Chen Xiaoming, whose gravity is unstable, almost falls on his back like a rich man in the movie. Fortunately, Li Xingyun, who had been expecting, helped Chen Xiaoming in a hurry.

Although he didn't really fall down, Chen Xiaoming was still frightened and broke his neck in a cold sweat.

At the moment, he was still in the escape iron stairwell, feeling that his lucky rich man suddenly felt that the whole iron staircase was shaking.

I don't know if it was because the escape ladder of this building was out of repair for a long time, or because of the explosion of the gas tank, the whole iron staircase began to leave the external wall of the building.

After being deprived of most of their strength, Li Xingyun and Li have no way to deal with this situation. They can only hide before the iron stairs hit themselves.


after the whole iron staircase fell down, it hit the ground and raised dust and iron filings all over the sky.

Chen Xiaoming holds up Li Xingyun, who is inconvenient in legs and feet, and looks at the twisted metal face.

The God of death design is really not simple. Under the serial design, not only the people who are designed will face danger, but also the lives of those who are disorderly involved will be threatened.

Just when Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun thought that the rich man was dead, a weak groan came from the twisted metal.

"It's not dead?"

Chen Xiaoming and Li Xingyun are surprised to find that the rich man is really stuck between the twisted metal stairs. The triangular metal support supports him to withstand the fall of the rest of the metal, protecting most of his body.

But the rich man is not completely injured.

One of the legs of the rich man was stabbed by the iron slide in the original movie.

On the whole, although the rich man's injury is not light, but his life is not seriously affected.

In order to avoid the God of death in what moth, Li Xingyun two people quickly rescued the rich man.

He helped the rich man, who was also lame, away from the burning apartment.

"Thank you, brother. Without you, I would have died here today. From now on, you will be the brother of Elvin Lewis"

the rich man clapped Chen Xiaoming on the shoulder with gratitude. He experienced life and death several times in a few minutes. Even a heartless man like him can't help learning to appreciate others.

"However, have we met somewhere? Why do you look so familiar"

Elvin Lewis finally calmed down a little and looked at Li Xingyun with surprise.

For this really arrogant guy, Li Xingyun, they are quite speechless.

When I came out of the police station in the morning, I still went through that kind of thing. In half a day, Elvin Lewis didn't know them. How stupid he was to be.

After Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun explained for a while, Elvin Lewis suddenly remembered who Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun were.

Having experienced this kind of disaster twice in a day, Elvin Lewis can't help but feel the illusion that Chen Xiaoming and Li Xingyun care for each other.

In the view of these two goods, Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun may have been sent by the goddess of fortune to help him tide over the difficulties.

After expressing his gratitude again and again, Elvin Lewis vowed to take Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming to enjoy the rich life with him.

At this time, the fire truck and ambulance were finally late.

After watching the medical staff help Elvin Lewis into the ambulance, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming also went to another ambulance to bandage the wound.

Although Chen Xiaoming was not seriously injured in the gas explosion, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming both suffered a lot of bruises in order to avoid the fall of the escape ladder.

If not, Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun are afraid that death will make any moths out of these small wounds.

While dressing up the wound, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming suddenly feel a little more relaxed, as if the stone which has been pressing on their hearts has been tilted up.

Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun looked at each other and felt very strange.

"Is it that the death list of the God of death has been changed, and our next death design has been cancelled?" Li Xingyun touched the chin that had not grown a beard and speculated that "it should not be possible. In the movie, the list of the God of death is not absolute. Even if the order is disordered, the death design of the God of death will still find survivors. From the beginning to the end, even if there is no solution to the movie, all the characters targeted by the God of death will all die in fancy style."

Chen Xiaoming is not the same The letter is so simple to solve the mystery of death, so it denies Li Xingyun's inference.

When Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun were talking.

In Evan Lewis's ambulance, Elvin Lewis was bandaged by medical staff, and his character as a jerk once again gained the upper hand.With his arrogant attitude and all kinds of restrictive swearing, Evan Lewis soon became full of hatred for himself.

Fortunately, the medical staff also recognized this guy as the lucky winner of this lottery. They knew that this guy was rich in money and could not provoke him. Although he was very angry, he did not attack.

I just took out a cigarette to avoid this annoying guy, relax somewhere else, and put up with his leisure time when the ambulance is on.

Elvin Lewis saw the paramedics take out their cigarettes and walk away. After thinking about it, he brazenly asked for a cigarette.

The medical staff hesitated, lit the cigarette and handed it to Evan Lewis, but they avoided it in order to prevent the mad dog from biting him.

At the same time, he dropped the empty cigarette case on the ground and went to find the ambulance driver who was taking time to go to the toilet.

After taking two puffs of cigarettes, Evan Lewis was so upset by the pain in his leg that he couldn't help but smash the ambulance.

What Evan Lewis didn't know was that with his crash, an oil pipe on the ambulance site somehow fell off, and the gasoline ran down the road to the side of the road.

After taking his last puff, Elvin Lewis was bored and flicked the end of his cigarette.

The cigarette end jumped twice on the ground and then fell. Beside the empty cigarette case left by the medical staff, the dying cigarette end pointed to the sentence "smoking is harmful to health" on the empty cigarette case.

Then a strange wind blew, and the cigarette end, which was not completely extinguished, rolled to the roadside, where the gasoline leaked from the ambulance also flowed to this side.


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