that seemed to cut off the space and then collapsed in the ground. She did everything she could, and the rest could only see the will of God.

After the beam of light came, the first to bear the brunt of the cascading rashen gate, each of these huge luoshengmen can block five-star level attacks.

However, in front of this light column, it is like thin paper, and it turns into fragments all over the sky with a little poke.

After easily destroying the luoshengmen, the light column hit Ji Xiaoxi's last space shield.

Circles of spatial fluctuations suddenly spread out like ripples.

Ji Xiaoxi's defense means to cut off the space is really fierce and abnormal, and there is no way for general attacks.

But in front of enough to threaten the nine star level energy attack, Ji Xiaoxi's space partition shield is a little insufficient to see.

The ripples turned into waves. After the waves finally disappeared, the space shield disappeared soundlessly.

In Ji Xiaoxi's despairing eyes, this thick and unbelievable light column shot over.


The mushroom cloud, ten times bigger than before, rose from the ground. The powerful shock wave, like a typhoon of category 18, plowed the nearby ground over and over again, and the last giant crater that looked like a meteorite crater appeared in place.

In the crater, except for the Dragon Tortoise standing firmly in place without moving, everything disappeared. Only the magma pool formed by the high temperature after the explosion in the center of the crater is still boiling.

"Dead, no residue left?"

The Dragon turtle's eyes fiercely scan the surrounding environment, and no longer see the figure of Ji Xiaoxi and the youth. Finally, he put down his heart and lifted the shape of the Dragon turtle.

The monsters in the form of beasts appear in the same place again.

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