Chen Xiaoming nodded and didn't say anything more. He lost Ji Xiaoxi's ability to blink. Their ability to protect their lives immediately dropped a lot. Any threat could make them into a desperate situation.

Without Rorschach's assurance, the two of them would not have followed these people to such places.

The party followed the trail left by Edward and dived all the way, and finally saw Edward near the bottom.

At the moment, Edward is holding the sledgehammer in his hand, and a face of dignified color confronts with a ghost of a super giant demon clan that has never been seen before.

And in that giant demon Spirit side, the demon king separated under the Dark Armor of the forest to look at them.

"Damn it, the devil's body is really here"

the people who were scared by the devil's body at a glance also made a hasty gesture of fighting.

"They are really some rats who are dogged to death"

the demon king looked at Edward impatiently. At the moment, his self cultivation is just the peak of nine stars.

It is not difficult to defeat Edward, an old-fashioned NINE-STAR player, but it is not easy to win a crushing victory.

In addition to those who look not simple behind the little guy, the devil split suddenly irritable, now is not a time to waste time in this kind of place.

"Go on, kill all these guys." after thinking about it for a while, the demon decided to let his subordinates to finish the unfinished task.

After the demon king separated and left, the super giant demon ghost suddenly burst out with no less than star level pressure.

They were relieved to see that the demon king was separated and ignored them.

Although the demon king's body only has nine star level pressure, but the pressure on people is much more than that of the super giant ghost of this star level.

"Fight, there's no way to run"

Edward flew to the front with his hammer, and with his own momentum, he opened up a small world for everyone under the pressure of the super giant demon ghost.

Others also knew that this battle was inevitable, so no one retreated, and all of them broke out in their strongest fighting form. For a time, the sea bottom of this dark cold spring flashed with colorful rays.

It's not easy to be sent by the supreme command to monitor the movement of the devil's body.

After all of us are serious, even the demon king himself will be afraid of the power, which completely suppresses the star level super giant demon ghost.

However, the ghost of this super giant demon clan also has no brain. After seeing that Edward and others are not trapped under the pressure before, they resolutely rush forward.

The supergiant body rolled over like an imaginary hill.

The ghost of the super giant demon clan is still in front of us, and the soul howling of the soul resounds through the cold spring.

People immediately felt a stabbing pain from the depths of their souls.

Li Xingyun shook his body and almost fell down. Fortunately, the soul defense method he bought before was strong enough to withstand the impact of most of his soul's howling. Otherwise, this time Li Xingyun would be quite choking.

"Soul protection barrier" Ingrid waved a stone staff Li Xingyun and others had never seen before.

A barrier invisible to the naked eye appears outside the souls of Li Xingyun and others, wailing for their souls who resist the ghost of the super giant demon clan.

The people who felt much better immediately launched a counterattack.

"God down to earth, storm hammer" Edward roared, the first time to meet the soul howl.

His short body swelled rapidly when he waved the hammer, and in the blink of an eye he became a ten meter tall giant.

And the Warhammer in Edward's hand is also a big hammer, which is bigger than the siege hammer.

At the same time, Li Xingyun and other people were shocked by the power of the storm and thunder beating above the Warhammer.

The Warhammer collides with the ghost of the super giant demon clan. The terrible shock spreads out when Bolton. For a time, the cold spring sea bottom surges like a submarine volcano eruption.

Li Xingyun and others attacked against the torrent, and all kinds of attacks also hit the huge body of the super giant demon ghost with Edward's hammer.

The huge body of the super giant demon ghost seems to have changed a lot after breaking through the star realm. Although it looks like a bubble, its firmness is far beyond the imagination of Li Xingyun and others.

After the colorful energy attack hit, the ghost of the super giant demon clan just shivered back a little, which completely dispelled the attack of the people. There was not even a place on the huge body that could be called a wound.

"It's hard enough to be a stellar monster." Edward's bearded face grinned, and then the huge hammer swung again.

At the hammer point, a series of storms condense and form, and finally merge into a bright to dazzling light ball. A terrorist force not belonging to the super giant demon ghost appears at the bottom of this cold spring.

From other people's point of view, Edward now seems to be in a round of scorching sun, coupled with the boiling heat that even the cold spring is burning, so that people who were prepared to rush to help him escape."Damn it, Edward is trying to implicate us in it"

Chen Xiaoming controls the same huge Breaking Dawn, so he can't help but scold. Here, he and Edward are the largest in size, and Edward's attack after madness is the first to implicate him.

Dawn's outer armor melted a little after being rubbed by Edward's move.

You can see how powerful Edward's frontal attack is.

Other people are also in one after another to avoid at the same time, wonder how Edward can be so desperate, this just fight, pressure box bottom big move all throw out.

In the face of Edward's madness, the ghost of the super giant demon clan was also hard to bear. The body, which was not broken by the concerted efforts of all, became more transparent under the light of the little sun.


after the ghost of the super giant demon family spits out two syllables in the demon language, the huge and terrible demon can surge out of the ghost of the super giant demon clan.

Finally, the sea water stirred the cold spring all over the body and formed a sea bottom vortex like a black hole.

After the sun collided with the vortex, the whole cold spring sea bottom was boiling, and the huge waves surged into the sky and hit the ice crystal.

If Li Xingyun and others are still in the ice crystal labyrinth world of the eternal ice realm, they may think that an earthquake has occurred in the whole eternal ice realm.

When hundreds of millions of tons of seawater hold you back, the best way is to follow the current.

Li Xingyun and others have no interest in helping Edward with the aftermath of the battle.

Edward's recklessness and autocracy make Li Xingyun and others dare not get too close to him, for fear that a careless Edward will beat them together.

"It's really terrible to be strong"

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