After throwing out a lot of dollars, the beauty bartender in bikini immediately winked at Chen Xiaoming, and offered him to go backstage to do something not suitable for children.

Li Xingyun touched her nose, but she didn't go into it. She also found something to do.

As for Mo Gana, she is still looking at the dancing girls on the stage.

Li Xingyun is holding a cup of Bloody Mary, while slowly tasting and wandering around, and soon the whole dance hall will be all around again.

"There are 53 dancers, attendants and guards, and the maximum number of people in the backstage is not more than 20. Are these people the target of this talent? They don't look strong." after drinking all the cocktails in her hand, Li Xingyun opened the door of the dance hall with a smile on her face and locked it.

At the moment, the hot dance of a new beauty on the stage pushes the atmosphere to the top, and no one cares about the closing of the dance hall.

"Do you want to start?" Li Xingyun quietly found a better place to watch the play.

At the same time, stealthily took out two pieces of metal rods from the trousers to join together, and soon a silver stick with a length of one meter appeared in his hands.

At this time, the gorgeous beauty on the stage had already danced to an American man in leather, and her enchanting figure was entangled in the leather man like a snake.

At the moment, the man in leather obviously couldn't restrain his animal desire. He held the pair of searchlights in front of him and began to kiss wildly. All kinds of whistling and obscene sounds were heard all the time.

The gorgeous beauty obviously enjoyed the present state, her eyes blurred and groaned loudly.

The big man under the teaser is even more bloodthirsty. As soon as the leather man is excited, his beauty suddenly changes.

In the blink of an eye, the gorgeous face turns into a horror like witch in a horror film. In her sunken eyes, bloodthirsty and greedy rise like a flame, and a beautiful woman becomes a terrible monster.

In the next second, the monster who had already been unable to bear bit on the neck of the man in leather, and the blood sprayed out like rain.

A moment ago, the man in leather was still in the gentle country, and the next second he was in hell. The pain of the big artery being bitten off made him scream.

But before he screamed a few times, he was suddenly broken by the monster's neck, and the blood sprayed from the neck of the hole became more intense.

The monster full of blood raised his bloody face and looked around at those American men who were shocked by the change. He pretended to make a charming tongue licking action and said in a loud voice, "little ones, the dinner party has already started. Would you like to welcome our distinguished guests soon?"

As the monster roared like a witch, the rest of the staff in the dance hall also showed their ugly and horrible real bodies.

After seeing the real bodies of these monsters, Li Xingyun was a little disappointed and turned his lips: "this kind of guy can also be called a vampire. It's good to call him a blood slave"

compared with the vampire in Li Xingyun's dreamland who has been sleeping for thousands of years and still has great power, these guys in front of him are too low to be able to do. Their strength is a little stronger than ordinary people, but they are also strong Limited.

Even ordinary people's ribs are not as fragile as this.

In addition, the wisdom of the blood slaves after transformation has obviously declined dramatically. In the face of the number of human beings who are not even as large as their own, they will rush forward in droves.

In fact, they interfered with each other, and many even ran out of their encirclement in the chaos.

Li Xingyun watched silently for a while, and a female blood slave with gray skin and ugly face rushed at him.

At the moment, the blood slave has already no before for the transformation before the provocative posture, only a pair of disgusting appearance.

Li Xingyun will not be polite to this kind of guy who is looking for death. The sharp long stick suddenly fell into the heart of the female blood slave.

The female blood slave who fell on Li Xingyun looked at the stick in her heart in disbelief. Then she screamed. A flame quickly spread from her heart to her whole body. In the blink of an eye, a hundred and ten heavy monster burned to ashes.

"The weakness of these monsters is the brain and heart. They are also afraid of silver and holy water." Chen Xiaoming's voice spread from the chaotic crowd.

Chen Xiaoming's words made those American men who were at a loss to fight back. Those who could come to such places at night were not good people. It was normal to bring knives and guns. Although they were searched at the door once, many people still hid some weapons.

In this moment, the unilateral massacre becomes "war".

Chen Xiaoming, who has reduced a lot of pressure, laughs and inserts his silver dagger into the eyes of a blood slave.

Another pillar of fire is burning.

Many people with silver necklaces and silver rings immediately responded and hit the blood slaves with silver props in their hands.For a time, the blood slaves with a large number of people were killed and injured.

However, at this time, some people who were bitten or bitten by blood slaves suddenly got up and attacked the people around them bravely. Many people were attacked without checking for a moment.

"Damn it, those who are bitten by these ghost guys will also become monsters." a fierce looking big man helplessly watched his familiar friend get bitten to death and then got up and killed another person. His face turned pale.

However, his panic didn't last long. Li Xingyun ran over the wine table, and his silver metal stick stabbed out like a Western sword, killing several blood slaves in front of him.

With Li Xingyun, the powerful backup, the human position has become more stable.

After a while, he retreated to the gate, but now the gate of the dance hall has been locked. Let alone the dozen people, it is difficult to open this heavy and exaggerated gate even if hundreds of people are unarmed.

"Hiss..." Seeing that there was still room for resistance on the human side, the first female blood slave became angry, opened her mouth and let out a piercing roar. Many glass products burst out one after another.

And most of us scream in our ears.

Li Xingyun, Chen Xiaoming and Mo ganna, who are still standing in the crowd, are very conspicuous at the moment.

The three people looked at each other with a smile, then raised their weapons and killed the powerful blood slave. , the fastest update of the webnovel!