Chen Xiaoming's progress is more than that.

Chen Xiaoming was inspired by the experience of integrating the breaking dawn before. Finally, with the help of Luo Xia, Chen Xiaoming finally turned his Breaking Dawn into a part of himself with the help of Luo Xia, which was no longer an external object outside of independence and body.

After being thoroughly refined by Chen Xiaoming into the original magic weapon, dawn became more powerful.

At the moment, as long as Chen Xiaoming calls out the dawn, he has been able to fight against the nine star level strong in simple strength.

With the installation of a space jammer, even the nine star power will become headache in front of Chen Xiaoming.

Without the ability to travel freely, it's not easy to take advantage of dawn's huge body.

Of course, dawn is not without its disadvantages. It has the advantages of high attack and high defense.

The flexibility and maneuverability of dawn are hard to hide. If the nine star class strong men want to run, Chen Xiaoming has no way but to watch them leave.

In order to make up for this defect, Luo Xia exchanged a very special lineage for Chen Xiaoming, called the lineage of the Lord of magnetism.

Let Chen Xiaoming have the power to control a certain amount of magnetic field. If it acts on the dawn, it will naturally make the dawn more flexible. However, if it acts on the opponent, it can greatly restrain the other party's actions. It can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

However, Chen Xiaoming is not very proficient in using the new fusion lineage. In a short period of time, he can't threaten the real master, so he can't use it to beat the monsters.

This is the limit that Luo Xia can do to Chen Xiaoming.

He also benefited from Chen Xiaoming's rich harvest in the world, otherwise many of Luo Xia's ideas could not be realized, let alone help Chen Xiaoming become a nine star combat effectiveness.

Ten days after the black prison, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming spent two years in the secret place under the training of Luo Xia.

At the moment, the fully developed Li Xingyun is only half of Chen Xiaoming's head.

Compared with the tall and strong Chen Xiaoming, Li Xingyun looks thinner, but years of hard work and strong body make every muscle of Li Xingyun contain explosive power.

At first glance, Li Xingyun looks like a Tyrannosaurus Rex ready to hunt at any time. The destructive power of his whole body is enough to make the scalp numb to the eye.

"The cultivation of the five-star peak, the physical strength of the six-star peak, the perfect flying dragon flash, and the declaration of death as the backhand, now I can't compare with the past. As long as I don't meet Mo ganna and Luo Xia, who have crushing power, I can't fight for my life."

Li Xingyun's clenched fist felt a new force in her body Quantity is the unswerving faith in the eyes.

After staying with Luo Xia for a long time, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming have been rendered by Luo Xia's distinctive personality unconsciously. Their will has become more firm and their insistence in their hearts has become more pure.

It can be said that Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming have not only made great progress in their strength, but also have been baptized in their hearts and become real strong men in their hearts.

After seeing Luo Xia off, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming sit quietly in the classroom, waiting for Mo shaocong and Mo ganna to appear.

After a while, Mo shaocong opened the transmission door of the dormitory and walked into the classroom with the amorous Mo Gana.

As soon as Mo shaocong's side appeared, a force of NINE-STAR level authority spread wantonly, and the arrogant Mo shaocong seemed to come back again.

However, Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun know that Mo shaocong seems to be incomparable at the moment. In fact, he has been completely reduced to Mo Gana's plaything and running dog. No matter what achievements Mo shaocong has in the future, he will not escape from mogana's Wuzhishan.

"The cultivation of five stars and six stars? It seems that you two haven't found a good teacher, so many credits and learning points have not made you greatly improve your cultivation. You are also the waste of your potential "

Mo shaocong looked at Li Xingyun with disdain and laughed wildly.

After looking at the headmaster's place, he found that Li Xingyun applied for the right to challenge the monitor. Then he looked at Li Xingyun with a fierce look: "you boy, you are a thief. I said for the first time that the position of monitor is Laozi's, and if you want to touch you, you don't weigh your weight."

Li Xingyun looks at Mo shaocong with a cold face Li Xingyun didn't care about the threat. What really worried him was mo ganna, who secretly made faces at him behind Mo shaocong.

Although Mo ganna and Luo Xia have reached an agreement, they will not do anything to Li Xingyun and Luo Xia before they help them out of their predicament.

However, the changeable and scheming mogana's behavior pattern is really unpredictable. The first second may still be laughing with you, and the next second may be just like before pulling you into a special space-time and killing you.

Therefore, in the face of Mo shaocong's provocation and threat, Li Xingyun simply did not make any response, cold face silent down.

Mo shaocong obviously took Li Xingyun's silence as a retreat, and walked in front of Li Xingyun with disdain."Enjoy the next class, I believe you don't have much leisure time"

Mo shaocong's undisguised malice almost made Chen Xiaoming jump up to hate him, and finally Li Xingyun held him back.

There's really nothing to say about such a puppet figure. It's just like that when the clown jumps around again. Instead of being disturbed by him, we should pay more attention to mogana, who seems to have nothing to do with himself.

"Headmaster, Mo shaocong, a student of class 1024, applied for the monitor's permission assessment"

in the arrogant words of Mo shaocong, the gentle voice of the snake haired woman sounded.

"In view of the fact that there are two students in class 1024 who apply for the monitor's permission assessment, there will be special changes in the next class. Would you like to continue?"

Mo shaocong did not hesitate to choose yes. After that, Li Xingyun also nodded.

The next second, the atmosphere of darkness and terror filled the whole classroom, huge amounts of blood penetrated from the blackboard, and new challenges began again.

"Task world: Nightmare reincarnation"

"the main task content, live (every survival of a nightmare world, the reward will be doubled)"

"branch task content 1, solve the mystery of nightmares world (the reward will be doubled for each solving the mystery of nightmare world)"

"branch task content 2, looking for behind the scenes Gangster (every time you find a nightmare world) For those who are behind the scenes, the reward will be doubled) "

" for completing the main task, 100000 points will be awarded, 15 credits (according to the number of surviving nightmare worlds, the reward can be superimposed) "

" for completing the branch task 1, 50000 credits and 10 credits (according to the number of solving the mystery of a nightmare world, the reward can be superimposed) "

" for completing the branch task 2, 50000 credits and 10 studies will be awarded Points (rewards can be added according to the number of backers who come to a nightmare world) "

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