"A good dagger, if used to commit suicide, should be less painful." William bradworth played with the dagger in his hand and looked at Mo shaocong with a sly smile.

At the moment, Mo shaocong has fallen into the ice cave, and his whole body is filled with a cold breath. However, the sweat on his forehead is dissatisfied. He wants to run and dare not run.

Li Xingyun gave him a sympathetic glance, and was a little bit taken by the abnormal William bradworth.

"You don't have to say much. I already know what you are coming from. If you can avoid the care of death so many times, you are very lucky in recent years"

"it's just that I can't reveal the true identity of death to you. If I say it, even I will suffer. All this depends on your own search for the truth"

"I can tell you The God of death is everywhere. Only the real living can see the God of death "

" that's all. You go. I still have work to do. "William bradworth chuckled and pushed Thomas's body into the crematorium. The burning fire instantly devoured the last trace of the policeman's existence in the world.

How to get out of William bradworth's funeral home, Li Xingyun and others can't remember very clearly.

After William bradworth had finished speaking, their consciousness became blurred, and they could only remember the red in front of them. It was as if it was not Thomas's body that was pushed into the crematorium, but the four of them.

By the time the four of them were fully recovered, they had already driven far away from the funeral home.

"This is route 23?" Li Xingyun stopped to see the familiar road signs, his face slightly changed.

At this time, the afterglow of the sunset just sprinkled on the Road 23. By the afterglow of the sunset, the four Li Xingyun barely saw the scene of the accident before.

Although the accident has been many days, highway 23 has long been open, but many of the traces of fire and potholed roads are still so conspicuous.

In the afterglow of the sunset, the traces of these accidents seem to be indescribable strange. Vaguely, Li Xingyun seems to see a god of death with a sickle standing in the land of light and shadow, gazing silently at the road leading to hell.

"Death is everywhere" after the setting sun, the sky and the earth completely darkened. Li Xingyun's four people sitting on their bicycles, even in the midsummer, still felt the cold air coming, just like the God of death outside the dark window grinning to harvest their lives.

A feeling called fear began to spread through the vehicles.

"Drive quickly, get out of here." Claire, who seems to be strong, is the first to be defeated by fear. His face is ferocious and roars at Li Xingyun.

Kimberly looked out of the car window like a fool and was speechless. After being yelled by Claire, the whole body trembled and screamed.

"What are you looking at? Hurry to drive." Mo shaocong, who had been made uncomfortable by William bradworth, also roared at Li Xingyun.

Facing the screams and roars of several people, Li Xingyun not only didn't drive, but pulled out the car key. The whole person kept murmuring "death is everywhere" as if he were mentally retarded.

Seeing that Li Xingyun is like this, Claire and Mo shaocong, who are occupied by fear, can not help but become more and more distorted and ferocious. A kind of real malice emanates from them, just like the ferocious smile of the God of death.

"What is ubiquitous? Air? incorrect. water content? It's not right, ghost, ha ha? "

"What is it?" Li Xingyun murmured.

Claire watched Li Xingyun not driving, frantically tearing the door handle to escape from the car. Kimberly's cry has brought endless despair.

"What's more, it's hard to see you die for me. Why can you get the favor of that kind of girl? Why can you stay in this safe class with peace of mind? Why are you not tortured by that group of abnormal people?" Mo shaocong roared ferociously, and the fist tiger tiger Sheng Feng smashed Li Xingyun's head with his current strength and Li Xingyun Li Xingyun's body strength is beyond doubt.

When Li Xingyun was about to die under Mo shaocong's fist, the phone rang.

An electric bell awoke the crowd.

The signs of road No.23 appeared in front of them again, and the afterglow of the setting sun was slowly disappearing in front of their eyes again. All this time was back before dark.

"Death is everywhere" Li Xingyun looks at the picture in front of her eyes and her eyes are full of light.

"The God of death is time. Time is everywhere. No, not only time, but also space. Space is everywhere. No, no, no, not only that, it is the aggregation of time and space, history, present and future"

"the God of death is the world." Li Xingyun looks at the place where light and shadow crisscross, where does the God of death with a sickle become Angels with wings on their backsLi Xingyun infers the real body of death through the saying that death is everywhere. At the same time, Mo shaocong answers the phone.

"We've got the document. There's only one sentence in the document:" death is our world. "Mogana's sweet voice came from the phone.

The car suddenly became dead silent.

After half a ring.

"What does that mean?" Kimberly asked. As soon as she spoke, Kimberly was startled by her own voice. Now her voice is as hoarse as a witch, as if the hallucinations of crying had happened before.

"I think the meaning of this is very clear. The God of death is not a monster or a God who harvests human souls in mythology. He is the world on which we live"

"in other words, the God of death should be the universal consciousness of the world, that is, the so-called Gaia consciousness"

"the reason why we have all kinds of forms is that death is the world's Pan consciousness The reason is that the whole world is against us. That is to say, when death strikes, everything around you repels you. At this time, the God of death is those things that you think are unconscious, such as a breeze blowing, such as a stone on the road, such as the wire above our head, such as the car under our buttocks...

in this paper, the author analyzes the reasons why the death happened to us

Li Xingyun's explanation made the faces of the people in the car even paler, and the look of fear on their faces became more dignified. From Kimberly and Claire's eyes, we can even see the sense of world collapse and despair.

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