Li Xingyun pulled a curtain on the road, and a cross-country vehicle, which can be called armed, appeared in front of Li Xingyun.

After entering the SUV, Li Xingyun immediately launched the super cross-country vehicle that he had transformed.

In the roar of the motor, Li Xingyun rushed out of the remote street, toward the road out of the city in the past.

At the same time, a heavy machine gun on the roof began to roar, sweeping down the zombies in front of him.

At the moment, Li Xingyun is very lucky to have Chen Xiaoming's team mate with the style of science and technology.

Although Li Xingyun doesn't have Chen Xiaoming's super science fiction technology to make mecha, as long as Li Xingyun has enough materials to arm a cross-country vehicle and design a simple intelligent weapon system with a car computer, there is no problem.

In terms of the mechanical engineering technology mastered by Li Xingyun, she can become one of the top engineers in this biochemical crisis world.

This is just Li Xingyun. If Chen Xiaoming comes, the SUV will be able to fly in a month.

According to the planned route, Li Xingyun drove an off-road vehicle all the way out of little stone city.

Then a burst of dizziness hit, Li Xingyun quickly switched the manual driving mode to automatic driving mode, and at the same time reduced the speed.

After that, Li Xingyun fell asleep in the SUV.

I don't know how long it took for Li Xingyun to wake up.

Wake up Li Xingyun slightly move, suddenly was hurt to suck a cold air.

After a slight movement, Li Xingyun felt the pain nerves all over her body were activated. The intense pain made Li Xingyun, who had been used to the injury, could not help but feel cold sweat.

"What bullshit magic array, how can it be so unreliable? Isn't it that after sacrificing, you can gain extraordinary power? What is the extraordinary power? At this time, extraordinary pain"

Li Xingyun clenched his teeth and cursed the unfortunate vampire Duke modu who had died.

In fact, Li Xingyun misunderstood the Duke of Mordo this time.

The magic array that Duke modu secretly recorded in his notebook is the biggest treasure of his life.

This was stolen from Cain by Duke Modiu accidentally. It is one of the rare magic arrays in the world, which is called God and demon God.

Its ability is to add the vitality and power of the sacrifice to the caster.

As far as the rarity of magic array is concerned, it is the top group in the world when death comes, even if the headmaster has no record of this magic array.

With this magic array, as long as there are enough sacrifices, even an ordinary person with no cultivation qualification can become a strong one at the planetary level.

Of course, this is the result of countless uses.

However, no matter in that world, sacrificing with living people is always a taboo in taboo. If the average person can sacrifice 100 people, it is insane.

This unconventional force will certainly attract the attention of the will of the world. In the world where the God of death comes, that is, the attention of the God of death.

The blood slave leader Jasmine used the unconventional sacrificial method, and was taken care of by the God of death. This just failed.

Not only killed his family, but also lost his beautiful face.

For the sake of speed, Li Xingyun sacrificed 100000 zombies at one time. Such a large number of sacrifice of living creatures could not be completed in other sound world.

It is only in this biochemical crisis world that the will of the world is weakened to an unimaginable degree by T virus, which is the success of Li Xingyun.

But the sequel is that Li Xingyun has been "sustained" by a lot of vitality.

The power gained by zombies after sacrifice is not as good as that of real human beings. However, the number of zombies is too large. Even at a discount, a hundred thousand zombies are worth thousands of people.

What is the superposition of the strength and vitality of thousands of people?

If Li Xingyun was an ordinary person, I'm afraid that he would be overwhelmed and died by explosion.

Fortunately, Li Xingyun's super regeneration ability and death declaration ability were not deprived, but were weakened. Only by these two powers, the huge power of sacrifice was suppressed.

However, Li Xingyun, who has been "propped up" for a while, can't move any more. Now, all the cells in his whole body are dying and rebirth under the influence of huge vitality and his powers.

Li Xingyun's pain is also from this, the pain nerve remodeling is obviously not a very good experience.

So Li Xingyun has been suffering from this unimaginable pain since she woke up. The pain is so great that she can't move a finger. Even so, Li Xingyun still insists on not letting herself faint again.

"Take a look at what's going on all around," he said, clenching his teeth.

The car intelligent system adapted by Li Xingyun immediately showed the surrounding situation to a display screen on the car, and the six palace screen showed Li Xingyun the scene outside the vehicle."No wonder the vehicle stopped. It was surrounded by zombies." Li Xingyun, an off-road vehicle, was impregnable after being "armed" by him.

Even the front windshield and windows in all directions were heavily armored by Li Xingyun, and even the RPG could not explode in a short time.

Of course, zombies have no choice but to take such vehicles.

Li Xingyun set up the automatic driving system, there is no forced break out option, in order to prevent Li Xingyun himself from being awake, the automatic driving system turned the car over.

Now, after Li Xingyun escaped from Little Rock, the SUV seems to be surrounded by another group of zombies.

"Check the integrity of the vehicle, compare the vehicle map, and see where it is now." Li Xingyun breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that there were many zombies outside, but there was no fatal threat.

After insisting on watching the intelligent system test, Li Xingyun's breath was finally relieved.

Overall, Li Xingyun's situation is not bad. There is no obvious damage to the vehicle, but there is not much gasoline.

Li Xingyun was in a coma. The SUV drove dozens of kilometers according to the scheduled route, and finally was surrounded by the zombies on the road near a small town.

In addition, I don't know what distance I've passed on the road with automatic driving. One of the two fuel tanks of the off-road vehicle has been damaged and the gasoline has leaked out. Fortunately, the other one doesn't have a big problem. Otherwise, Li Xingyun may have to abandon the car.

Knowing that she was temporarily safe, Li Xingyun breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, she was in a coma again.

A little half a month later, Li Xingyun, who was thinner than a zombie, struggled to sit up, and trembled with the medical supplies on the back seat for her intravenous nutrition solution. , the fastest update of the webnovel!