In Li Xingyun's mind, the demons and monsters in the dreamland are more real than ever before.

At this moment, Li Xingyun feels that every trace of his flesh and blood, every trace of cell, is occupied by these monsters, and then these ghosts and ghosts transmit their power to Li Xingyun in this way.

A force that makes Li Xingyun feel terrible appears in his body.

According to the principle, with Li Xingyun's current physical strength, the moment that this level of strength appears in his body is when he explodes to death.

However, what makes people surprised is that Li Xingyun not only did not explode to death, but recovered all his senses from the crazy fantasy.

In other words, at this moment, Li Xingyun is more calm and crazy than ever before. In the crazy magic land, Li Xingyun is as calm as a machine without any emotion. He is not as calm as himself.

After Li Xingyun completed this change, a breath of another trembling in Chen Xiaoming's heart rose to the sky.

The overwhelming demon ghost in the moment of feeling this breath, it seems to be in the fixed body skill to change motionless, and then the next second will become a light point all over the sky and disappear in place.

"What power is this? It seems that she has never seen it before. It seems that only with a trace of real gods and demons can they have the power of origin. It's really an unexpected harvest. "

Mo ganna's eyes at Li Xingyun are serious for the first time.

The reason why the semi gods are superior is that they have already touched the threshold of the gods and gained part of the original power of true gods and true demons.

The reason why moganna was able to hang most of the strong people of Hengyang level was that she had part of the original power of the real devil.

As a matter of fact, as Morgana herself would like, she can break through the existing state to reach the demigod state at any time. It is only because of various reasons that Mo Gana did not go out of that step and spent so many years in the demon world.

And now this level of power, she actually saw in a planet class of little guy, this kind of unreasonable things let her also a little incredible.

The power of true gods and true demons is not cabbage that everyone can eat.

Even the great majority of the peerless strongmen in the Hengyang realm risked their lives when absorbing the power of this level. According to Li Xingyun's planetary level cultivation, they should lose their souls at the moment of containing this power, and they can't die any more.

"Sixty four speed, a twinkling of soul"

the death declaration turns into a single blade sword, which can't be said to be domineering. The sword that is so dark that it can swallow the sun is not the sword light, but the sword Qi that can be produced after the flying Sky Sword technique is cultivated to the highest level.

Compared with the sword light, the invisible and immaterial sword Qi has completely become another existence.

Li Xingyun's idea of the ultimate sword technique can finally be realized at this moment.

The powerful and twisted sword Qi pierced the sky, and Li Xingyun's figure also merged into the space with the powerful and exaggerated sword spirit, and completely disappeared in front of Chen Xiaoming.

There is no flashy sword like flying dragon flash and sky flying dragon flash.

Li Xingyun's real spirit is coming to his body to be fully integrated into this space. It can be said that Li Xingyun is everywhere at this moment, simultaneous interpreting the world as a Legendary God.

As long as Morgana leaks a flaw, it will be an endless attack to meet her.

"It's not only the original power of the real God, but also the perfect control of this power. Your little brother in the nebula really makes me more and more impressive"

Mo ganna's charming laughter comes from the armor again, but Chen Xiaoming hears a trace of bad meaning from Mo ganna's words.

"Nebula running" Chen Xiaoming yelled at the void anxiously.

But it's obviously late now.

Mogana inserted one hand into the space in front of her body, and then a huge sword burning green flame was directly drawn out of the void.

At the moment of the appearance of the green flame sword, the power of space in this space was all in disorder.

It looks like the whole space is melting in a green flame.

"With your present strength, it is not impossible to kill even the strong in Hengyang realm, but you are meeting me, the most powerful devil in the history of the demon world. Remember my name, I am the fallen angel mogana"

at this moment, the sweet voice of mogana can't express the pressure. After the great demon gets serious, the world will be in a state of chaos Change color for it.

Several kilometers behind mogana, Li Xingyun fell out of the space with a dull hum. The distorted space has made him unable to maintain the ubiquitous state.

After falling out of space, Li Xingyun didn't give up and didn't listen to Chen Xiaoming's rapid escape from the scene. Instead, he raised the death announcement in his hands with full fighting spirit.

The invisible sword spirit suddenly gathered on the body of the death declaration. It seems that there are stars lit up by Li Xingyun's sword in the dark body. The original simple black sword shines with mysterious and gorgeous starlight, as if the sword had been transformed into a complete starry universe.

with a simple sword, there is no fancy, just like a child just learning to stab the first sword.

With the stab of the sword, Li Xingyun disappeared again.

No, it's not disappearing, but Li Xingyun. The whole person is involved in this sword.

His spirit, Qi and spirit, his unyielding, his faith, his persistence, his feelings for Chen Xiaoming, his missing for Ji Xiaoxi, his lifelong understanding of kendo, all of which are integrated into this sword.

In this moment, there is only one sword left between heaven and earth, and the target of this sword is mogana, the fallen angel.

"Good sword technique"

the same praise was heard, but this time it was not mogana's demon incarnation, but her essence.

With Li Xingyun's sword, Mo ganna also raised her green flame sword.

It's just that the green flame sword of moganna is split out, just like the creation of the earth.

There are no earth shaking explosions or dazzling brilliance when two swords collide. There are only fragments of space debris and black holes formed at the intersection of the two swords.

This space was completely destroyed by the fight between Li Xingyun and mogana.

After the space was broken, Chen Xiaoming was the first one to have bad luck. The huge body of the breakout fortress was doomed to make him have no way to avoid such dense space debris.

Even a second did not persist, Chen Xiaoming was swallowed up by countless space debris.

The next bad luck is Li Xingyun.

The previous sword has used up every bit of his strength. Facing the suction of the black hole, he has no room to resist.

Li Xingyun even people with swords were engulfed by the black hole, mogana finally nodded contentedly, and then left this doomed space. , the fastest update of the webnovel!