But the mutant Zombie's luck was obviously a bit of a backseat, because he was targeted by a more cunning and more powerful human than he was.

"At this speed, we can enter the trap circle in 30 minutes. After isolating the zombie group, we will have about five minutes to catch the mutant zombie." standing at the commanding height, Li Xingyun calculates the moving speed of the zombies in silence.

Finally, when the zombies came to the designated position, Li Xingyun immediately activated the mechanism and pulled a rope to swing down.

When Li Xingyun was still wandering in the air, a series of explosions sounded, and a small building on the road collapsed towards the zombies.

If these zombies are still normal people with brains, they will naturally choose to quickly avoid such emergencies. However, the zombies, whose thinking has been completely rigid, walked forward in front of the collapsed building.

In the smoke and dust, the mutant zombie is the first to react to his trap.

"Roar Roar "The shrill roar came from the mouth of the mutant zombies. The zombies suddenly regained some vitality and began to run towards the mutant zombies. However, the collapsed debris blocked their way.

"Hey, man, see you again?" In the smoke and dust, Li Xingyun's figure appears quietly behind the mutant zombie.

After hearing Li Xingyun's voice, the mutant zombie turned back in horror, and reflected the cold light that he liked.

Then, without any pain, the zombie felt relieved. When he looked down, he found that his arms were all shoulder length.

The new hatred and old hatred add up, let this mutant zombie immediately red eyes, roar toward Li Xingyun rushed.

Li Xingyun, who had been prepared for a long time, gently shakes, and a chain is very flexible and incomparably binding a solid mutated zombie.

Then Li Xingyun blocked the broken mouth of the mutant zombie with a wooden plug and carried him to disappear in the smoke and dust.

When the zombies climbed over the obstacles and came to the place where the mutant zombies roared, they were bewildered to find that their leader was not there, and the voice that kept ringing in their heads to direct them gradually disappeared.

After that, the zombies of "strong troops" returned to the pure natural state of stocking again.

"Hehe, it seems that I have been recognized. Before the recruitment, I did not want to seek revenge on me, did it?" Li Xingyun sneers at the mutated zombie bound into zongzi.

Although the mutant zombie at the moment has a very high level of wisdom, it is obvious that they have not learned how to bear humiliation. They stare at Li Xingyun, showing an undisguised anger and bloodthirsty look.

"It seems to be true." Li Xingyun laughs at her charm, ignoring the mutant zombie and starting to do her own thing.

He's got the car and all the supplies, but it's obviously a lot of preparation to take this big guy to Las Vegas.

First of all, refitting the car is enough for Li Xingyun to be busy for a while.

Fortunately, the mutated zombie combed both the East and the west of the city. Most of the strong zombies were "Zhao'an" by him. The rest were mostly old, weak, sick and disabled, which gave Li Xingyun great convenience.

Let Li Xingyun be able to collect all kinds of materials in need.

Finally, Li Xingyun installed the temporary residence in a garage. While transforming the car with the tools inside, he also further built some equipment for himself.

In this small town, Li Xingyun stayed for more than half a month. After everything was ready, Li Xingyun embarked on the journey again.

Li Xingyun's former small town and little stone city are also located in Central Arkansas, more than 2300 kilometers away from Las Vegas.

It takes at least 20 hours to drive.

This is still the case when the road is clear.

In today's world of doomsday, it must take more time than in peacetime.

With all kinds of detours and accidents, it is estimated that Li Xingyun will arrive in Las Vegas a week later.

Along the way, Li Xingyun is trying to recall the time line of the movie plot, but his memory has been reduced so much that many details are hard to remember.

After giving up the memory, Li Xingyun took time to study the mutant zombie.

In the absence of research equipment, Li Xingyun has not been able to do much research.

After many attempts, I finally got some understanding of the mutant zombie.

First of all, this mutant zombie, as a new type of zombie infected by G virus, crushed the general zombie at the level of IQ.

Even if human beings are allowed to evolve, it is just a matter of time.

Secondly, the G-virus mutant zombies, like ordinary zombies, belong to living creatures, but they are not simply creatures.This is completely different from the zombies that Li Xingyun has met before who were infected by the ghost virus.

But it's not a dead creature created by magic or supernatural power.

Prior to this, Li Xingyun's one-year study had already made a general inference about the zombies in the biochemical crisis.

These zombies should be a failed branch of the human evolutionary path. The way of evolution is to imitate the "true zombies" of the ghost tribe.

So these "fake zombies" look very similar to "real zombies," but if we really study them at the cellular level, we will find that these two zombies are completely different species.

Those real zombies invaded by the ghost virus have no relationship with human beings. They are just a group of "aliens" with human bodies.

When he realized this, Li Xingyun began to wonder whether the biochemical crisis world would be a large-scale research institute with the purpose of studying this new type of virus that promotes human evolution.

The appearance of this mutant zombie also confirmed Li Xingyun's conjecture.

If the ordinary zombie is compared to a primitive monkey, the mutant zombie in front of him should be an ape or something.

When mutant zombies swarm into higher intelligence, a new human will be born in this world.

At that time, this group of new humans, whose strength, speed, wisdom and survival ability are far beyond the old ones, will soon rule the planet.

After thousands of years, when the technology of new humans is enough to step out of the surface of the planet, these new humans will be able to adapt to the harsh environment of outer space faster.

Although this is only Li Xingyun's imagination, history in the main universe has really proved that this kind of thing happened.

According to Chen Xiaoming's discussion on the history of human development in the main universe, the existing human beings in the main universe are no longer primitive human beings.

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