"Shit, this is really teasing me. In this case, the car can still have problems? This is no longer a matter of luck. "

after Li Xingyun launched it again and again, she found that the SUV couldn't be started. She quickly picked up a submachine gun and carried the bag that had been prepared in the co driver's seat and ran out of the SUV.

At this time, some zombies who had just bypassed the SUV had no time to get to the mobile phone. They also noticed the big iron box that would make noise.

After seeing Li Xingyun get out of the SUV, those zombies immediately "get excited" and rush to him one after another.

As expected, Li Xingyun swept with a submachine gun in one hand, and more than a dozen zombies nearby were swept by him, all lying on the ground.

If it was Li Xingyun before, even if the gun technique was good, he could not shoot so many zombies precisely. After all, the recoil force of the gun was beyond his control.

However, after greatly improving her strength, Li Xingyun did it easily.

After shooting the zombie in front of him, Li Xingyun began to run without saying a word.

After running more than ten meters, Li Xingyun looks back and sees the obviously tall mutant zombie roaring at Li Xingyun.

In the roar of mutant zombies, the zombies who were still fighting for the sound source gradually quieted down, and then turned to look at Li Xingyun, who was running away.

Then Li Xingyun's tragedy, a large number of zombies began to pursue and kill him under the command of mutant zombies.

"Ha ha" Li Xingyun looked at the mutant zombie with a sneer and raised his submachine gun in his hand.

But before Li Xingyun shoots, the zombie sneaks into the running zombies and hides himself.

Li Xingyun wants the same effect. After forcing the mutated zombie into the zombie group, Li Xingyun falls down on the ground in a hurry. At the same time, Li Xingyun quietly presses a button in his pocket.

As soon as Li Xingyun fell to the ground, the SUV that had been drowned by the zombies exploded and a raging flame rose into the sky.

Originally, the corpse was shot like chicken blood, which was either blown up to the sky or swept out by the shock wave.

Lying on the ground, Li Xingyun only felt a pile of things whistling overhead, and then the scattered dirty blood fell like a light rain, accompanied by many unknown broken organs and limbs.

"I'll go, and I'll wear more, or I'll be drowned in zombie blood." Li Xingyun takes off the unknown organ like the large intestine on her helmet, and secretly congratulates herself on her wit by looking at the bloody scene around the slaughterhouse.

In all kinds of adventures, Li Xingyun has already developed the character of taking precautions.

Although staying in a safe off-road vehicle, Li Xingyun armed herself to the limit before leaving. At the same time, she packed her emergency backpack on the co driver's seat to prevent accidents.

Li Xingyun has already designed a trap to detonate the off-road vehicle bomb. When refitting the SUV, Li Xingyun hid a C4 bomb near the fuel tank, so that it can be used at a critical time.

Obviously, Li Xingyun didn't do anything in vain. After the off-road vehicle's unexplained flameout, Li Xingyun's series of preparations played a key role in his survival.

After the explosion of the vast majority of zombies, Li Xingyun was temporarily out of the dangerous situation. In order to avoid being surrounded by other zombies who heard the news, Li Xingyun also left the "crime scene" in a hurry.

Not long after Li Xingyun left, a zombie, missing an arm and half a face, rose from the scene of the crime, which was full of corpses. His dark one eye looked bitterly at the direction of Li Xingyun's departure.

When the mutant zombie that became a disabled corpse grew up, his leaky mouth roared at his back.

In the sound of a funny roar, some zombies stood up in twos and threes among the fallen zombies.

Then a group of zombies that seemed to be a lot rarer appeared. If Li Xingyun saw this situation, he would be very surprised that his powerful "suicide car" only killed less than half of the zombies.

If they were real people, they would die even if the number of people doubled in the fierce explosion just now.

However, these zombies with extraordinary vitality survived for more than half of their lives. Only the group of zombies very close to the SUV died completely.

However, there are many surviving zombies, but most of them are short of arms and legs, which seriously affects their mobility. Under the command of the mutant zombies, they are also trembling, just like the elderly people who are over 80 years old who are unable to move. They are all worrying.

After seeing the zombies being blasted to pieces like this, the mutant zombies did not choose to go after Li Xingyun even though they were unwilling to do so.

There are some intelligent mutant zombies, and they also know that Li Xingyun is not easy to offend. If there are not enough younger brothers, he will be shot into a hornet's nest by guns before he can eat Li Xingyun's brain.It seems that after thinking about it for a while, the mutant zombie takes the group of disabled little brothers and goes to the nearest town. He intends to reorganize the army and continue to pursue and kill Li Xingyun, the guy who suffered a great loss.

So Li Xingyun will be surprised to see this picture.

In the movie, Dr. William has also developed the G virus and the G virus mutation zombies, but the zombies in the laboratory are not as smart as the one who has.

It can be said that in addition to Dr. William, who became a tyrant, the remaining G virus mutation zombies are all defective products, and the one Li Xingyun met obviously can not be described as defective products, even if it is not finished products, it can be regarded as half finished products.

In particular, the ability of this mutant zombie to direct other zombies is absolutely extraordinary.

If Dr. William saw this zombie, it would be the result of his dream.

Li Xingyun sighed a few melancholy with his travel bag on his back. It was only then that he realized that the "accident" was caused by Ji Xiaoxi's bad luck. Otherwise, the SUV would not die, and it would not have died at the critical moment.

Knowing that her fate is still at work, Li Xingyun becomes more cautious.

Even if the strength is far better than before, we still plan every step carefully.

"Basically, there is no more material left to say, and there is no vehicle for walking. It seems that we need to find a place to supplement it." Li Xingyun took out a map from her travel bag and touched her chin to study it.

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