And these demons ghost in addition to the mechanical patrol, once there is a conflict between each other is the situation of endless.

Only when one side is swallowed will the fighting stop.

If there is a battle between the two demon ghosts, the other demons will do what they want to do as if nothing happened, and they will not take a look at the fierce battle.

"It feels like the demon ghost has been completely deprived of its own thinking ability and emotion. Besides instinctive fighting and eating, it can't do more than orders"

Li Xingyun touches her chin and looks at the demon ghost wandering nearby. If the demon ghost really loses all its thinking ability, it will be much easier to do.

Compared with intelligent demons, these beast like guys are much easier to deal with.

Of course, the premise of all this is to get rid of their leader.

Only when there is no leader can they have a good mouth.

"By the way, Ingrid said before that the wizard tower also sent a team to capture the demons' ghosts. How come they didn't see them"

while Li Xingyun was wondering, the demonic ghosts in front of her suddenly became agitated. The originally mechanically patrolling demons suddenly flew toward the Northeast and could float freely in the ice, Really let the demon ghost play its own flexibility to the extreme.

In the flight, these demonic ghosts fused with each other. In the blink of an eye, several 10 meter high giant demon ghosts appeared in front of Li Xingyun and others.

"I'll go, the demon ghost still has this ability"

looking at the giant demon ghost, let alone Li Xingyun, even Edward and others were stunned.

The combat effectiveness of ordinary demon ghost is not much different from that of the five-star top cultivator. In addition, the weird attack techniques are enough to threaten the six-star cultivator.

However, after the fusion of these hundreds of demon ghosts, the giant demonic ghosts only emit energy fluctuations no less than those of ordinary eight star practitioners.

Considering that there are other means for the giant demons, no one here dares to beat any of them except Edward.

"Go and see what's going on?"

Betty's big eyes looked curiously at the source of the commotion, while her brother gave her a black faced, silent look.

"I don't think we need to go there. Something has already come to us. What should be damned is that the leader of the demon ghost has found us"

in the blue eye, the cold star flashed and looked in another direction.

The crowd followed his eyes and saw three monstrous ghosts lurking behind them. When they found the ghosts, they were already planning to attack them.

"Since it has been exposed, let's fight. I just want to see what these demons are protecting"

Edward hammered hard, and the boundary that covered their breath disappeared.

Then Edward was the first to rush out. The rigid ice crystal was like thin paper in front of him, and could not stop him.

Lanran looked at Edward alone will only two giant demon ghost scream at the same time, a wave of his hands around the ice crystal suddenly shake up, not long after this ice depth more than a spacious ice cave.

While lanran is creating favorable terrain for everyone, others are not idle.

As Ingrid's incantation continued, her hands threw out many techniques that could hurt her soul.

Although these instant casting methods did not really damage the ghost of the giant demon clan, it also slowed down the speed of the ghost's penetration.

Then Christine arched the bow and shot nine stars in one breath. The graceful movement and the smooth process were almost pleasing to the eyes.

In addition to Christine and Ingrid, the fastest reaction is Li Xingyun.

In the flying dragon flash mode, the sword light overflowing in all directions turns into a vivid flying dragon under the control of Li Xingyun.

The roar of Swords is like a real dragon chant, and the frightening ghosts of the demon clan are trembling.

Betty and Becky did not choose to attack, but put up three solid defense shields for the people.

Li Xingyun and others are also impressed by the strong soul fluctuation above the shield. It seems that even if the three defense shields can not completely resist the attack of the ghost of the giant demon clan, they can also support for a period of time.

In the end, Chen Xiaoming and Joey had nothing to do. They did not have a good means to restrain such strange things.

In particular, Chen Xiaoming, who is on the side of science and technology, is most afraid of meeting these inexplicable things.

Li Xingyun and other people have a series of reactions.

The ghost will be attacked half of the time.

Christine's nine star serial beads, like nine nails, are dead into the soul body of the giant demon ghost, which consumes the power of the ghost of the giant demon family all the time.And Li Xingyun's sword light flying dragon power is not as powerful as Christine's nine star continuous beads, but the victory is lasting.

The speed of the sword light flying dragon is like a vexed mosquito. It constantly bites the "flesh and blood" of the ghost of the giant demon clan. Before the ghost of the giant demon clan can really make a move, its momentum will be reduced a lot.

When the ghost of the giant demon family really hands, the outermost one of the three defense shields under Betty Becky's joint cloth suddenly breaks.

The second defense shield blocks the first-hand attack of the giant demon ghost.

When the ghost of the giant demon clan wants to come to the second time, Ingrid's half sound magic has been completed.

After Ingrid had uttered the last tongue twister, five green smoke came out of his staff.

The green smoke ignored Betty Becky's defense shield and wrapped around the ghost of the giant demon clan, and immediately turned into five chains to tie it up.

The ghost of the giant demon family, whose action was limited, suddenly struggled. The five chains were suddenly broken and turned into five green smoke.

"The power of the trapped soul chain is not enough. This demon ghost is too strong and needs to be weakened"

with a wave of Ingrid's staff, the overwhelming soul attack is thrown out again.

As soon as Ingrid's voice fell, Li Xingyun also gave her hand. After the second Flying Dragon flew out, it became one with the first flying dragon. After turning into a double headed flying dragon, it directly hugged the giant demon ghost and exploded.

After the explosion, the sword light did not spread out and turned into a mushroom cloud. Instead, it turned into a sphere, enveloping the ghost of the giant demon clan.

Innumerable sword light shadow shuttles back and forth in the light ball, which maximizes the damage to the ghost of the giant demon clan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!