The battle took less than half an hour from the beginning to the end.

Li Xingyun and other major generals have not even played, the South American branch of the people were beaten down.

The combination of a humanoid tank like tyrant and a dexterous Alice clone has become a nightmare for umbrella companies.

So far, none of the combat teams facing them has been able to last more than three minutes.

"The tyrant body is really powerful, and the lethality of Alice clone is extraordinary, but no one thought that the combination of the two would be so powerful," Li Xingyun sighed as she stepped on the blood all over the ground.

The tyrant's super defense and super healing ability are the best candidates to serve as a meat shield. With Alice clone with the power of mind to make up for the lack of attack power, an army that is so powerful that everyone can move appears.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, such a strong army, even Alfa Wisker, I'm afraid there is no way." Dr. William looked at the results of the battlefield, and his mouth was full of laughter. This was the picture he had been dreaming of.

But Alice and the clones and tyrants, hearing Dr. William's laughter, looked at him with murderous eyes. Not everyone was willing to be transformed into a monster. If there was not a more powerful threat, the first thing they would have to deal with was Dr. William, the animal doctor.

Dr. William's laughter suddenly stopped.

Not to mention the ecstatic Dr. William, after the South American division, Li Xingyun and they began to be busy again.

Morgana began to tame the captives with special methods, and Chen Xiaoming and Li Xingyun began to search for places where bombs might be planted.

After several hours of busy work, Li Xingyun finally took control of the whole South American branch.

"This is the first step against the umbrella company, but it will never be the last step. Next, we will face the most powerful headquarters of umbrella company in Tokyo, and some of us may be injured or even died"

"but we will never retreat"

"the blood debts of umbrella companies over the years can only be paid with their blood"

at this moment Alice stood in the middle of the hall, yelling at her clone and all the people who were fighting.

Alice's words also resonate with most people. What umbrella company has done over the years can't be described as crazy.

In peacetime, parachute companies are still restrained, and various taboo human experiments are still being done secretly.

After the full outbreak of T virus, umbrella company began to be really crazy.

It's normal to catch survivors to do experiments at will. When the experimental bodies are not enough, umbrella companies even use their own employees as experimental subjects.

After taking Alice to fight against the umbrella company, even the employees of the original umbrella company also followed suit.

Of course, those umbrella company employees controlled by mogana can never do it if they want to ...

three months later, umbrella company Tokyo headquarters.

"Three posts please call back, three posts please reply"

after calling several times in a row, but no one responded, he turned to his officer and said, "we lost contact with them"

at this time, alpha wesk also came in.

The communications director bowed respectfully to Alfa Wisker and said, "President Wesker"

Alfa Wisker looked at the main channel of communication coldly: "report situation"

Communication Director: "yes, sir"

"half an hour ago, we lost contact with the perimeter guard"

Alfa Weske: "how much have we lost"

communication "All"

"did the supervisor inform me after 30 minutes? "When alpha wesk heard the communications director's words, a trace of pent up anger appeared on his cold face.

"We thought it was a communication failure, and we didn't want to disturb you because of this"

Alfa Wisker also knew that it was not helpful to reprimand the communication supervisor. So he turned to his correspondent and said, "get me the ground guard"

correspondent: "yes"

under a series of operations of the correspondent, alpha wesk and others A Japanese uncle's face appeared on the screen in front of him.

Alfa Wisker: "I'm president alpha Wisker, now report the situation"

Japanese uncle: "everything is normal, sir"

Alfa Wisker frowned slightly and said, "no sign of invasion?"

Before alpha wesk's voice dropped, the Japanese uncle immediately began to spit blood, and then the communication began to stop and the shrill alarm began to sound.

Alfa Weske: "ground guard, identify targets, activate level one alert, block all entrances"

after a pause, alpha wesk then said, "open the No.3 and No.5 laboratory passageways, and lead the experimental body to the entrance."After the order was given by Alfa Wisker, the communication director asked in disbelief: "Sir, where are our people? The experiment has not been completed completely, and we can't identify the enemy or ourselves yet"

without looking at the communication director who questioned his order, Alfa Wisker took out a pistol and blew the head of the communication director.

Then Alfa Weske, in the startled eyes of the rest of the correspondents, said in a domineering way: "who else has any questions?"

This time, everyone was silent.

After that, a series of invasion warnings appeared in front of these people.

"Elevator No.2, zone 1-5, and zone 7 and Zone 8 are all invaded"

"there is an exchange of fire between zone 10 and zone 11"

While Alfa Wisker was listening to the news from the console, Alice's clones and a large number of tyrants had successfully invaded the defense areas of the umbrella company's Tokyo headquarters.

Fierce fighting broke out almost in the blink of an eye.

A large number of umbrella company defense teams rushed to the battlefield with anti riot shields and all kinds of guns. This time, the prepared umbrella company defense teams not only took rifles and other guns, but also heavy machine guns such as Gatling.

In the original biochemical crisis 3, the almost invincible tyrant appeared vulnerable to Gatling, and several of them died in a few minutes.

At this time, the more flexible Alice clones played a crucial role.

These highly trained clones have become more powerful than in movies, and are more proficient in their own thoughts.

In many corners, a gun with black paint was suspended. In the direction of the clone's attack, they fired wildly at the defense team of the umbrella company. , the fastest update of the webnovel!