After listening to the self-report of the blood slave named jasmine, Chen Xiaoming smiles irresolubly.

According to Molly, they are just ignorant girls lost in the pursuit of youth and beauty. When they find out that they become vampires, it's too late to kill some lustful guys. It seems that there is a sense of chivalry in them.

Not too early to understand part of the inside story of Chen Xiaoming naturally know what the guy in front of is, just sneer at her.

"It's gone. Do you want me to remind you, for example, where did you get this book and how did this stick fall into your hands?" Chen Xiaoming seemed to be playing with the holy water bottle in his hand. A few drops of holy water were inadvertently spilled out and fell on jasmine's thigh, and a few wisps of black smoke were dispersed.

Jasmine can only gnash her teeth and continue to complete the missing information.

It turned out that the magic books of their ancestors had disappeared with the death of witches hundreds of years ago. The so-called witch ancestors was just a legend in their family, and no one took it seriously.

It wasn't until a priest who called himself the Apocalypse found them that there was a witch in their ancestors.

When the priest found them, he returned the book to them, and finally fell into Molly's hands. She was the only one with witchcraft qualification among contemporary people.

The latter is similar to what she said before, except that she and her cousin are not ignorant girls.

They clearly knew that the staff of immortality would transform them into blood slaves, and they still gave up their human identity.

In addition to the eternal life and the temptation of youth, jasmine is also to quickly become her own witch body.

It turns out that Molly had an accident in order to be eager for success. This accident not only killed her relatives, but also destroyed her appearance.

Therefore, in order to become a witch quickly, Molly asked her cousin to do the trick to transform herself into a blood slave,

however, as long as she became a witch, Molly could successfully get rid of the negative effects of blood slaves, leaving only a long life and the appearance of eternal youth.

Molly is also insane. In order to become a witch, she killed hundreds of people in less than a year.

It even included her family. Her cousin was so sorry that she stayed. Otherwise, she would have gone to hell with her relatives and friends.

After being honest, Molly looked at Chen Xiaoming and said, "the magic book was sent by the priest of the apocalypse, and the staff of eternity was found in an old church, the location of which is .

after Jasmine has fully explained, Chen Xiaoming intends to end her miserable life, but she is stopped by Mo ganna. With a smile, Mo ganna takes jasmine to a bathroom, and then jasmine's miserable cry is heard.

Not long, Morgana with a face of muddled jasmine came out.

"Ha ha, interesting blood." a drop of bright red blood on the finger tip of mogana spins, as if to escape from the control of mogana, but no matter how hard the blood drops try, they can't escape.

And jasmine's blood enslaved body has obviously changed.

First of all, youth is not in, smooth skin slowly up some wrinkles, black hair also turned gray, straight body also bent up, the whole person seems to be from 18 years old in the blink of an eye to 68 years old the same.

"How could that happen? My beauty, my youth, my "Before Molly finished her words, she suddenly felt something falling from her mouth. After spitting it out, she found it was her own tooth.

"Let's go, this guy won't live for long. Without this drop of blood essence from the vampire, her short life will quickly decline. After three days, I'm afraid it will be a handful of loess." moganna did not know where to take out a small bottle and put the blood drop into it, and walked straight out.

Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun ignore the despairing jasmine and go out.

Not long after, a big fire broke out in the ballroom, and the group of American men had already found a way to escape.

"Some of those American men who escaped should have been bitten. Isn't it OK to catch up with them? "Li Xingyun asked casually in his car.

"The God of death is not vegetarian. Without the protection of these two things, I will lose if they can run a thousand meters." after returning with a sneer, she took the legendary magic book and read it.

After a while, Morgana lost her interest. The magic book looks very mysterious. In fact, most of the records are bullshit.

There are not many things that really work. One of them is that it records the usage and hiding place of the eternal battle.

And the rest are some evil methods which are sacrificed by living people. One of the most evil is to sacrifice the life of one's closest relatives to evil gods to obtain extraordinary power.

Molly obviously made this sacrifice, but I don't know why. She obviously failed to please the evil god successfully.Not only did they not gain any powerful power, but they made themselves ugly.

in fact, the evil witches spread in the middle ages were not fake. In order to obtain extraordinary power, many witches often took a sharp sword and acted excessively. If they were not careful, they would harm their relatives and friends, even strangers around them, which made people in the Middle Ages hate them to the bone.

However, the witches in death 2 are obviously not so simple. The evil spirits they communicate with are not demons who just want to tempt several souls to hell, but a group of terror guys who peep into the world.

Li Xingyun and others need to look for these guys.

Three days later, Li Xingyun finally found the abandoned church. After entering the church, Li Xingyun and others felt obvious discomfort on their bodies, as if a pair of eyes were peeping at them in the dark.

This feeling is not so obvious even when death is watching.

"Ha ha, interesting, there are so many strange things in a world that should have suppressed all abnormal things." mogana murmured in a low voice, with a sneer on her lips.

After entering the church, Li Xingyun looked at it and found that it looked no different from ordinary Christian churches, except that it was covered with dust and dilapidated after being abandoned.

Then Chen Xiaoming went to the back of the cross bound with Jesus and found that there was a dark slot behind the cross as Molly said.

After opening the dark slot, the inside is empty, but the size just can put down the eternal battle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!